Page 416 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 416

69297   69298                                                    B BRAUN NERVE BLOCK                                             B BRAUN PERIFIX®
                  MEDICAL ACTION LACERATION TRAY                                   SUPPORT TRAY I                                                  CONTINUOUS
                                                                                                                                                   EPIDURAL TRAYS
                  69297   Laceration Tray Includes: (1) Overwrap, (1)              Contents: Clear fenestrated drape, (4)
                  69298   Fenestrated Drape, (2) Blotting Towels (Blue), (10)      4” x 4” gauze sponges, (3) prep sponges,                        Contents: Fenestrated drape,
                  69477B  4”x4” Gauze, (5) 2”x2” Gauze, (1) Needle Holder,         (2) paper towels, skin maker, 1cc plastic                       (4) 4” x 4” gauze sponges,
                          Webster 5”, (1) Forceps, Adson 1x2 Teeth 4 3/4”,         syringe, 3 cc plastic syringe, 5cc plastic                      paper towel, (3) prep
                          (1) Hemostat, Mosquito, Curved 5”, (1) Scissors          syringe, 20cc control stroke syringe, 27G                       sponges, 4” filter straw, 3 mL
                          (Iris), (2) Med Cup 60cc, 20tr/cs                        x 1 1/4” needle, 25G x 1 1/2 needle, 18G x 1 1/2” needle &      plastic measuring syringe with
                          Laceration Tray Includes: 1 Ea Overwrap, Fen.            drug identification label set.                                  18G x 1 1/2” needle attached,
                          Drape, Needle Holder, Webster 5”, Forceps, Adson         332100 Nerve Block Support Tray, 10/cs                          20 mL plastic syringe, 25G x
                          1x2 Teeth, 4 3/4”, Hemostat, Mosq, Curved 5”,                                                                            5/8” skin wheal needle, 1 oz packet povidone-iodine solution,
                          Scissors (Iris), Needle 18Gx1 1/2”, Needle 27Gx1         B BRAUN PAIN CONTROL                                            catheter pad, 22G x 1 1/2” needle, 3 1/2” epidural needle,
                          1/4”, Needle 22Gx1 1/2”, Needle 25Gx5/8”, 2              PROCEDURE SUPPORT                                               polyamide radiopaque epidural catheter, threading assist
                          Blting Towel, 10 4”x4” Gauze, 5 2”x2” Gauze,             TRAYS                                                           guide, catheter connector, 50 mL medicine well.
                          2 Med Cup 60cc, 20try/cs
                          Laceration Tray Kit, 20/cs                               Basic pain control support tray                                 332075  Continuous Epidural Tray, 17G x 3 1/2” Winged
                                                                                   includes: (3) prep sponges (razor);                                     Safety Tuohy Needle & 19G Springwood Closed
                                                                                   (1) packet povidone-iodine; (4) 3x3 gauze sponges; (1) paper            Tip Catheter (Rx), 10/cs
                                                                                   towel; (2) 3mL luer lock plastic syringes; (1) 5mL luer lock
                                                                                   plastic syringe; (1) 10mL luer lock plastic syringe; (1) 20mL   332077  Continuous Epidural Tray, 17G x 3 1/2” Winged
                                                                                   luer lock plastic syringe; (2) 18G x 1 1/2” needles; (1) 25G            Tuohy Needle & 19G Springwood Closed Tip
                                                                                   x 1 1/2” needle; (1) 27G x 1 1/4” needle; (1) clear plastic             Catheter (Rx), 10/cs
                                                                                   fenestrated drape; (1) needle block foam & holder; (1) syringe
                                                                                   label set; (1) basic tray flex web packaging.                   332078  Continuous Epidural Tray, 17G x 3 1/2” Winged
                                                                                                                                                           Tuohy Needle & 19G Springwood Closed Tip
                                                                                                                                                           Catheter (Rx), 10/cs

                                                                                                                                                   332079  Continuous Epidural Tray, 17G x 3 1/2” Winged
                                                                                                                                                           Tuohy Needle & 19G Springwood Closed Tip
                                                                                   332112  Basic Pain Control Procedure Support Tray (Rx), 10/cs           Catheter (Rx), 10/cs
                                                                                   332114  Basic Pain Control Procedure Support Tray, 5mL
                                                                                   332115  Lidocaine 1% & 10mL NaCi 0.9% (Rx), 10/cs               332080  Continuous Epidural Tray, 17G x 3 1/2” Winged
                                                                                           Basic Pain Control Procedure Support Tray, 5mL                  Tuohy Needle & 19G Springwood Open Tip
                                                                                   332116  Lidocaine 1%, 10mL NaCi 0.9% & Small Bore                       Catheter (Rx), 10/cs
                                                                                           Extension Set with SPIN-LOCK® 12” (Rx), 10/cs
                                                                                           Basic Pain Control Procedure Support Tray, Small        332081  Continuous Epidural Tray, 18G x 3 1/2” Tuohy
                                                                                           Bore Extension Set, SPIN-LOCK® 12” (Rx), 10/cs                  Needle, 20G Soft Tip Catheter with Closed Tip &
                  B BRAUN COMBINED SPINAL/EPIDURAL TRAYS                                                                                                   Drugs (Rx), 10/cs

                  333165  ESPOCAN 17G x 3 1/2” Tuohy Winged Needle,                                                                                332082  Continuous Epidural Tray, 17G x 3 1/2” Tuohy
                  333182  PENCAN 25G x 5” Needle, Centering Sleeve, 25G x 1                                                                                Needle, 20G Soft Tip Catheter with Closed Tip, 5cc
                  333192  1/2” Skin Wheal/ Infiltration Needle, 5mL Glass LOR      B BRAUN PENCAN® SPINAL TRAYS                                            Luer Slip Glass LOR Syringe & Drugs (Rx), 10/cs
                  333194  Luer Lock Syringe, Metal Tip, 1mL & 5mL Plastic Luer
                  333196  Slip Syringe, 20G Closed Tip Catheter, Lidocaine HCI     Contents: fenestrated drape, (4) 4” x                           332084  Continuous Epidural Tray, 18G x 3 1/2” Hustead
                  333197  1% 5mL (skin wheal), Lidocaine HCI 1.5% with EPI 5mL     4” gauze sponges, (3) prep sponges,                                     Needle, 20G Soft Tip Catheter with Closed Tip &
                          (test dose), Sodium Chloride 0.5% 10mL (Rx), 10/cs       paper towel, 5 mL plastic procedural                                    Drugs (Rx), 10/cs
                          ESPOCAN 18G x 3 1/2” Tuohy Winged Needle,                syringe, 3 mL plastic measuring syringe
                          SPINOCAN 27G x 5” Needle, Centering Sleeve, 25G          with 18G x 1 1/2” needle attached, 1 oz                         332086  Continuous Epidural Tray, 17G x 3 1/2” Winged
                          x 5/8” Skin Wheal Needle, 22G x 1 1/2” Infiltration      packet povidone-iodine solution, spinal                                 Tuohy Needle & 19G Springwood Open Tip
   SURGERY/MINOR          Needle, 5mL Glass LOR Luer Lock Syringe, Metal           introducer needle, 25G x 1 1/2” needle, appropriate spinal              Catheter (Rx), 10/cs
PROCEDURE                 Tip, 1mL & 5mL Plastic Luer Slip Syringe, 20G Closed     drugs, 20G x 1.25” TN introducer needle, 1.75” filter straw,
                          Tip Catheter, Lidocaine HCI 1% 5mL (skin wheal),         needle block foam holder, drug ID label set, Epinephrine        332087  Continuous Epidural Tray, 17G x 3 1/2” Winged
                          Lidocaine HCI 1.5% with EPI 5mL (test dose), Sodium      0.1%, 5mL Lidocaine HCI 1%..                                            Tuohy Needle & 19G Springwood Open Tip
                          Chloride 0.5% 10mL (Rx), 10/cs                                                                                                   Catheter (Rx), 10/cs
                          ESPOCAN 18G x 3 1/2” Tuohy Winged Needle,
                          PENCAN 27G x 5” Needle, Centering Sleeve, 25G x 1        333851  25G x 3 1/2” PENCAN Pencil Point Spinal Needle          332097  Continuous Epidural Tray, 17G x 3 1/2” Winged
                          1/2” Skin Wheal/ Infiltration Needle, 5mL Glass LOR              & Bupivacaine 0.75%, Dextrose 8.25% (Rx), 10/cs                 Tuohy Needle & 19G Springwood Closed Tip
                          Luer Lock Syringe, Metal Tip, 1mL & 5mL Plastic Luer                                                                             Catheter (Rx), 10/cs
                          Slip Syringe, 20G Closed Tip Catheter, Lidocaine HCI
                          1% 5mL (skin wheal), Lidocaine HCI 1.5% with EPI 5mL                                                                     332098  Continuous Epidural Tray, 17G x 3 1/2” Winged
                          (test dose), Sodium Chloride 0.5% 10mL (Rx), 10/cs                                                                               Tuohy Needle & 19G Springwood Open Tip
                          ESPOCAN 18G x 3 1/2” Tuohy Winged Needle,                                                                                        Catheter (Rx), 10/cs
                          PENCAN 27G x 5 1/2” Needle, Centering Sleeve, 25G x
                          1 1/2” Skin Wheal/ Infiltration Needle, 5mL Glass LOR    B BRAUN PERIFIX®                                                332206  Continuous Full Epidural Tray, 18G x 3 1/2”
                          Luer Lock Syringe, Metal Tip, 1mL & 5mL Plastic Luer     CONTINUOUS EPIDURAL SETS                                                Hustead Needle, 20G Closed Tip Catheter, Clear
                          Slip Syringe, 20G Soft Closed Tip Catheter, Lidocaine                                                                            Plastic Fenestrated Drape & Drugs (Rx), 10/cs
                          HCI 1% 5mL (skin wheal), Lidocaine HCI 1.5% with
                          EPI 5mL (test dose), Sodium Chloride 0.5% 10mL (Rx),     332200  Tuohy Needle, 18G x 3 1/2”, 20G Closed Tip Catheter     332209  Continuous Epidural Tray, 18G x 3 1/2” Tuohy-
                          10/cs                                                    332201  & Catheter Connector, 12/cs                                     Schliff Epidural Needle, 20G Closed Tip Catheter
                          ESPOCAN 17G x 3 1/2” Tuohy Winged Needle,                332202  Tuohy Needle, 18G x 3 1/2”, 20G Open Tip Catheter,              & 5cc Luer Slip Glass LOR Syringe (Rx), 10/cs
                          PENCAN 25G x 5” Needle, Centering Sleeve, 27G x 1        332204  Connector & intermittent injection cap, 12/cs
                          1/4” Skin Wheal/ Infiltration Needle, 25G x 1 1/2” Skin  332210  Tuohy Needle, 17G x 3 1/2”, 20G Closed Tip Catheter     332211  Continuous Full Epidural Tray, 18G x 3 1/2” Tuohy
                          Wheal/ Infiltration Needle, 22G x 1 1/2” Infiltration    332234  & Catheter Connector, 12/cs                                     Needle, 20G Closed Tip Catheter, Clear Plastic
                          Needle, 5mL Glass LOR Luer Slip Syringe, Metal Tip,              Tuohy Needle, 17G x 3 1/2”, 19G Open Tip Catheter               Fenestrated Drape & Drugs (Rx), 10/cs
                          1mL & 5mL Plastic Luer Slip Syringe, 19G Springwound     332238  & Catheter Connector, 12/cs
                          Closed Tip Catheter, Lidocaine HCI 1% 5mL (skin                  Hustead Needle, 18G x 3 1/2”, 20G Closed Tip            332212  Continuous Full Epidural Tray, 17G x 3 1/2” Tuohy
                          wheal), Lidocaine HCI 1.5% with EPI 5mL (test dose),     332291  Catheter & Catheter Connector, 12/cs                            Needle, 18G Closed Tip Catheter, Clear Plastic
                          Sodium Chloride 0.5% 10mL (Rx), 10/cs                            Winged Tuohy Needle, 17G x 3 1/2”, 19G                          Fenestrated Drape & Drugs (Rx), 10/cs
                          PERIFIX 17G x 3 1/2” Tuohy Winged Needle, PENCAN         332293  Springwound Open Tip Catheter, Catheter Connector
                          27G x 5” Needle, 25G x 1 1/2” Skin Wheal/ Infiltration           & Threading Assist Guide, 12/cs                         332215  Continuous Epidural Tray, 18G x 3 1/2” Tuohy
                          Needle, 22G x 1 1/2” Infiltration Needle, 5mL Glass              Winged Tuohy Needle, 17G x 3 1/2”, 19G                          Needle, 20G Closed Tip Catheter & DuraPrep
                          LOR Luer Slip Syringe, Metal Tip, 5mL Plastic Luer               Springwound Closed Tip Catheter, Catheter                       Surgical Solution (Rx), 10/cs
                          Slip Syringe, 19G Springwound Open Tip Catheter,                 Connector & Threading Assist Guide, 12/cs
                          Lidocaine HCI 1% 5mL (skin wheal), Lidocaine HCI                 Tuohy Needle, 18G x 2”, 20G Closed Tip PERIFIX ONE      332216  Continuous Epidural Tray, 18G x 3 1/2” Tuohy
                          1.5% with EPI 5mL (test dose), Sodium Chloride 0.5%              Pediatric Catheter, Catheter Connector & Threading              Needle, 20G Closed Tip Catheter & 8cc Luer Slip
                          10mL (Rx), 10/cs                                                 Assist Guide, 12/cs                                             PERIFIX Plastic LOR Syringe (Rx), 10/cs
                                                                                           Tuohy Needle, 20G x 2”, 24G Closed Tip PERIFIX ONE
                                                                                           Pediatric Catheter, Fix Lateral Side Ports, Catheter    332217  Continuous Epidural Tray, 18G x 3 1/2” Tuohy
                                                                                           Connector & Threading Assist Guide, 12/cs                       Needle, 20G Closed Tip Catheter & 10cc Luer Lock
                                                                                                                                                           Glass Syringe (Rx), 10/cs

                                                                                                                                                   332219  Basic Continuous Epidural Tray, 18G x 3 1/2”
                                                                                                                                                           Tuohy Needle & 20G Closed Tip Catheter, Luer Slip
                                                                                                                                                           Glass Syringe (Rx), 10/cs

                                                                                                                                                   (Continued on next page)

                  382 Packs/Trays
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