Page 201 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 201


412111                    412112           412113                      415077  SAFSITE Access Pin, Valve, Shielded Plastic Pin For            7204002   7210397                                          IV PRODUCTS
412114                    412115           412116                      415079  Accessing Y-Injection Site, Pre-Attached SAFSITE
                                                                       415082  Valve, 100/cs                                        B BRAUN HIGH FLUX DIALYZERS
                                                                               SAFSITE Access Pin, Valve, Shielded Plastic Pin For
                                                                               Accessing Y-Injection Site, Pre-Attached SAFSITE     72036811 Modified Polysulfone Membrane, Gamma Sterilized,
                                                                               Valve, 100/cs                                                      HiFlo 23, 2.3m2, 20/cs
                                                                               SAFSITE Access Pin, Shielded Plastic Pin For
                                                                               Accessing Y-Injection Site, 100/cs                   7204001 Low Flux Dialyzer, Polysulfone Membrane, Gamma
                                                                                                                                                  Sterilized, LO PS 12, 1.2m2, 20/cs
                                412118 412119                          DEVICES VIA DIRECT
                                                                       VACUUM                                                       7204002 Low Flux Dialyzer, Polysulfone Membrane, Gamma
B BRAUN ONGUARD™ CONTAINED                                                                                                                        Sterilized, LO PS 15, 1.5m2, 20/cs
MEDICATION SYSTEM                                                      Used for transfer of medication from
                                                                       rubber-stoppered vial to vacuumized                          7204100 Polysulfone Membrane, Gamma Sterilized, HI PS 10,
412111           Tevadaptor Vial Adaptor For Closed Reconstitution &   IV container.                                                              1.0m2, 20/cs
412112           Withdrawal of Medications, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs
412113           Tevadaptor Connecting Set, Secondary Tubing Set       415017  Double-Ended Transfer Needle, Proximal, 17G x 1      7204101 Polysulfone Membrane, Gamma Sterilized, HI PS 12,
412114           For Closed Drug Preparation & Administration of IV            1/4” Needle Opposite 17G x 3/4” Needle, DEHP &                     1.2m2, 20/cs
412115           Medications, DEHP & Latex Free, 19”L, 100/cs                  Latex Free, 100/cs
                 Tevadaptor Spike Port Adaptor, Adapts a Dedicated                                                                  7204102 Polysulfone Membrane, Gamma Sterilized, HI PS 15,
412116           IV Pump Tubing Set or Gravity Tubing Set, DEHP &      B BRAUN COMBINED SPINAL/                                                   1.5m2, 20/cs
412118           Latex Free, 8”L, 100/cs                               EPIDURAL ANESTHESIA SETS
412119           Tevadaptor Luer Lock Adaptor, Converts a Standard                                                                  7204103 Polysulfone Membrane, Gamma Sterilized, HI PS 18,
                 Luer Activated Valve For Access, Tevadaptor Syringe   Contents: 17G or 18G x 3 1/2” tuohy needle                                 1.8m2, 20/cs
                 Adaptor, DEHP & Latex Free, 100/bx, 4 bx/cs           with backeye lumen, 5 cc luer slip clear plastic
                 Tevadaptor Connecting Set, ULTRASITE Needle-          procedural syringe, long spinal needle.                      7204104 Polysulfone Membrane, Gamma Sterilized, HI PS 20,
                 Free Valve, Secondary Tubing Set, For Closed Drug                                                                                2.0m2, 20/cs
                 Preparation & Administration of IV Medication, Latex
                 Free, 19”L, 100/cs                                                                                                 Accessories
                 Tevadaptor Spike Port Adaptor Set, ULTRASITE                                                                       7210397 Dialyzer Connector Line, 50/cs
                 Needle-Free Valve, Adapts a Dedicated IV Pump
                 Tubing Set, Latex Free, 13”L, 100/cs                  333160  Combined Spinal/ Epidural Set, 18G x 3 1/2”                    PP001923  PP001924
                 Tevadaptor Syringe Adaptor For Luer Lock Syringes,    333161  Tuohy Needle, Backeye Lumen, 27G x 5” PENCAN
                 DEHP & Latex Free, 50/bx, 6 bx/cs                     333174  Pencil Point Needle, Centering Sleeve, 5cc Clear     B BRAUN DIAPACT CRRT SYSTEM TUBING SETS
                 Tevadaptor Vial Adaptor For 28mm Vials, DEHP &        333180  Plastic Syringe, 12/cs
                 Latex Free, 20/bx, 4 bx/cs                                    Combined Spinal/ Epidural Set, 17G x 3 1/2”          PP001923  Filter Priming Set Includes: (2) Twist Lock Blood
                                                                               Tuohy Needle, Backeye Lumen, 25G x 5” PENCAN         PP001924  Sport Caps, 24/cs
                                                                               Pencil Point Needle, Centering Sleeve, 5cc Clear               Luer Lock Spike, 24/cs
                                                                               Plastic Syringe, 12/cs
        2112341           2112342              2112343                         Combined Spinal/ Epidural Set, 18G x 3 1/2”          B BRAUN DUPLEX® DRUG
                                                                               Tuohy Needle, Backeye Lumen, 27G x 5” PENCAN         DELIVERY SYSTEM
                                                                               Pencil Point Needle, Centering Sleeve, ESPOCAN®
                                                                               Docking System & 5cc Clear Plastic Syringe, 12/cs    A dual-chamber IV container now available in five
                                                                               Combined Spinal/ Epidural Set, 18G x 3 1/2”          cephalosporins that cover three generations of
                                                                               Tuohy Needle, Backeye Lumen, 27G x 5”                treatment. Conveniently activated at point of care,
                                                                               SPINOCAN Point Needle, Centering Sleeve, 5cc         there is no need for freezing or special vials. Pre-filled drug and
                                                                               Clear Plastic Syringe, 12/cs                         diluent chambers eliminate need for drug admixing and potential
                                                                                                                                    for associated medications errors, PVC-free, DEHP-free, latex-free.

        2112344           2112397          2112415                                                                                  3103-11   1g Cefazolin For Injection USP & Dextrose
                                                                                                                                    3105-11   Injection USP, 50mL (Rx), 24/cs
                                                                       S0003   S0005                                                3114-11   2g Cefazolin For Injection USP & Dextrose
                                                                                                                                    3123-11   Injection USP, 50mL (Rx), 24/cs
                 2112431           418121                              S1001A                                S1003A                 3125-11   1.5g CefUROXime For Injection USP & Dextrose
                                                                                                                                    3143-11   Injection USP, 50mL (Rx), 24/cs
B BRAUN PINNACLE® TPN MANAGEMENT                                       B BRAUN DIALYZER RE-USE PRODUCTS                             3145-11   1g Cefoxitin For Injection & Dextrose Injection,
SYSTEM TRANSFER SETS & ACCESSORIES                                                                                                  3153-11   50mL (Rx), 24/cs
Streamlines your TPN process or improved safety and efficiency.        S0003   Dialysate Port Caps, 100/cs                          3155-11   2g Cefoxitin For Injection & Dextrose Injection,
Uses barcode verification and barcoded patient prescription to         S0004   Dialysate Port Caps, 1000/cs                         3173-11   50mL (Rx), 24/cs
help reduce medication errors. Also, the Windows® browser-             S0005   Vented Dialysate Port Caps, 100/cs                   3175-11   1g Ceftazidime For Injection USP & Dextrose
based TPN calculating software includes Trissel’s™ Ca/P Check          S1001A  Blood Port Caps, Slip, 100/cs                        3193-11   Injection USP, 50mL (Rx), 24/cs
software and provides flexibility for single-, multiple-, and          S1002   Blood Port Caps, Slip, 1000/cs                       3195-11   2g Ceftazidime For Injection USP & Dextrose
network-user access and internet capability.                           S1003A  Blood Port Caps, Twist, 100/cs                                 Injection USP, 50mL (Rx), 24/cs
                                                                       S1004A  Blood Port Caps, Twist, 1000/cs                                1g CefTRIaxONE For Injection & Dextrose
2112341          6-Lead Vented Transfer Set, 10/cs                                                                                            Injection, 50mL (Rx), 24/cs
2112342          9-Lead Vented Transfer Set, 10/cs                                                                                            2g CefTRIaxONE For Injection & Dextrose
2112343          6-Lead Non-Vented Transfer Set, 10/cs                                                                                        Injection, 50mL (Rx), 24/cs
2112344          9-Lead Non-Vented Transfer Set, 10/cs                                                                                        1g Cefotetan For Injection & Dextrose Injection,
2112397          Tamper-Resistant Clamps For TPN Bags, Large                                                                                  50mL (Rx), 24/cs
                 Bore Tubing, 500/cs                                                                                                          2g Cefotetan For Injection USP & Dextrose
2112415          Dual Chamber Bag Filling Set, 25/cs                                                                                          Injection, 50mL (Rx), 24/cs
2112431          High Flow Y Adaptor Set, 20/cs                                                                                               1g Cefepime For Injection USP & Dextrose
418121           Vented Micro Spike Adapter, 50/cs                                                                                            Injection, 50mL (Rx), 24/cs
                                                                                                                                              2g Cefepime For Injection USP & Dextrose
                                                                                                                                              Injection, 50mL (Rx), 24/cs

                                                                               IV Sets                                                                            167
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