Page 203 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 203

EXEL HUBER INFUSION SETS                                       B BRAUN DEXTROSE INJECTIONS USP                                   B BRAUN PLASMA VOLUME IV                                        IV PRODUCTS
Latex free. Non-coring. DEHP free. 90°                         EXCEL & PAB, the only PVC-free, DEHP-free
316L stainless steel needle. Y injection                       containers with a full range of basic IV solutions.
site available. Polypropylene hubs,                            EXCEL & PAB eliminate the risk of plasticizer
color-coded according to gauge for easy                        toxicity, reduces the risk of sub-therapeutic
identification. A rotating wing ensures                        dosing and facilitate inspection of admixtures.
reduced stress on both the tissue and
the port. Used on patients who are receiving drug therapy      L5100     5%, 1000mL, EXCEL® Containers (Rx), 12/cs
through an implanted port. A Huber needle is used to prevent
damage to the port. Packaging: 50/box.                         L5101     5%, 500mL, EXCEL® Containers (Rx), 24/cs                L6511  500mL HESpan®, 6% Hetastarch in 0.9% Sodium
                                                                                                                                        Chloride Injection, EXCEL® Container (Rx), 12/cs
                                                               L5102     5%, 250mL, EXCEL® Containers (Rx), 24/cs

27940R    19G x 1”, Non DEHP, “Y” Site, Brown, 50/bx           L5200     10%, 1000mL, EXCEL® Containers (Rx), 12/cs
27941R    19G x 3/4”, Non DEHP, “Y” Site, Brown, 50/bx
27944R    20G x 1”, Non DEHP, “Y” Site, Yellow, 50/bx          L5201     10%, 500mL, EXCEL® Containers (Rx), 24/cs
27945R    20G x 3/4”, Non DEHP, “Y” Site, Yellow, 50/bx
27946R    20G x 1 1/2”, Non DEHP, “Y” Site, Yellow, 50/bx      L5202     10%, 250mL, EXCEL® Containers (Rx), 24/cs
27948R    22G x 1”, Non DEHP, “Y” Site, Black, 50/bx
27949R    22G x 3/4”, Non DEHP, “Y” Site, Black, 50/bx         S1290-SS Concentrated 70%, 1000mL, Glass Container,               B BRAUN POTASSIUM CHLORIDE
27950R    22G x 1 1/2”, Non DEHP, “Y” Site, Black, 50/bx                     Solid Stopper (Rx), 6/cs                            INJECTIONS
27954R    20G x 1”, Non DEHP, No “Y” Site, Yellow, 50/bx
27955R    20G x 3/4”, Non DEHP, No “Y” Site, Yellow, 50/bx     S5104-5264 5%, 100/150mL, PAB® Containers (Rx), 64/cs             EXCEL containers are made from a
27958R    22G x 1”, Non DEHP, No “Y” Site, Black, 50/bx                                                                          multilayered film specifically developed
27959R    22G x 3/4”, Non DEHP, No “Y” Site, Black, 50/bx      S5104-5384 5%, 50/100mL, PAB® Containers (Rx), 84/cs              for parenteral therapy. The film contains
                                                                                                                                 no plasticizers and exhibits virtually no
                                                               S5104-5410 5%, 25/100mL, PAB® Containers (Rx), 116/cs             leachability. The solution contact layer is
                                                                                                                                 a rubberized copolymer of ethylene and
                                                                                                                                 propylene. The containers are crystal clear; nontoxic and
                                                                                                                                 biologically inert.

                                                                                                                                 L6250  1000mL 0.15% Potassium Chloride in 5%
                                                                                                                                        Dextrose Injection (Rx), 12/cs

                                                               B BRAUN ISOLYTE® MULTI-ELECTROLYTE IV
                                                               SOLUTIONS IN EXCEL® BAG

B BRAUN AMINO ACID INJECTIONS                                  L7030     1000mL Isolyte S Injection (Rx), 12/cs
                                                               L7070     1000mL Isolyte S pH 7.4 Injection (Rx), 12/cs
S3200-SS  15% Amino Acids Injection PBP, 10mL (Rx), 6/cs       L7071     500mL Isolyte S pH 7.4 Injection (Rx), 24/cs
S9010-SS  10% FreAmine III Amino Acid Injection, 1000mL,       L7301     500mL Isolyte P with 5% Dextrose Injection (Rx), 24/cs
          Glass Container, Solid Stopper (Rx), 6/cs
                                                               B BRAUN LACTATED                                                  B BRAUN PRE-MIXED PHARMACEUTICALS
                                                               RINGER’S INJECTIONS
B BRAUN DEXTROSE                                                                                                                 P5541  400mg: 0.08% Theophylline in 5% Dextrose
& SODIUM CHLORIDE                                              EXCEL & PAB, the only PVC-free, DEHP-                             P5671  Injection USP (0.8mg/ mL), 500mL (Rx), 24/cs
INJECTIONS                                                     free containers with a full range of basic                        P5771  20,000 Units Heparin in 5% Dextrose Injection,
                                                               IV solutions. EXCEL & PAB eliminate the risk of plasticizer       P5872  40 Units/mL, 500mL, EXCEL® Container (Rx), 24/cs
EXCEL containers, available in 250 mL,                         toxicity, reduces the risk of sub-therapeutic dosing and                 25,000 Units Heparin in 5% Dextrose Injection,
500 mL and 1 liter sizes, are made                             facilitate inspection of admixtures.                              P5941  50 Units/mL, 500mL, EXCEL® Container (Rx), 24/cs
from a multilayered film specifically                                                                                                   25,000 Units Heparin in 5% Dextrose Injection,
developed for parenteral therapy.                              L7500     1000mL Lactated Ringers Injections USP (Rx), 12/cs      P5942  100 Units/mL, 250mL, EXCEL® Container (Rx),
The film contains no plasticizers and                          L7501     500mL Lactated Ringers Injections USP (Rx), 24/cs              24/cs
exhibits virtually no leachability. The                        L7502     250mL Lactated Ringers Injections USP (Rx), 24/cs       P5982  4 mg/mL: 0.4% Lidocaine Hydrochloride & 5%
solution contact layer is a rubberized copolymer of ethylene   L7510     1000mL 5% Dextrose in Lactated Ringer’s Injection              Dextrose Injection (2g), 500mL, EXCEL® Container
and propylene. The containers are crystal clear; nontoxic and            (Rx), 12/cs                                             P8721  (Rx), 24/cs </b (Currently Not Available for Sale)
biologically inert. 5% Dextrose and 0.45% Sodium Chloride.     L7511     500mL 5% Dextrose in Lactated Ringer’s Injection               4 mg/mL: 0.4% Lidocaine Hydrochloride & 5%
                                                                         (Rx), 24/cs                                                    Dextrose Injection (1g), 250mL, EXCEL® Container
L6050     1000mL 2.5% Dextrose & 0.45% Sodium Chloride                                                                                  (Rx), 24/cs
L6100     Injection (Rx), 12/cs                                B BRAUN MANNITOL INJECTIONS                                              8 mg/mL: 0.8% Lidocaine Hydrochloride & 5%
L6101     1000mL 5% Dextrose & 0.9% Sodium Chloride                                                                                     Dextrose Injection (2g), 250mL, EXCEL® Container
L6120     Injection (Rx), 12/cs                                                                                                         (Rx), 24/cs
L6121     500mL 5% Dextrose & 0.9% Sodium Chloride                                                                                      1,000 Units Heparin in 0.9% Sodium Chloride
L6122     Injection (Rx), 24/cs                                                                                                         Injection, 2 Units/mL, 500mL, EXCEL® Container
L6140     1000mL 5% Dextrose & 0.45% Sodium Chloride                                                                                    (Rx), 24/cs
L6141     Injection (Rx), 12/cs
L6160     500mL 5% Dextrose & 0.45% Sodium Chloride            L5781     500mL 20% Mannitol Injection (Rx), 24/cs
L6161     Injection (Rx), 24/cs                                L5782     250mL 20% Mannitol Injection (Rx), 24/cs
L6162     250mL 5% Dextrose & 0.45% Sodium Chloride
L6220     Injection (Rx), 24/cs                                          S9402-11  S9432                                         B BRAUN RINGER’S INJECTIONS
L6232     1000mL 5% Dextrose & 0.33% Sodium Chloride
          Injection (Rx), 12/cs                                B BRAUN PARENTERAL NUTRITION ADDITIVES                            L7800  1000mL Ringers Injection USP (Rx), 12/cs
          500mL 5% Dextrose & 0.33% Sodium Chloride
          Injection (Rx), 24/cs                                S9402-11  Concentrated Potassium Chloride Injection,
          1000mL 5% Dextrose & 0.2% Sodium Chloride            S9432     250mL, Glass Container, Solid Stopper (Rx), 12/cs
          Injection (Rx), 12/cs                                          Hyperlyte® CR Multi-Electrolyte Concentrate in
          500mL 5% Dextrose & 0.2% Sodium Chloride                       Pharmacy Bulk Package, 20mL/Dose, 250mL,
          Injection (Rx), 24/cs                                          Glass Container, Solid Stopper (Rx), 12/cs
          250mL 5% Dextrose & 0.2% Sodium Chloride
          Injection (Rx), 24/cs
          1000mL 10% Dextrose & 0.45% Sodium Chloride
          Injection (Rx), 12/cs
          250mL 10% Dextrose & 0.2% Sodium Chloride
          Injection (Rx), 24/cs

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