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HTL-STREFA MEDLANCE®                                               MEDIPURPOSE SURGILANCE                                          SMITHS MEDICAL
                  PLUS SUPERLITE                                                     SAFETY LANCETS                                                  SAF-T-LANCE® PLUS
                                                                                                                                                     SAFETY LANCETS
                  Collecting blood has never been so                                 Innovative, patented design provides safe
                  simple! Specially designed 30g needle tip                          and easy micro sampling in low, medium                          Provides retractable safety
                  provides higher patient’s comfort without                          and high blood flow. Color coded for depth                      technology for capillary blood
                  compromising usability. Features include:                          of penetration and easy identification. High-                   sampling. Automatic retraction
                  (1) Intuitive two step operation and                               speed penetration minimizes patient pain and clinician error.   reduces needlestick injuries
                  contact activation; (2) Improve patient                            Needles or blades are OSHA compliant, fully concealed before    and cross-contamination exposure while providing a quick,
                  comfort with silicone coated needles; (3) Increase safety using    and after use. Ideal for all POC tests requiring whole blood    gentle puncture. The needle is shielded before and after use.
                  a double spring mechanism to ensure high puncture speed            samples, including glucose, cholesterol, HIV and more. Latex-   Built-in needle depth control provides for consistent and
                  and complete retraction; (4) Self-destructive mechanism            free and hypoallergenic. Safe, simple and effective.            accurate sampling results. Six different flow models provide
                  prevents possibility of reuse; (5) Gamma sterilized with a                                                                         flexibility for sampling applications. Proprietary spring action
   LAB EQUIPMENT  twist-and-pull tab for reliable, secure sterilization protection.  SLB200  Blade, 1.8mm Penetration Depth, 19G, 75 to              provides quick, gently puncture.
& ACCESSORIES     7241 Lancet, 1.2mm Penetration Depth, Needle 30G,                  SLB250  100uL (High Blood Flow), Green, 100/bx                  1028 1.5mm Blade Pediatric, Color Code Pink, 150/bx
                                                                                     SLN100  Blade, 2.3mm Penetration Depth, 18G, 150-
                                 Color Coding Light Green, 200/bx                    SLN170  200uL (High Blood Flow), Blue, 100/bx                   TERUMO CAPIJECT®
                  7242 Lancet, 1.2mm Penetration Depth, Needle 30G,                  SLN200  Needle, 1.0mm Penetration Depth, 26G, 5-10ul            SAFETY LANCETS
                                                                                     SLN240  (Low Blood Flow), Yellow, 100/bx
                                 Color Coding Light Green, 100/bx                    SLN300  Needle, 1.7mm Penetration Depth, 28G, 5-10µl            200101  1.5mm Blade, 1.0 Depth, Pink, 200/bx, 10 bx/cs
                                                                                             (Low Blood Flow), Lime, 100/bx, 15 bx/cs                200102  1.5mm Blade, 1.5 Depth, Green, 200/bx, 10 bx/cs
                  HTL-STREFA MEDLANCE®                                                       Needle, 1.8mm Penetration Depth, 23G, 10-20uL           200103  1.5mm Blade, 2.0 Depth, Blue, 200/bx, 10 bx/cs
                  PLUS UNIVERSAL                                                             (Low Blood Flow), Gray, 100/bx                          200104  23G, 2.25mm Depth, Orange, 200/bx, 10 bx/cs
                                                                                             Needle, 2.2mm Penetration Depth, 22G, 20-40uL           200105  28G, 1.25mm Depth, Purple, 200/bx, 10 bx/cs
                  Whenever you need larger blood                                             (Medium Blood Flow), Orange, 100/bx
                  samples for testing glucose, hemoglobin,                                   Needle, 2.8mm Penetration Depth, 21G, 40-60uL
                  cholesterol, blood type studies,                                           (Medium-High Blood Flow), Pink, 100/bx
                  coagulation, blood gas and many others.
                  Features include: (1) Intuitive two step                           OWEN MUMFORD                                                    ADI TOURNIQUET
                  operation and contact activation; (2) Improve patient comfort      AUTOLET® IMPRESSION LANCING DEVICE
                  with silicone coated needles; (3) Increase safety using a                                                                          10921   1” x 18”, Non-Latex, Rolled, Blue, 1000/cs
                  double spring mechanism to ensure high puncture speed and          Unique Comfort Zone Technology masks the sensation and
                  complete retraction; (4) Self-destructive mechanism prevents       perception of pain to increase comfort when sampling. This      BD VACUTAINER® STRETCH
                  possibility of reuse; (5) Gamma sterilized with a twist-and-pull   innovative approach uses a series of 8 raised dots on the       LATEX-FREE TOURNIQUETS
                  tab for reliable, secure sterilization protection.                 device cap to soothe the nerve endings in the fingertip with a
                  7044 Lancet, 1.8mm Penetration Depth, Needle 21G,                  comfort impression prior to lancing. Force Adjustment allows    Ideal product for those looking to
                                                                                     users to control the lancet force when sampling. This may be    eliminate latex from their healthcare
                                 Color Coding Blue, 200/bx                           used as an alternative to increasing the penetration depth      environment. Our latex-free tourniquet
                  7244 Lancet, 1.8mm Penetration Depth, Needle 21G,                  and can help achieve a suitable sample in a more comfortable    will not cause an allergic reaction in
                                                                                     way. 7 penetration depth settings to promote user control       latex-sensitive patients or employees.
                                 Color Coding Blue, 100/bx                           and preference. Used in combination with Force Adjustment       The convenient packaging allows for
                                                                                     and Comfort Zone Technology, the penetration depth can          easy, one-at-a-time dispensing of tourniquets that facilitates
                  HTL-STREFA                                                         be altered to achieve maximum comfort. Clear alternate site     a single-use policy. By adopting the single-use tourniquet,
                  PROLANCE LANCET                                                    end cap allows the device to be used for painless testing on    you will reduce the danger of cross-contamination between
                                                                                     alternate sites such as the forearm.                            patients and healthcare workers.
                  Single-use safety lancets have                                     AT0270 Includes: Device, 3 Unilet Lancets, 1 Depth Adjuster,    367203 Dispensing Box, 25/bx, 20 bx/cs
                  been designed for blood
                  sampling. Available in six                                                     1 Alternate Site End Cap & Instructions for use
                  different color-coded product versions to meet specific blood
                  sample and application needs while addressing the variety          OWEN MUMFORD UNISTIK® 3 PRE-SET                                 DUKAL DAWNMIST TOURNIQUET
                  of patient skin types. Features include: (1) Inuitive two step     SINGLE USE SAFETY LANCETS
                  operation and push button activation; (2) Improve patient                                                                          100% natural latex used for constricting or
                  comfort with silicone coated needles; (3) Increase safety using    Safe and easy to use and provides maximum comfort with          compression. Low powder content. High tensile
                  a double spring mechanism to ensure high puncture speed            Comfort Zone Technology. CZT is comprised of 8 raised           and tear strength. Convenient packaging
                  and complete retraction; (4) Self-destructive mechanism            pressure points on the patient end of the device, this          designed for kit assembly and resale. Latex free
                  prevents possibility of reuse; (5) Gamma sterilized with a         patented technology sends a signal of comfort to the brain      tourniquets feel like latex, are hypoallergenic,
                  twist-and-pull tab for reliable, secure sterilization protection.  helping to eliminate the pain associated with the fingerstick.  and have superior strength.
                  7594 Normal FLow, 21G Needle, 1.8mm Depth, Green, 200/bx
                  7599 Low FLow, 25G Needle, 1.4mm Depth, Blue, 200/bx               AT1002  Lancet, Normal, 23G, 1.8mm, Yellow, 100/bx              LXS118  Rolled & Banded, White, 1” x 18”, Latex,
                  7601 High FLow, 18G Needle, 1.8mm Depth, Yellow, 200/bx            AT1003  Lancet, Normal, 23G, 1.8mm, Yellow, 1000/cs                     250/bg, 10 bg/cs
                  7604 Micro FLow, 28G Needle, 1.6mm Depth, Lite Blue, 200/bx        AT1004  Lancet, Normal, 23G, 1.8mm, Yellow, 200/bx
                  7609 Pediatric, Blade, 1.2mm Depth, Pink, 200/bx                   AT1007  Lancet, Normal, 23G, 1.8mm, Yellow, 50/bx               LXS118F Flat, White, 1” x 18”, Latex, 2000/cs
                  7620 Max FLow, Blade, 1.6mm Depth, Purple, 200/bx                  AT1012  Lancet, Extra, 21G, 2.0mm, Orange, 100/bx
                                                                                     AT1013  Lancet, Extra, 21G, 2.0mm, Orange, 1000/cs              LXS118FP Flat, White, 1” x 18”, Latex, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs
                                     201 802                                         AT1014  Lancet, Extra, 21G, 2.0mm, Orange, 200/bx
                                                                                     AT1043  Lancet, Comfort, 28G, 1.8mm, Purple, 1000/cs            LXS3206 Flat, White, 1” x 18”, Latex, 250/bx, 4 bx/cs
                  MEDICORE LANCETS & ACCESSORIES                                     AT1044  Lancet, Comfort, 28G, 1.8mm, Purple, 200/bx
                                                                                     AT1047  Lancet, Comfort, 28G, 1.8mm, Purple, 50/bx              LXS3418 Rolled & Banded, White, 3/4” x 18”, Latex,
                  201 Lancet, 30G, 100/pk, 100 pk/cs                                 AT1062  Lancet, Dual, 18G, 1.8mm, Blue, 100/bx                                250/bg, 10 bg/cs
                  203 Lancet, 33G, 100/pk, 100 pk/cs                                 AT1064  Lancet, Dual, 18G, 1.8mm, Blue, 200/bx
                  20P Lancing Pen                                                                                                                    LXS7229 Rolled & Banded, Butterfly, White, 1” x 18”,
                  802 ReadyLance Safety Lancet, 30G x 1.6mm, 100/bx                                                                                                Latex, 2000/cs
                  803 ReadyLance Safety Lancet, 28G x 1.8mm, 100/bx
                  804 ReadyLance Safety Lancet, 26G x 1.8mm, 100/bx                  PTS DIAGNOSTICS SAFETY LANCETS                                  NLT4100 Blue, 1” x 18”, Latex Free, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs
                  805 ReadyLance Safety Lancet, 23G x 1.8mm, 100/bx
                  806 ReadyLance Safety Lancet, 21G x 2.2mm, 100/bx                  1701 Needle, 21G, 2.0mm Depth, 40 to 60uL Blood                 NLT4364 Flat,White,3/4”x18”,UltraLatexFree,250/bx,8bx/cs
                  808 ReadyLance Safety Lancet, 21G x 2.8mm, 100/bx                                 Sample, Pink, 100/bx (Distributor Agreement
                                                                                                    Required - See Manufacturer Details Page)        NLT4371 Rolled & Banded, White, 1” x 18”,
                                                                                                                                                                   Ultra Latex Free, 250/bx, 10 bx/cs

                                                                                                                                                     NLT4425OR Flat, Orange, 1” x 18”, Ultra Latex Free, 250/bx, 4 bx/cs

                                                                                                                                                     NLT4425W Flat, White, 1” x 18”, Ultra Latex Free, 250/bx, 4 bx/cs

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