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3M™ ARIZANT BAIR PAWS FLEX™                                      3M™ ARIZANT BAIR PAWS WARMING GOWNS                             COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES DEVON™
                  WARMING GOWNS                                                                                                                    MAGNETIC NEEDLE FINDER
                                                                                   The original 3M™ Bair Paws™ warming gown includes one
                  The 3M™ Bair Paws™ flex gown combines the comfort and            hose port for comfort warming and one hose port for clinical    A rolling, magnetic reusable finder which provides
                  convenience of the Bair Paws gown with 3M™ Bair Hugger™          warming. Provides comfort and clinical warming throughout       a convenient, safe and effective method to find and
                  forced-air warming blankets. With a single gown, clinicians      perioperative process. Patient-adjustable warming.              pick up needles or blades that may have fallen on the floor.
                  can warm during virtually any procedure, including those         Prewarming capabilities. Full coverage, wrap-around design.     31140422 Needle Finder, Magnetic
                  involving upper, torso or lower body warming. The small          Clinically flexible. Convenient.
                  size gown is perfect for warming smaller surgical patients
                  throughout the perioperative process. Two inserts allow          81001  Warming Gown, Standard, 51”L, 30/cs                                31142238  31142451  31142493
                  for greater warming flexibility: upper, torso or lower body      81101  Warming Gown, Small, 44”L, 20/cs                         COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES DEVON™
                  warming; clinical or comfort warming. Patients reach the OR      81201  Warming Gown, X-Large, 51”L, 20/cs                       NEEDLE COUNTERS
                  ready to warm with warming tools built right into the gown       83001  Warming Gown with Booties, Standard, 51”L, 30/cs         Available in foam block, foam strip, and magnetic combinations
                  including a head drape, tie strips and a patient adhesive        83201  Warming Gown with Booties, X-Large, 51”L, 20/cs          with needle counts from 10 - 100. White magnetic surfaces
                  strip. Upper warming insert includes all the features of a Bair  84001  Warming Gown Kit, Includes: Standard 51”L Gown,          allow easy visibility of dark needles. Halves detach for use
                  Hugger upper body blanket. Separate upper and lower inserts             Booties, Bonnet, Personal Belongings Bag & Shoe          in two locations; adhesive tabs secure containers to work
                  allow you to activate warming only where you want it. Can        84101  Bag, 30 kit/cs                                           surface. Blade Removal System available in 1900, 1600, and
                  improve patient satisfaction by keeping patients warm, cozy             Warming Gown Kit, Includes: Small 44”L Gown,             1500 series. BOXLOCKS feature provides secure closure and
                  and covered. Accommodates adolescent and petite surgical         84201  Booties, Bonnet, Personal Belongings Bag & Shoe          disposal, but may be reopened as needed for recounts.
                  patients.                                                               Bag, 20 kit/cs
                                                                                          Warming Gown Kit, Includes: X-Large 51”L Gown,
                  81003  Warming Gown, Standard, 51”L, 30/cs                              Booties, Bonnet, Personal Belongings Bag & Shoe          31142113  1530, Magnetic, 30/30 Count/ Capacity, Blade Removal
                  81103  Warming Gown, Small, 44”L, 20/cs                                 Bag, 20 kit/cs                                           31142139  & Double Black Magnet, 12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  81203  Warming Gown, X-Large, 51”L, 20/cs                                                                                        31142147  1110, Magnetic, 30/30 Count/ Capacity, Clear Top &
                  83003  Warming Gown with Booties, Standard, 51”L,                3M™ ARIZANT BAIR PAWS+ WARMING GOWNS                            31142154  Single Black Magnet, 8/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  83103  30/cs                                                                                                                     31142170  1230, Magnetic, 30/30 Count/ Capacity, Double Black
                  83203  Warming Gown with Booties, Small, 44”L, 20/cs             The 3M™ Bair Paws™ + gown includes one hose port for            31142188  Magnet, 12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  84003  Warming Gown with Booties, X-Large, 51”L, 20/cs           comfort warming and two hose ports for clinical warming.        31142196  1260, Magnetic, 60/60 Count/ Capacity, Double Black
                         Warming Gown Kit, Includes: Standard 51”L                 The small size gown is perfect for providing warmth to          31142204  Magnet, 8/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  84093  Gown, Booties, Bonnet, Personal Belongings Bag            smaller surgical patients throughout the perioperative          31142212  1314, Foam Strip, 15/30 Count/ Capacity, Black Magnet,
                         & Shoe Bag, 30 kit/cs                                     process. Provides comfort and clinical warming throughout       31142238  12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  84103  Warming Gown Kit, Includes: Standard 51”L                 perioperative process. Patient-adjustable warming.              31142295  1315, Foam Strip, 30/60 Count/ Capacity, Black Magnet,
                         Gown, Yellow Booties, Bonnet, Personal                    Prewarming capabilities. Accommodates adolescent and            31142303  8/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  84193  Belongings Bag & Shoe Bag, 30 kit/cs                      petite surgical patients. Full coverage, wrap-around design.    31142311  1200, Magnetic, 20/20 Count/ Capacity, No Boxlocks,
                         Warming Gown Kit, Includes: Small 44”L Gown,              OR flexibility with two clinical hose ports. Convenient. Easy-  31142352  Double Black Magnet, 21/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  84203  Booties, Bonnet, Personal Belongings Bag & Shoe           to-use.                                                         31142360  1360, Foam Strip, 60/60 Count/ Capacity, Double Foam,
                         Bag, 20 kit/cs                                                                                                            31142378  8/bx, 8 bx/cs
   SURGERY/MINOR  84293  Warming Gown Kit, Includes: Small 44”L Gown,              81002  Warming Gown, Standard, 51”L, 30/cs                      31142386  1105, Foam Strip, 15/15 Count/ Capacity, Clear Top,
PROCEDURE                Yellow Booties, Bonnet, Personal Belongings Bag           81102  Warming Gown, Small, 44”L, 20/cs                         31142394  12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                         & Shoe Bag, 20 kit/cs                                     81202  Warming Gown, X-Large, 51”L, 20/cs                       31142402  1540, Magnetic, 30/30 Count/ Capacity, Blade Removal
                         Warming Gown Kit, Includes: X-Large 51”L Gown,            83002  Warming Gown with Booties, Standard, 51”L,               31142410  & Double White Magnet, 12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                         Booties, Bonnet, Personal Belongings Bag & Shoe                  30/cs                                                    31142428  1614, Foam Strip, 15/30 Count/ Capacity, Blade
                         Bag, 20 kit/cs                                            83102  Warming Gown with Booties, Small, 44”L, 20/cs            31142451  Removal & Black Magnet, 12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                         Warming Gown Kit, Includes: X-Large 51”L Gown,            83202  Warming Gown with Booties, X-Large, 51”L, 20/cs          31142469  1330, Foam Strip, 30/30 Count/ Capacity, Double Foam,
                         Yellow Booties, Bonnet, Personal Belongings Bag           84002  Warming Gown Kit, Includes: Standard 51”L                31142485  12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                         & Shoe Bag, 20 kit/cs                                            Gown, Booties, Bonnet, Personal Belongings Bag           31142493  1840, Foam Block, 40/70 Count/ Capacity, Single Black
                                                                                   84102  & Shoe Bag, 30 kit/cs                                    31142501  Magnet, 8/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  3M™ ARIZANT BAIR PAWS PEDIATRIC                                         Warming Gown Kit, Includes: Small 44”L Gown,                       1960, Foam Block, 100/100 Count/ Capacity, Blade
                  WARMING GOWNS                                                    84202  Booties, Bonnet, Personal Belongings Bag & Shoe                    Removal & Double Black Magnet, 8/bx, 8 bx/cs
                                                                                          Bag, 20 kit/cs                                                     1922, Foam Block, 20/40 Count/ Capacity, Blade
                  The 3M™ Bair Paws™ system has revolutionized forced-air                 Warming Gown Kit, Includes: X-Large 51”L Gown,                     Removal & Adhesive, 12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  warming by providing clinicians options for comfort and                 Booties, Bonnet, Personal Belongings Bag & Shoe                    1930, Foam Block, 50/50 Count/Capacity, Blade
                  clinical warming throughout the perioperative process in one            Bag, 20 kit/cs                                                     Removal & Double Black Magnet, 12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  convenient gown. The Bair Paws system offers a pediatric size,                                                                             1920, Foam Block, 20/40 Count/ Capacity, Blade
                  providing a way to warm and comfort some of the smallest         3M™ STERI-DRAPE™                                                          Removal & Single Black Magnet, 12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  surgical patients. Booties, in conjunction with the gown,        INSTRUMENT POUCH                                                          1910, Foam Block, 10/20 Count/ Capacity, Blade
                  can help keep the patient comfortable. Refastenable strips                                                                                 Removal & Single Black Magnet, 12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  provide quick access to the arms and chest. Side ties ensure     Sterile, plastic pouches used to                                          1842, Foam Block, 40/70 Count/ Capacity, Adhesive,
                  full, secure coverage, even in the back. Dual air-channel        organize and secure instruments                                           8/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  inserts and hose ports enable prewarming and comfort             on the sterile field. Adhesive strips                                     1100, Magnetic, 10/10 Count/ Capacity, No Boxlocks,
                  warming with a Bair Paws 800 series warming unit, or clinical    on each end of the pouch hold it                                          Clear Rop & Single Black Magnet, 21/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  warming with a Bair Hugger 500 or 700 series temperature         in place.                                                                 1810, Foam Block, 10/20 Count/Capacity, Single Black
                  management unit (The Bair Paws hose port is on the lower                                                                                   Magnet, 12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  right side; the Bair Hugger hose port is on the upper left       1018   Instrument Pouch Holds Standard Size                               1630, Foam Strip, 30/30 Count/ Capacity, Blade
                  shoulder.). Soft material means greater personal comfort.        1018L  Instruments, 7” x 11”, 2 Compartments,                             Removal & Double Foam, 12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  Booties can help keep patients comfortable. Convenient.                 2 Adhesive Strips, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs                                  1880, Foam Block, 80/80 Count/ Capacity, Double
                  Easy-to-use.                                                            Instrument Pouch Holds Long Instruments,                           Foam, 8/bx, 8 bx/cs
                                                                                          9 5/8” x 18”, 3 Compartments, 2 Adhesive Strips,                   1812, Foam Block, 10/20 Count/ Capacity, Adhesive,
                  81501  Warming Gown, Pediatric, 33”, 20/cs                              10/bx, 4 bx/cs                                                     12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                  83101  Warming Gown with Booties, Small, 44”L, 20/cs                                                                                       1820, Foam Block, 20/40 Count/ Capacity, Single Black
                  83501  Warming Gown with Booties, Pediatric, 33”L,               ASPEN SURGICAL SUTURE BOOTIES                                             Magnet, 12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                         20/cs                                                                                                                               1822, Foam Block, 20/40 Count/ Capacity, Adhesive,
                  84501  Warming Gown Kit, Includes: Pediatric 33”L                Intended to protect, tag and help located sutures during                  12/bx, 8 bx/cs
                         Gown, Booties, Bonnet, Personal Belongings Bag            surgery. Adhesive back foam block provides secure, safe and
                  84591  & Shoe Bag, 20 kit/cs                                     convenient placement in sterile field. Radiopaque. Not made
                         Warming Gown Kit, Includes: Pediatric 33”L                of natural rubber latex.
                         Gown, Yellow Booties, Bonnet, Personal                    051003PBX Suture Booties, Standard, Yellow, Sterile, 5 pr/bx
                         Belongings Bag & Shoe Bag, 20 kit/cs

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