Page 411 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 411

                                                              DELUXE REPLACEMENT
PMF20-100-10CS  Cannula, Radiopaque Marker, 20G, 100mm        KITS                                                                HALYARD ENDO-GUARD MOUTH GUARD
PMF20-145-10CS  Length, 10mm Active Tip, Curved Sharp,
PMF22-54-5CS    Sterile, Individually Packaged, 10/cs         Kit includes deluxe power
                Cannula, Radiopaque Marker, 20G, 145mm        handle and four tips in a
                Length, 10mm Active Tip, Curved Sharp,        plastic foam lined case.                                            69100     Mouth Guard with Retention Strap, For 48F
                Sterile, Individually Packaged, 10/cs         Includes batteries AA with                                          69103     Dilator, 24/cs
                Cannula, Radiopaque Marker, 22G, 45mm         DEL0, DEL1 and DEL2; C                                                        Mouth Guard with Retention Strap, For 60F
                Length, 10mm Active Tip, Curved Sharp,        batteries with DELC.                                                          Dilator, 24/cs
                Sterile, Individually Packaged, 10/cs
                                                              DEL0 Aaron Change-A-Tip Deluxe Low-Temp Cauthery Kit
AARON STERILE                                                 DEL1 Change-A-Tip Deluxe High-Temp Cauthery Kit
CAUTERIES                                                     DEL2 Change-A-Tip Deluxe HI-LO Cautery Kit, Includes: 1

Battery operated                                                           Low-Temp Handle, 1 High-Temp Handle, 1 Sterile H100
cauteries. Lightweight, disposable surgical instruments                    Tip, 1 Sterile H101Tip, 1 Sterile H103 Tip, 1 Sterile
provide pinpoint hemostasis with minimum trauma to                         H121, 6 AA Alkaline Batteries & Foam-Lined Case
surrounding tissue. Provides consistent temperature. Locking
safety cap prevents cautery from being accidentally turned    BOVIE HI-TIP™                                                       HALYARD ENDOSPONGE
on. Disposable. Four-year shelf life.                         REPLACEMENT TIPS
                                                                                                                                  An Endoscope Cleaning Device provides a convenient,
AA00 Low Temp, Ophthalmic, Fine Tip, 10/bx                    Each sterile tip comes with                                         efficient method of cleaning the endoscope insertion tube,
AA01 High-Temp Cautery, Fine Tip, 2200°F, 10/bx               a sterile drape to cover the non-sterile handle. Excellent          control head and distal lens. Features a lint free, polyurethane
AA02 Low Temp, Variable Cautery, Fine Tip, 10/bx              for office, emergency room and clinic procedures. Low               foam sponge with a die cut centerline for insertion tube
AA03 High-Temp Cautery, Regular Loop Tip, 10/bx               temperature tips for use with power handle No. HIT0. High           placement.
AA04 Low Temp Cautery, Ophthalmic, Elongated Fine             temperature tips for use with power handle HIT1.
                                                                                                                                  69396     Endosponge, 24/cs
               Tip, 10/bx
AA05 High-Temp 2” Loop Tip Cautery, Flexible Extended         CH05      2” C Cautery Tip, 2200°F, 10/bx                           COVIDIEN/MEDICAL
                                                              H100      Low-Temp Fine Cautery Tip, 10/bx                          SUPPLIES DEVON™
               Shaft, 10/bx                                   H101      High-Temp Fine Cautery Tip, 10/bx                         FOG-OUT
AA09 High-Temp 5” Loop Tip Cautery, 10/bx                     H101-ADH  High-Temp Fine Cautery Tip, Sheath Seal, 10/bx
AA11 Adjust-A-Temp Cautery, Fine Tip, 10/bx                   H103      High-Temp Loop Cautery Tip, 10/bx                         Anti-fog solution is sterile,
AA17 High-Temp Fine Tip Cautery, Extend 2” Shaft,             H104      Low-Temp Fine Elongated Cautery Tip, 10/bx                non-toxic, non-flammable,
                                                              H105      High-Temp 2” Flex Loop Cautery Tip, 10/bx                 laboratory tested and safe to
               10/bx                                          H106      High-Temp Fine Cautery Tip, 2” Flex Tip, 10/bx            use in a body cavity. Inhibits
AA21 High-Temp Elongated Fine Tip Cautery, 1800°F,            H109      High-Temp 5” Loop Cautery Tip, 10/bx                      condesation and clouding.
                                                              H110      High-Temp Contra Angle Fine Cautery Tip, 10/bx            May be used on endoscopic lenses, surgical cameras,
               10/bx                                          H111      High-Temp Sircular™ Cautery Tip, 10/bx                    protective eyewear, goggles, or glasses.
AA25 Micro-Temp Cautery, Fine Tip, High Temp, 10/bx           H112      High-Temp 5” Loop Cautery Fine Tip, 10/bx
AA27 Micro-Temp Cautery, High Temp, 10/bx                     H121      High-Temp Elongated Cautery Tip, 10/bx                    31142527  Anti-Fog Solution, Foam Pad, 12/bx, 4 bx/cs             SURGERY/MINOR
AA29 Micro-Temp Cautery, Elongated Tip, High-Temp,                                                                                31142808  Anti-Fog Solution, #1910 Needle Counter, 6/bx,             PROCEDURE
                                                                                                                                            8 bx/cs
AA90 Low Temp Micro Cautery, Fine Tip, 10/bx

BOVIE BATTERY-OPERATED CAUTERY                                                                                                    COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES
                                                                                                                                  DEVON™ LIGHT HANDLE
AA00X  Low Temperature, Fine Tip, Battery-Operated                                                                                SYSTEMS
AA01X  Cautery, Single Use, 10/bx
AA03X  High Temperature, Fine Tip, Battery-Operated                                                                               Select one system to standardize
AA04X  Cautery, Single Use, 10/bx                                                                                                 all of your overhead lighting needs.
AA05X  High Temperature, Loop Tip, Battery-Operated                                                                               Convenient and cost effective.
AA21X  Cautery, Single Use, 10/bx                                                                                                 Simplifies ordering and inventory management. Disposable,
       Low Temperature, Elongated Tip, Battery-                                                                                   sterile products eliminate time and labor of reprocessing.
       Operated Cautery, Single Use, 10/bx
       High Temperature, Extended Shaft, Battery-             BOVIE EYE BUBBLE                                                    31140117  Light Handle System, 3643 Light Handle Rigid,
       Operated Cautery, Single Use, 10/bx                                                                                        31140125  3/pk, 7 pk/bx, 12 bx/cs
       High Temperature, Elongated Fine Tip, Battery-         0002 Eye Bubble, Sterile, 10/bx                                     31140133  Light Handle System, 3642 Light Handle Rigid,
       Operated Cautery, Single Use, 10/bx                                                                                        31140208  2/pk, 14 pk/bx, 8 bx/cs
                                                              COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                    31140216  Light Handle System, 3641 Light Handle Rigid,
BOVIE CHANGE-A-TIP™ CAUTERY SYSTEM                            SUPPLIES DEVON™                                                     31140240  16/bx, 8 bx/cs
                                                              INSTRUMENT &                                                        31140257  Light Handle System, 3611 Light Glove, 25/bx,
The next advance in battery operated cauteries where          CAUTERY TIP CLEANERS                                                31140273  4 bx/cs
reusability is a must. Excellent for office, emergency room                                                                                 Light Handle System, 3613 Light Glove, 3/pk,
and clinic procedures.                                        The cautery tip polisher                                                      16 pk/ctn, 12 ctn/cs
                                                              safely and effectively cleans                                                 Light Handle System, 3632 Light Sleeve, 2/pk,
HISL Sterile Sheath For Replacement Cautery Handle,           electrosurgical pencil tips. The                                              60 pk/cs
               10/bx                                          5cm x 5cm polisher features a strong adhesive backing and                     Light Handle System, 3612 Light Glove, 2/pk,
                                                              is X-ray detectable. The micro top wipe is a sterile line and                 20 pk/bx, 4 bx/cs
HIT0 Change-A-Tip Cautery, Low Temp Handle & H100             particulate-free foam wipe for cleaning the fine tips of micro                Light Handle System, 3631 Light Sleeve, 70/cs
               Non-Sterile Tip                                instruments and lenses.

HIT1 Change-A-Tip Cautery, High Temp Handle & H101            31142535  Micro Tip Wipe, 25/bx, 4 bx/cs
               Non-Sterile Tip                                31142717  Cautery Top Polisher, 5cm x 5cm, 80/bx, 3 bx/cs
                                                              31142790  Cautery Top Polisher, 5cm x 5cm, 25/bx, 4 bx/cs

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