Page 408 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 408

AARON ELECTROSURGICAL GENERATOR                                    CONMED
                  ACCESSORIES                                                        HYFRECATOR 2000®
                  (Continued from previous page)                                     UNIT

                  A905B    Adaptor 0.8mm (1/32”), Used to Adapt Electrodes,          Digital one-tenth watt
                           0.8mm (1/32”) Shaft to an Electrosurgical Pencil,         power incremental control
                           3/32” Dia Collect                                         in the critical 0 to 10 watt                                   786T      786TS  FSSEP
                                                                                     range. Remote control hand switching pencil to change power
                  A905EL Adaptor For 1/16” Electrode Into 3/32” Collect              settings, while maintaining the sterile field, and decreasing
                                                                                     procedure time. Memory to store up to 3 power settings.
                  BV-1000358 Rotational Contact Assy Stacke                          Dual microprocessors to control the output and functionality
                                                                                     of the Hyfrecator and to terminate activation if a safety
                  BV-1253B Footswitch For A1250U, A2250 & A3250                      hazard is detected.

                  BV-1253BGI Footswitch For Icon GI

                  BV-1254B Footswitch, Bi-Polar, For A2250 & A3250                   7-900-115    Hyfrecator 2000 For U.S. (115V) Accessories
                                                                                                  included: Instruction Video, Operators Manual
                  ESMS Mobile Stand For A1250U & A2250, No Bottom Tray                            and Reusable Handswitching Pencil, Remote Up/         SE02         SEAS SELW
                                                                                                  Down/ Power, Hand Control & 10 ft Cord            SERF
                  ESMS-B Bottom Tray For ESMS Stand

                  ESMS-C Mobile Stand For A1250U & A2250

                  ESRE Disposable Split Adult Return Electrode, No Cable             Accessories                                                              SERFS  SETW
                                Split, 50/bx
                                                                                     62-5773-001 Hyfrecator 2000® Power Cord

                  ESREC    Disposable Split Adult Return Electrode, 2.8M Cable
                           Split, 50/bx

                  ESRS Disposable Solid Adult Return Electrode, No Cable
                                Solid, 50/bx

                  ESRSC    Disposable Solid Adult Return Electrode, 2.8M Cable                                                                      SETWS     SEVL              SF18
                           Solid, 50/bx

                  SCF08    Coagulator, Footswitching Suction, 8FR, 3m Cable,

                  SCF10    Coagulator, Footswitching Suction, 10FR, 3m Cable,        7-796-19BX             750
                                                                                     CONMED HYFRECATOR PLUS/733 ACCESSORIES
                  SCF12    Coagulator, Footswitching Suction, 12FR, 3m Cable,                                                                                                       SF35
                           10/cs                                                     7-796-18BX Disposable Sheaths, 8”, 100/bx
                                                                                     7-796-19BX Handpiece Sheaths, 36”, Sterile, 25/bx              BOVIE SMOKE SHARK™ II SMOKE EVACUATOR
                  SCH08    Coagulator, Handswitching Suction, 8FR, 3m Cable,         750 Needle Adaptor
                           10/cs                                                                                                                    A light-weight, ultra-quiet and compact design allowing
                                                                                                                                                    for simplified operation and storage. The Smoke Shark II
                  SCH10    Coagulator, Handswitching Suction, 10FR, 3m Cable,                                                                       minimizing exposure to smoke plume during electrosurgical
                           10/cs                                                                                                                    procedure increasing facility safety and reducing hazardous
                                                                                                                                                    risk. Covered 3-port, 4-phase, filter design provides versatile
                  SCH12    Coagulator, Handswitching Suction, 12FR, 3m Cable,                                                                       accessory and procedure setup while decreasing risk of cross
                           10/cs                                                                                                                    contamination. The Smoke Shark II Smoke Evacuator includes
                                                                                                                                                    a standard two year manufacturer warranty.

   SURGERY/MINOR  AARON ICON GI                                                      COVIDIEN/ENERGY-BASED                                          786T      Tube, 7/8” x 6 ft, Non-Sterile, 24/bx
PROCEDURE         ELECTROSURGICAL                                                    DEVICES VALLEYLAB                                              786TS     Tube, 7/8” x 6 ft, Sterile, 24/bx
                  GENERATOR                                                          ELECTROSURGICAL                                                FSSEP     Pneumatic Foot Switch For Smoke Evacuator
                                                                                     ACCESSORIES                                                    SE02      Smoke Evacuator Unit with 35-Hour Filter,
                  An innovative electrosurgical                                                                                                               100-120V
                  generator with fully digital                                       E7507        REM PolyHesive II Patient Return Electrode,       SEAS      Arm Stand
                  implementation for use in                                                       Adult, 2.7m (9ft) Attached Cord, 50/cs            SELW      Laser Resistant Wand, 7/8” x 8”, Non-Sterile, 3/bx
                  today’s modern GI suites. It was designed in conjunction with                                                                     SERF      Reducer Fitting, 7/8” to 1/4” x 24” Tubing, 10/bx
                  GI clinicians to provide a safe, user-friendly unit that can meet                                                                           (fits optional vaginal speculum)
                  all GI procedure demands.                                                                                                         SERFS     Reducer Fitting, Sterile, 10/bx (fits optional
                                                                                                                                                              vaginal speculum)
                  GI120    Icon GI Electrosurgical Generator                                                                                        SETW      Tube, 7/8” x 6”, Wand & Tip, Non-Sterile, 24/bx
                                                                                                                                                    SETWS     Tube, 7/8” x 6”, Wand & Tip, Sterile, 24/bx
                  BOVIE REUSABLE ELECTROSURGERY PENCILS                                                                                             SEVL      Tubing, 7/8” x 6 ft, Reduced to 3/8” For Valley Lab
                                                                                                                                                              & IEC Pencil, 5/bx
                  ESPR-EL  Monopolar Pencil, 1/16” Electrode Collet, 3-Pin                                                                          SF18      Long Life 18-Hour Filter For SE01 Model
                  ESPR2    Connection, Validated For up to 25 Autoclaves, 1/bx                                                                      SF35      Smoke Evacuator 35-Hour Filter
                           Monopolar Pencil, 3/32” Electrode Collet, 3-Pin
                           Connection, Validated For up to 50 Autoclaves, 1/bx

                  BOVIE SMOKE EVACUATION ELECTROSURGICAL                                                                                            BOVIE MOBILE STAND FOR
                  PENCIL ADAPTER                                                                                                                    ELECTROSURGICAL GENERATOR

                  Tactile construction is ergonomically designed of pliable                                                                         BV-IDS-CS Mobile Stand For 1250™, 2250™ & 3250™
                  silicone providing surgeon comfort and visibility. It eliminates
                  the need for surgical technicians or nurse to hold the tubing.
                  Unique 45° angle helps to relieve the pull of tubing, easy clog
                  removal, fits most electrosurgical pencils and is latex free.

                  SEPA     Pencil Adapter 3/8” x 1 ft Hose with 3/8” Adapter,
                  SEPAT    25/cs
                           Pencil with Adapter & Tubing, 3/8” x 4 ft Hose
                           with 7/8” to 6 ft Tube, 10/cs

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