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3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ CARDIAC                                    3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ FULL BODY                                3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ PREOPERATIVE
WARMING BLANKET                                                     WARMING BLANKET                                                   & OUTPATIENT WARMING BLANKETS

This sterile blanket is perfect for warming the lower body during   This forced-air warming blanket provides coverage to the          This clinically flexible forced-air warming blanket provides
cardiothoracic and vascular procedures. Warms the lower body        entire patient. Facilitates maximum thermal transfer with a       patients with the benefits of prewarming as it works to
to reduce core-to-peripheral heat loss. Positions easily in the     blanket that hugs the patient. Foot drape minimizes risk of       decrease redistribution temperature drop and enhance
sterile field. Clear groin/femoral access window allows access to   thermal injury to the feet and lower leg areas. Integrated        patient comfort and warmth. Blanket also can follow patient
the femoral artery. Soft, radiolucent materials will not interfere  tuck flaps at shoulders help maintain blanket position. Soft,     into recovery for additional thermal comfort when inflated.
with imaging requirements. Foot drape minimizes risk of thermal     comfortable, lightweight, latex-free material.                    Flexible, easy-to-use design conforms to the patient in seated,
injury to the feet and lower leg area. 36” sterile hose allows the                                                                    semi-reclined, supine or lateral positions. Uniform perforation
placement of the warming unit away from sterile field.              30000  Model 300 Full Body Warming Blanket,                       pattern across the blanket surface ensures even convective
                                                                           84” x 36”, 10/cs                                           warming. Ample draping tucks around the shoulders, torso
63000  Model 630 Warming Blanket, 60” x 36”, Sterile, 5/cs                                                                            and legs for easy positioning. Soft, radiolucent, comfortable,
                                                                                                                                      lightweight, latex-free material. Foot drape minimizes risk of
                                                                    3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ LITHOTOMY                                thermal injury to the feet and lower leg areas. Bair Hugger
                                                                    WARMING BLANKET                                                   booties cover the patientís feet.

3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ CATH LAB                                   This advanced blanket delivers full, unrestricted patient access  11000  Model 110 Outpatient Warming Blanket with
WARMING BLANKET                                                     and flexibility for procedures involving the lower extremities    11101  Booties, 84” x 36”, 10/cs
                                                                    and abdominal, peritoneal and pelvic cavities. Unique fluid              Model 111 Outpatient Warming Blanket,
This forced-air warming blanket was designed for use in the         outlets minimize pooling of fluids on the surface of the                 84” x 36”, 10/cs
cath lab and interventional suites. Radiolucent materials will      blanket. Pass-through slits allow flexible patient positioning
not interfere with imaging requirements. Tie strips keep the        and the use of a drawsheet. Generous peritoneal cut-out at        3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ SPINAL
blanket positioned securely around patient. Foot pad protects       the base of the blanket provides the clinician unobstructed       UNDERBODY WARMING BLANKET
the feet from thermal injury. Soft, comfortable, lightweight,       access to the patient. Integrated tie strips can be used
latex-free material.                                                to secure the blanket to the stirrups/leg supports. Soft,         This advanced forced-air warming blanket works with
                                                                    radiolucent materials accommodate imaging requirements.           the open frame of the spinal surgery cradle and does not
56000  Model 560 Cath Lab Warming Blanket, 9” x 132”,               Adhesive strips and tuck flaps secure the blanket to the OR/      interfere with the adjustment of support pads. Perforations
       10/cs                                                        procedure table. One clear plastic drape (included) helps         on the side of the blanket allow the table frame to pass
                                                                    retain warm air around the head of the patient.                   through the blanket. Removable section allows visualization
                                                                                                                                      of the patient’s face throughout the procedure. Integrated tie
3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ DUAL TORSO                                 58501  Model 585 Lithotomy Warming Blanket,                       strips secure the blanket to the table frame. Blanket design
WARMING BLANKET                                                            74” x 36” with Drape, 24” x 24”, 10/cs                     allows it to draw up near the patient when inflated. Soft,
                                                                                                                                      radiolucent materials accommodate imaging requirements.
This forced-air warming blanket is specifically designed for        3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ LOWER BODY                               One large clear plastic drape (included) helps retain warmth
use during lower body surgical procedures. Two convenient,          WARMING BLANKETS                                                  air around the patient’s head. Compatible with the foot
resealable hose ports. Effectively used for patients in the                                                                           boards, leg sling, Wilson frame or head support modalities.
supine, lateral, and other positions. Pre-attached clear            A compact version of the adult-size lower body blanket that is
head drape retains warm air around the intubated patient’s          ideal for warming large children or small adult patients during   57501  Model 575 Spinal Underbody Warming Blanket,
head and allows observation by the clinician. Integrated            upper body surgery. Can also be used as a full body blanket              74” x 36” with Drape, 24” x 48”, 5/cs
tuck flaps at shoulders help maintain blanket position. Soft,       on smaller patients. Foot drape minimizes risk of thermal
comfortable, lightweight, latex-free material.                      injury to the feet and lower leg area. Soft, comfortable,
                                                                    lightweight, latex-free material.
54200  Model 542 Dual Torso Warming Blanket,
       42” x 36” with Drape, 24” x 16”, 10/cs
                                                                                                                                      3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ TORSO
3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ FULL ACCESS                                52500  Model 525 Lower Body Warming Blanket,                      WARMING BLANKET                                                  SURGERY/MINOR
WARMING BLANKETS                                                    53700  60” x 36”, 10/cs                                                                                                               PROCEDURE
                                                                           Model 537 Lower Body Warming Blanket, Small,               This forced-air warming blanket is specifically designed
This versatile, advanced blanket design provides unrestricted              35” x 24”, 10/cs                                           for use during lower body surgical procedures. Effectively
patient access and can be used whenever full access is                                                                                used for patients in supine, lateral and other positions.
necessary. Unique fluid outlets minimize pooling of fluids on       3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ PEDIATRIC                                Pre-attached clear head drape retains warm air around the
the surface of the blanket. Pass-through slits allow flexible       WARMING BLANKETS                                                  intubated patient’s head and allows observation by the
patient positioning (supine, lateral or prone) and the use of a                                                                       clinician. Integrated tuck flaps at shoulders help maintain
drawsheet. Soft, radiolucent materials accommodate imaging          The pediatric full body blanket warms smaller patients during     blanket position. Soft, comfortable, lightweight, latex-free
requirements. Perforated area at head of blanket can be             recovery. Facilitates maximum thermal transfer with a blanket     material. Also available in a dual hose port design.
removed to accommodate a full prone position. Adhesive strips       that hugs the patient. Foot drape minimizes risk of thermal
and tuck flaps secure the blanket to the OR/procedure table.        injury to the feet and lower leg area. Integrated tuck flaps at   54000  Model 540 Torso Warming Blanket, 42” x 36”
Two resealable hose ports at either end of the blanket provide      shoulders help maintain blanket position. Soft, comfortable,             with Drape, 24” x 24”, 10/cs
options for hose placement. One clear plastic drape (included)      lightweight, latex-free material.
helps retain warm air around the head of the patient.                                                                                 3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ UPPER BODY
                                                                                                                                      WARMING BLANKETS
63500  Model 635 Full Access Warming Underbody                      31000  Model 310 Pediatric Warming Blanket, Full Body,
63700  Blanket, 84” x 36”, Non-Sterile, 5/cs                        53000  60” x 36”, 10/cs                                           This forced-air warming blanket is designed for use during
       Model 635 Full Access Warming Underbody                      55000  Model 530 Pediatric Warming Blanket, Long,                 surgical procedures on the lower half of the body. Can be
       Blanket, 84” x 36”, Sterile, 5/cs                            55501  74” x 8 1/2” with (2) Drapes, 24” x 18”, 10/cs             used in supine, prone, lithotomy and other patient positions.
                                                                           Model 550 Pediatric Warming Blanket, Large,                Two resealable hose ports provide flexibility in positioning
3M™ ARIZANT BAIR HUGGER™ FULL BODY                                         60” x 32” with Drape, 24” x 24”, 10/cs                     the warming unit. Attached clear head drape and two neck
SURGICAL WARMING BLANKET                                                   Model 555 Pediatric Underbody Warming                      vents keep warm air around an intubated patient’s head
                                                                           Blanket, Large, 36” x 33” with Drape, 24” x 24”,           and allow observation by the clinician. Integrated tie strips
This soft, lightweight blanket tapes across the patient’s chest,           10/cs                                                      and continuous adhesive strip secure the blanket once
away from surgical sites involving the head or neck. Foot                                                                             placed. Center marks to assist with blanket positioning. Soft,
drape minimizes risk of thermal injury to the feet and lower                                                                          comfortable, lightweight, latex-free material.
leg area. Six convenient access panels allow for quick access
to the patient’s chest, arms and lower body. Generous size                                                                            52200  Model 522 Upper Body Warming Blanket,
maximizes heat transfer. Integrated adhesive strip secures                                                                            52301  74” x 24” with Drape, 24” x 24”, 10/cs
the blanket to the patient. Integrated tuck flaps at shoulders                                                                               Model 523 Upper Body Warming Blanket,
help maintain blanket position. Soft, comfortable, lightweight,                                                                              X-Large, 84” x 36” with Drape, 24” x 24”, 10/cs
latex-free material.

61000  Model 610 Warming Blanket, 72” x 36”, 10/cs

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