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ALERE POC                                                       QUIDEL QUICKVUE®                                                SIEMENS CLINITEST®
CLEARVIEW® HCG KITS                                             ONE-STEP HCG COMBO TEST
                                                                                                                                1760 Clinitest hCG Test, CLIA Waived, 25/btl
Provides highly sensitive and                                   A sensitive immunoassay for the                                                (10310618) (For Sales in US Only)
specific tests for pregnancy.                                   qualitative detection of human
Single-step; positive results                                   chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)                                    SEKISUI OSOM® BVBLUE®
in as little as 1 minute. CLIA                                  in serum and urine for the early                                RAPID TEST
waived (urine), easy-to-use                                     detection of pregnancy. Detects 25
test. Highly sensitive assay with built-in controls ensures     mIU/mL hCG in serum and urine. Results in 5 minutes (serum)     The only CLIA-waived rapid
accuracy. Use with multiple sample types - urine or serum.      / 3 minutes (urine). Greater than 99% sensitivity, specificity  test to aid in the diagnosis of
                                                                and accuracy. Room temperature storage. Simple one-step         bacterial vaginosis.
92215    hCG Combo Cassette (20/10 mIU/mL), 40 test/kit         procedure uses only 3 drops of sample. CLIA waived for urine.   183 OSOM BVBLUE Test, CLIA Waived, 25 tests/kit
92217    hCG Cassette (25 mIU/mL), 40 test/kit                                                                                  184 OSOM BVBLUE Control Kit Includes: 5mL Positive
92218    hCG Urine Controls (Refrigerated - Expedited           20110  hCG-Combo, CLIA Waived, 50 tests/kit
         Shipment Required)                                                                                                                    Control & 5mL Negative Control
92225    hCG Combo Cassette (25 mIU/mL), 40 test/kit            QUIDEL QUICKVUE® ONE-
                                                                STEP HCG URINE TEST                                             SEKISUI OSOM®
BECKMAN COULTER                                                                                                                 TRICHOMONAS RAPID TEST                                          LAB
ICON® 20 HCG                                                    A sensitive immunoassay for the                                                                                                    POINT OF CARE
                                                                qualitative detection of human                                  The only CLIA Waived rapid test
A simple immunoassay for the                                    chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in                                 for the detection of Trichomonas
qualitative detection of hCG                                    urine for the early detection of                                vaginalis. Vaginal swab specimen.
in the serum or urine for the                                   pregnancy. Detects 25 mIU/mL hCG in urine. Results in 3         Results in 10 minutes or less.
early detection of pregnancy.                                   minutes or less. Greater than 99% sensitivity, specificity      Includes controls.
A one-step, rapid, combination                                  and accuracy. Room temperature storage. Simple one-step         181 OSOM Trichomonas Rapid Test, CLIA Waived,
serum/urine test (urine CLIA                                    procedure uses only 3 drops of sample. CLIA waived.
Waived) designed to aid the physician to rule out pregnancy                                                                                    25 tests/kit
in addition to detecting early pregnancy. Detects hCG as low    20109  hCG-Urine, CLIA Waived, 25 tests/kit                     182 OSOM Trichomonas Positive Control Kit,
as 10 mIU/mL sensitivity for serum, 20 mIU/mL for urine.
ICON 20 requires only 3 drops of sample with results in just 3  SEKISUI OSOM® HCG                                                              For #181, CLIA Waived, 10 tests/kt
to 5 minutes.                                                   CARD PREGNANCY TEST
                                                                                                                                SEKISUI DUAL SWABS
395097A  Each Test Kit Contains: 25 Test Devices, 25            Urine pregnancy test with
         Disposable Sample Droppers, 1 Product                  increased sensitivity of 20mlU/                                 Can be used with all OSOM Strep A and OSOM Trichomonas
         Instruction & 1 Procedure Card                         mL. Fast results in three                                       products.
                                                                minutes. Easy-to-read black                                     7784 Dual Swabs: (2) Rayon Swabs in each Plastic
BECKMAN COULTER                                                 and white results. 24-month
ICON® 25 HCG                                                    room temperature storage.                                                      Transport Tube, 30 tube/bx
                                                                102 OSOM Card Pregnancy Test, CLIA Waived,
A one-step, rapid, combination
serum/urine test (urine CLIA                                                   25 tests/kit
Waived) designed for the
early detection of pregnancy.                                   SEKISUI OSOM® HCG                                               SEKISUI OSOM®
Delivers fast, reliable results.                                COMBO TEST                                                      VAGINAL SWAB TRANSPORT SYSTEM
Sensitivity as low as 25 mIU/mL
with >99 percent specificity. Requires only 3 drops of sample,  Increased sensitivity for urine                                 185 Vaginal Transport System, Transport Tube
results in just 3 to 5 minutes.                                 (CLIA waived) and serum.                                                       Includes: (1) Rayon Swab For Use with
                                                                Detects hCG as low as 10mlU/                                                   Trichomonas Test & (1) Cotton Swab For Use with
43025A   Each Box Contains: (25) Test Devices, Disposable       mL in serum and 20mlU/mL                                                       BVBLUE Test, Sterile, 50 set/bx, 10 bx/cs
         Sample Droppers, Ziplock Bag, 2 Extra Sample           in urine.
         Droppers & Instructions, 4 bx/cs                       124 OSOM hCG Combo Pregnancy Test, CLIA Waived                  186 BVBLUE Transport Tubes, Includes: (1) Cotton
                                                                                                                                               Swab For Use with BVBLUE Test, Sterile, 50/bx,
             0272 0281                                                         (Urine), 25 tests/kit                                           10 bx/cs

QUIDEL HCG CONTROL SETS                                         SEKISUI OSOM® HCG SERUM CONTROL SET                             ALERE POC CLEARVIEW® CHLAMYDIA TEST KIT

Provide an aid in the interpretation of positive and negative   For use with hCG Combo®. Kit contents: 1 vial hCG Negative      Uses a patented, innovation technology to provide highly
test results and verify proper test performance. For use with   Serum Control (5mL/vial) and 1 vial hCG Positive Serum          sensitive and specific results. Test provides positive results
QuickVue® One-Step hCG Urine, QuickVue® One-Step hCG            Control (5mL/vial).                                             in just 15 minutes. Assay can be easily performed and
Combo and QuickVue+® One-Step hCG Combo tests.                  138 OSOM® hCG Serum Controls                                    interpreted by all staff members. Highly sensitive assay with
0272 Hcg Control Set                                                                                                            built-in control ensures accuracy. Test provides results while
0281 Serum hCG Control Set                                                     For OSOM® hCG Combo                              the patient waits.

QUIDEL QUICKVUE+® ONE-                                          SEKISUI OSOM® HCG URINE CONTROL SET                             130035 Chlamydia Collection Workstation
                                                                For use with hCG urine kits. Kit contents: 1 vial negative      QUIDEL QUICKVUE®
Clearly distinguishable                                         control, 1 vial low positive control.                           CHLAMYDIA TEST
+/- endpoint. A sensitive                                       134 hCG Urine Control Set
immunoassay for the qualitative                                                                                                 Results in 12 minutes or
detection of human chorionic                                                   (1 positive & 1 negative per set)                less. Offers high sensitivity
gonatrophin (hCG) in serum or urine for the early detection                                                                     and specificity - in all
of pregnancy. Uses a monoclonal antibody specific to the        SEKISUI OSOM® HCG                                               patient populations. Easy
beta subunit of hCG in a single-step technology to accurately   URINE TEST                                                      to perform and interpret. A
detect hCG.                                                                                                                     simple extraction procedure requires the addition of only
0178 Serum/ Urine Test, CLIA Waived, 30 tests/kit               Economical. Easy-to-use,                                        two reagents. Either endocervical swab or cytology brush
0179 Serum/ Urine Test, CLIA Waived, 90 tests/kit               easy-to-read 2 color results                                    specimens can be used. The 25 test kit is stored at room
                                                                (dipstick). 25mlU/mL                                            temperature. Controls included in kit.
                                                                sensitivity, 99% accurate.
                                                                101 hCG-Urine Tests, CLIA Waived, 50 tests/kit                  0B006  Chlamydia Test, 25 tests/kit

                                                                       Rapid Tests                                                                                   199
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