Page 206 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 206

IV PRODUCTS                                                                         B BRAUN IV WARM PAKS                                                455980  455991  456003

                      2112346  2112360                                              For external application for vein
             CONTAINERS                                                             N6115   T-Pak® IV Instant Warm Pak For External
                                                                                            Application For Vein Dilation, 10/pk, 4 pk/cs               456006  456020               456060

             2112346  TPN Bag, Pinnacle Compounder Compatible                                                                                           B BRAUN DISCOFIX® STOPCOCKS
             2112347  Connector, 250mL, 25/cs
             2112349  TPN Bag, Pinnacle Compounder Compatible                       COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES                                           455980  One-Way Stopcock, Female Luer Lock Port &
             2112350  Connector, 500mL, 25/cs                                       BACTERIAL FILTERS                                                   455991  SPIN-LOCK® Adapter, Port Covers, Lipid Resistant,
             2112351  TPN Bag, Pinnacle Compounder Compatible                                                                                           456003  DEHP, Latex Free (LF), 100/cs
             2112359  Connector, 2000mL, 40/cs                                      4-011905-00 Bacteria Filter                                         456006  Three-Way Stopcock, 2 Female Luer Lock Ports
             2112360  TPN Bag, Pinnacle Compounder Compatible                                                                                           456020  & Male Luer Slip Adapter, Port Covers, Lipid
             2112361  Connector, 3000mL, 40/cs                                      COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                    456060  Resistant, DEHP, Latex Free (LF), 100/cs
             2112362  TPN Bag, Pinnacle Compounder Compatible                       SUPPLIES CHEMOBLOC®                                                 458001  Three-Way Stopcock, 2 Female Luer Lock Ports &
             2112363  Connector, 4000mL, 20/cs                                      VIAL VENTING SYSTEM                                                         SPIN-LOCK® Adapter, Port Covers, Lipid Resistant,
             2112364  TPN Bag, 2-Lead Vented Transfer Set, Large Bore                                                                                   458002  DEHP, Latex Free (LF), 100/cs
             2112365  Tubing & Plastic Sealing Clip, 500mL, 40/cs                   SINGLE USE ONLY. Can be                                                     Four-Way Stopcock, 2 Female Luer Lock Ports
             2112391  TPN Bag, 2-Lead Vented Transfer Set, Large Bore               used for reconstituting                                                     & Male Luer Slip Adapter, Port Covers, Lipid
             2112393  Tubing & Plastic Sealing Clip, 1000mL, 40/cs                  chemotherapy drugs,                                                         Resistant, DEHP, Latex Free (LF), 100/cs
             2112394  TPN Bag, 2-Lead Vented Transfer Set, Large Bore               antibiotics and other                                                       Four-Way Stopcock, 2 Female Luer Lock Ports &
                      Tubing & Plastic Sealing Clip, 2000mL, 40/cs                  hazardous drugs, designed to                                                SPIN-LOCK® Adapter, Port Covers, Lipid Resistant,
                      TPN Bag, 2-Lead Vented Transfer Set, Large Bore               prevent aerosolization into                                                 DEHP, Latex Free (LF), 100/cs
                      Tubing & Plastic Sealing Clip, 3000mL, 40/cs                  the atmosphere. 22 micron                                                   High-Flow Four-Way Stopcock, 2 Female Luer
                      TPN Bag, 3-Lead Vented Transfer Set, Large Bore               hydrophobic filter to safely remove any aerosolized drugs.                  Lock Ports & SPIN-LOCK® Adapter, Port Covers,
                      Tubing & Plastic Sealing Clip, 1000mL, 40/cs                  Safe, needleless system prevents needle sticks. Unique                      Lipid Resistant, DEHP, Latex Free (LF), 100/cs
                      TPN Bag, 3-Lead Vented Transfer Set, Large Bore               cannula is easy to insert. Facilitates rapid transfer of solution.          Antimicrobial Four-Way Stopcock, 2 Female Luer
                      Tubing & Plastic Sealing Clip, 2000mL, 40/cs                  Sterile, non-pyrogenic fluid path. Luer lock connection insures             Lock Ports & SPIN-LOCK® Adapter, Port Covers,
                      TPN Bag, 3-Lead Vented Transfer Set, Large Bore               secure, safe connection to syringe.                                         Lipid Resistant, DEHP, Latex Free (LF), Dark Blue
                      Tubing & Plastic Sealing Clip, 3000mL, 40/cs                  DP5201V Vial Venting Chemo Pin, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs                              Handle, 100/cs
                      TPN Bag, HyperFormer ESP Compatible                                                                                                       Antimicrobial High-Flow Four-Way Stopcock, 2
                      Connector & Plastic Sealing Clip, 250mL, 40/cs                                                                                            Female Luer Lock Ports & SPIN-LOCK® Adapter,
                      TPN Bag, HyperFormer ESP Compatible                                                                                                       Port Covers, Lipid Resistant, DEHP, Latex Free (LF),
                      Connector, 250mL, 40/cs                                                                                                                   Lavender Handle, 100/cs
                      TPN Bag, HyperFormer ESP Compatible
                      Connector, 4000mL, 40/cs                                      COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES NEUTRAL                                   455992  455995               456201
                                                                                    DISPLACEMENT NEEDLELESS CONNECTOR
             B BRAUN EVA FORMULATION                                                                                                                    456301  456401               513552
             CLEARCHOICE-DCB® DUAL                                                  For infusion therapy designed to complement best clinical
             CHAMBER MIXING CONTAINERS                                              practices to help reduce the risk of catheter-related               B BRAUN GANGED STOPCOCKS & MANIFOLDS
                                                                                    bloodstream infections (CRBSI) and reflux-induced catheter
             A significant improvement in the safe and                              occlusions. Flat, smooth swabable surface promotes easy and         455992  Two-Gang, Three-Way Stopcocks, SPIN-LOCK®
             effective use of 3-in-1 parenteral nutrition                           complete cleaning. Self-opening split septum (SOSS) results in      455995  Adapter, Port Covers, 3”L, Priming Vol .68mL,
             admixtures in both home care and hospital                              no abrasion to sealed septum plane. Linear fluid path allows        456201  DEHP & Latex Free (LF), 100/cs
             settings. They have two separate chambers, one for dextrose/           for easy blood clearing. Low priming volume allows for lower        456301  3 Four-Way Stopcocks, Luer Lock Female Ports
             amino acids/electrolytes and another for lipids, improving             flush volumes. Clear housing facilitates visualization of entire    456401  & Male SPIN-LOCK® Adapter, Port Covers, 5”L,
             emulsion stability and allowing the patient or caregiver to visually   fluid path during priming and flushing.                             458201  Priming Vol .82mL, DEHP & Latex Free (LF), 50/cs
             check for precipitation before mixing in the fat emulsion. Easy to                                                                                 High Flow, Two-Gang, Four-Way Stopcocks, Three
             use. The pharmacist or mixing technician fills both chambers. Just     1000NP  Needleless Connector, 120/cs                                458301  Female Luer Lock Ports & SPIN-LOCK® Connector,
             before administration, the patient or caregiver visually inspects for  2000NP  Needleless Connector with Extension Set, 100/cs                     Lipid-Resistant, Port Covers, 3”L, .65mL Priming
             precipitation, pulls off the easy-to-remove bar separating the two                                                                         513552  Volume , DEHP & Latex Free (LF), 25/cs
             chambers, agitates for good mixing and then start the infusion.                                                                                    High Flow, Three-Gang, Four-Way Stopcocks, Four
                                                                                                                                                                Female Luer Lock Ports & SPIN-LOCK® Connector,
             2112404  Dual Chamber Mixing Container For Gravity Transfer            SMITHS MEDICAL                                                              Lipid-Resistant, Port Covers, 4”L, .95mL Priming
                      Y-Type Transfer Set on Large Side & Single Lead               MEDEX JELCO™                                                                Volume , DEHP & Latex Free (LF), 25/cs
             2112406  Gravity Transfer Set on Small Side, 3000mL, 28/cs             INJECTION CAPS                                                              High Flow, Four-Gang, Four-Way Stopcocks, Five
             2112407  Dual Chamber Mixing Container, Pinnacle                                                                                                   Female Luer Lock Ports & SPIN-LOCK® Connector,
             2112408  Compounder Compatible Connectors, 1500mL, 28/cs               460000 Injection Caps, Jelco™, 200/cs                                       Lipid-Resistant, Port Covers, 5”L, 1.31mL Priming
                      Dual Chamber Mixing Container, Pinnacle                                                                                                   Volume , DEHP & Latex Free (LF), 100/cs
                      Compounder Compatible Connectors, 3000mL, 28/cs               B BRAUN ANESTHESIA                                                          Antimicrobial Version, High Flow, Two-Gang,
                      Dual Chamber Mixing Container, Pinnacle                       STOPCOCK EXTENSION SETS                                                     Four-Way Stopcocks, Three Female Luer Lock
                      Compounder Compatible Connectors, 4000mL, 28/cs                                                                                           Ports & SPIN-LOCK® Connector, Lipid-Resistant,
                                                                                                                                                                Port Covers, 3”L, .65mL Priming Volume , DEHP &
             B BRAUN DRUG ID LABELS & MARKER                                        473541  High-Flow, 4-Way, (2) Female Luer Lock Ports,                       Latex Free (LF), 25/cs
                                                                                    473549  20” (50.8cm) Extension Tubing with SPIN-LOCK                        Antimicrobial Version, High Flow, Three-Gang,
             Contains one finetip black waterproof marker and 20 adhesive                   Connector, Port Covers, 3.5mL Priming Volume,                       Four-Way Stopcocks, Four Female Luer Lock Ports
             clear labels, 1/2” x 2”. Five labels without drug names and                    22”L (56cm) (Components do not contain DEHP                         & SPIN-LOCK® Connector, Lipid-Resistant, Port
             one each of the following: Bupivacaine, Bupivacaine 0.25%,                     or rubber tree latex), 50/cs                                        Covers, 4”L, .95mL Priming Volume , DEHP &
             Bupivacaine 0.5%, Bupivacaine 0.75%, Contrast, Dextrose,                       Extension Set, 3-Way Anesthesia Stopcock,                           Latex Free (LF), 25/cs
             Epinephrine, Lidocaine, Lidocaine 1%, Lidocaine 1.5%,                          Injection site, 2 Full-Threaded Female Ports,                       5 Four-Way Stopcocks, 6 Luer Lock Female Ports
             Lidocaine 2%, Saline, Sterile Water, Steroid, Tetracaine.                      Extension Tubing, SPIN-LOCK® Adapter, Port                          & SPIN-LOCK Adapter, Port Covers, 8 1/2”L, DEHP
              332126 Drug ID Labels & Marker, 100/cs                                        Covers, 5 mL Priming Volume, 37”L, DEHP, Latex                      & Latex Free (LF), 50/cs
                                                                                            Free (LF), 50/cs
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