Page 420 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 420

HALYARD U-BAR™ PACK III                                         MEDICAL ACTION STAPLE REMOVAL KITS                                           9602 9677
                  - CHEST
                                                                                  69243   Staple Removal Kit Includes: (1) Staple Remover,          3M™ SURGICAL CLIPPERS & ACCESSORIES
                  Sterile pack contains: (1) back                                         (1) 3” x 3” 12-Ply Gauze, 50 kit/cs
                  table cover, zone-reinforced, 44” x                                                                                               Rechargeable and corded surgical clippers for removing body
                  90”, (1) large ULTRA surgical gown                                                                                                hair from patients in preparation for surgery. Disposable,
                  in overwrap with towel, (2) large ULTRA fabric reinforced                                                                         single-use blade assemblies.
                  surgical gowns with towels, (1) mayo stand cover, reinforced,
                  23” x 54”, (4) utility drapes with tape, 26” x 15”, (1) suture                                                                    9602 Remington Rechargeable Clipper & 6 ft Cord
                  bag, (1) chest U-drape, 76” x 120”, 12” x 30” split with                                                                          9661 Rechargeable Clipper Only
                  CONTROL™ fabric reinforcement and tube holders, (1) bar                                                                           9662 Clipper Charger & Cord For 9661 Clipper
                  drape, 106” x 62” with armboard covers, CONTROL™ fabric                                                                           9671 Rechargeable Body Clipper, Fixed Head, Battery
                  reinforcement and tube holders.
                                                                                                                                                                   or Cord Operated (Charger/ Cord not included)
                  88331  U-BAR™ Pack III Chest, 4/cs                                                                                                9677 Clipper Starter Kit Includes 9671 Clipper & 9672

                  3M™ DISPOSABLE SKIN                                             MEDICAL ACTION SUTURE REMOVAL KITS                                               Charger/ Cord (Blade Assembly not included)
                  STAPLE REMOVER                                                                                                                    Accessories
                                                                                  61100   Suture Removal Kit Includes: Medium Alcohol               9600 Clipper Blade Assembly For 9602 & 9603 Clippers,
                  Designed to provide fast and easy                                       Prep Pad, Medium Povidone Iodine Prep Pad,
                  removal of all brands of surgical skin                          68289   12-Ply Gauze Sponge, 4 1/2” Littauer Scissors,                           40/cs
                  staples.                                                                5” Thumb Forceps, 50/cs                                   9611 Wall Bracket Secures 9602 or 9603 to Wall
                                                                                  69238   Suture Removal Kit Includes: (1) Medium                   9660 Clipper Blade Assembly For 9661 Clipper, 50/cs
                  SR-1 Tweezer Style Skin Staple Remover, 10/bx, 3 bx/cs          69239   Povidone Iodine Prep Pad, (1) 2” x 2” 8-Ply Gauze         9667 Clipper Start Kit Includes 9661 Clipper & 9662
                  SR-3 Scissors Style Skin Staple Remover, 10/bx, 3 bx/cs         69240   Sponge, (1) 4 1/2” Serrated Splint Forceps &
                                                                                  69241   (1) 4 3/4” Iris Scissors, 50/cs                                          Charger
                  COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                69242   Suture Removal Kit Includes: (1) Forceps (Plastic         9669 Clipper Wall Bracket For 9671 Clipper
                  SUPPLIES CURITY™                                                M2633   Blue 5”), (1) Scissor (Littauer Wire Form 4 1/2”),        9670 Single-Use Blade Assembly For 9671 Clipper,
                  SUTURE & STAPLE                                                 M4138   (1) 3” x 3” 12-Ply Gauze, 50kit/cs
                  REMOVAL KITS                                                            Suture Removal Kit Includes: (1) Thumb Forceps                           Fixed Head, Black, 50/cs
                                                                                          (Metal), (1) Scissor (Littauer 4 1/2”), (1) 3” x          9672 10 ft Clipper Charger/ Cord For 9671 Clipper
                  Quality instruments in convenient                                       3” 12-Ply Gauze, 50kit/cs
                  packaging. All inclusive package                                        Suture Removal Kit Includes: (1) Forceps (Plastic         ENCORE
                  saves nursing staff time. Sterile                                       Black 4”), (1) Scissor (Littauer Plastic), (1) 3” x       DISPOSABLE RAZORS
                  delivery. Disposable of floor grade components available. All           3” 12-Ply Gauze, 50kit/cs
                  kits contain one 3” x 3” gauze sponge and are sterile unless            Suture Removal Kit Includes: (1) Forceps (Adson           Razors have guarded blade
                  otherwise noted.                                                        SS 4 3/4”), (1) Scissor (Iris SS 4 3/4”), (2) 2” x        corners to reduce the
                                                                                          2” 8-Ply Gauze, 50kit/cs                                  possibility of nicks. Blades are
   SURGERY/MINOR  66100  Suture Removal Kit, Littauer Scissors & Plastic                  Suture Removal Kit Includes: (1) Forceps (Adson           stainless steel construction to
PROCEDURE         66200  Fine Point Forceps, 50/cs                                        SS 4 3/4”), (1) Scissor (Littauer SS 4 1/2”), (1) 3” x    provide dependable consistent
                  66300  Suture Removal Kit , Littauer Scissors & Metal                   3” 4-Ply NW Gauze, (1) Alcohol Prep, 50 kit/cs            sharpness. Comes with removable blade protectors to help
                  66305  Forceps, 50/cs                                                   Suture Removal Kit Tray Includes: (1) SS Iris,            prevent injury to hospital personnel. Ribbed handles provide
                  66400  Suture Removal Kit, Sharp/ Sharp Scissors &                      (1) Metal Insert Forceps, (1) Alcohol Prep Pad,           firm grip.
                  66500  Metal Forceps, 50/cs                                             (1) 2” x 2” Gauze, Sterile, 50 Kit/cs                     M8402CS Surgical Prep Razor, Disposable, Double Edge
                  66505  Suture Removal Kit, Iris Scissors & Adson Forceps,               Suture Removal Kit Tray Includes: (1) WF Littauer
                  66700  50/cs                                                            Scissors, (1) Plastic Forceps, (1) 2” x 2” Gauze,                        Comb Razor, 100/bx
                         Suture Removal Kit, Fine Point Iris Scissors &                   Sterile, 50 kit/cs
                         Adson Forceps, 50/cs                                                                                                       HALYARD CLOSED SUCTION SYSTEMS
                         Suture Removal Kit, Fine Point Iris Scissors &
                         Metal Forceps, 50/cs                                                                                                       Systems are designed to safely suction on mechanical
                         Suture Removal Kit, Fine Point Iris Scissors, Adson                                                                        ventilation while providing protection for both the patient
                         Forceps PVP Prep & Alcohol Prep, 50/cs                                                                                     and the caregiver.
                         Skin Staple Remover, 12/ctn, 4 ctn/cs

                  DERMA SCIENCES SUTURE REMOVAL KIT                               COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES CHEMOSAFETY™                            21513511  Trach Care, T-Piece, 12FR, 15mm Swivel Adapter,
                                                                                  PREPARATION & ADMINISTRATION KITS                                 215158    20/cs
                  328401 Suture Removal Kit, 100/cs                                                                                                           Trach Care, T-Piece, 12FR, 21.3”, White, 20/cs

                                                                                  CT4010  Chemotherapy Prep/ Administration Kit, (1) Large          MEDEGEN RAZORS
                                                                                          Gown, (1) pr Latex Medium Gloves, (1) SafeLock
                  DUKAL SUTURE REMOVAL KIT                                                12” x 15” Bag, Begin & Ends & Flush Twice Signs,          Designed to provide close, smooth prep shaves. Ideal for
                                                                                          (1) 11” x 17” Prep Mat, 24/cs                             surgical skin preps, these sharp double-edged razors help
                  Single-use kit that includes everything                                                                                           reduce skin irritation. Weighted razors provide additional
                  needed for safe and sanitary removal of                                                                                           support and stability.
                  sutures. Equipped with littauer scissors,
                  plastic forceps, and gauze pad. Sterile with                    MEDEGEN CHEMOTHERAPY ADMINISTRATION KIT                           4776-02   Weighted Razor, Turquoise, 100/cs
                  and easy to open peel back lid.                                                                                                   4776-75   Weighted Razor, Gold, 100/cs
                                                                                  A comprehensive system for safely administering                   4777-02   Unweighted Razor, Turquoise, 100/cs
                  15100  Suture Removal Kit, Sterile, 50/cs                       chemotherapy. CYTA Administration Kit contains moisture-          4777-75   Unweighted Razor, Gold, 100/cs
                                                                                  resistant gown, 2 pairs of latex gloves, face mask (respirator),  7215      Prep Razor with Double-Sided Stainless Steel
                  MEDICAL ACTION                                                  4” x 4” gauze pad, 4 mil - 12” x15” zip-closure bag, prep mat,              Blade, Black, 100/cs
                  GENT-L-KARE® STERILE                                            and directions.
                  SUTURE REMOVAL KITS                                             9253 Chemotherapy Administration Kit, 24/cs

                  Available with wire formed or                                   COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES DOVER™                                  PERSONNA® ALUMINUM BACK RAZOR
                  stainless steel instruments.                                    LATEX FOLEY TRAYS
                  Conveniently packed in a peel back tray.                                                                                          Precision ground for a great balance of sharpness and
                                                                                  PP18ULD Foley Catheter, 18FR, Luer Lock, Latex, 10/cs             durability in cutting and scraping application.
                   2632 SS Iris Scissor, SS Thumb Forceps, Alcohol Prep Pad,                                                                        94-0125-000 Blade, .012” 2 Facet, Aluminum Back SE,
                                  2” x 2” Gauze, 50/cs
                                                                                                                                                                     100/bg, 50 bg/cs
                   4131 WF Littauer Scissors, Metal Forceps, 2” x 2” Gauze,
                                  50/cs                                                   Packs/Trays – Prep Supplies

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