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ALERE POC                                                         QUIDEL QUICKVUE+®                                                 SEKISUI OSOM®
               BINAXNOW® STREP A                                                 STREP A TEST                                                      ULTRA STREP A TEST

               Rapid tests specific for Group                                    Clearly distinguishable +/- endpoint                              Studies have shown that the
               A Strep yield results in less                                     and two reagent extraction. A Test                                sensitivity of Ultra Strep A and the
               than 10 minutes. These tests                                      Complete indicator appears to let                                 standard single swab culture are
               use a throat swab specimen                                        you know the test can be read.                                    not statistically different. Easy-to-
               and provide results in a timely                                   Overall accuracy of the test is 98%,                              read two color results within 5
               fashion, allowing for STAT testing. Results are available before  with a sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 98%. The kit stores  minutes. 17 month room temperature storage.
               the patient leaves the office or ER. The rapid nature of these    at room temperature and contains positive and negative
               tests allows for optimal patient management.                      external controls.                                                147 Ultra Strep A Test CLIA Waived, 25 tests/kit
                                                                                                                                                   149 Ultra Strep A Test, CLIA Waived, 2 Additional
               730-010  Control Swab, (5) Positive, (5) Negative, 10/bx          20122  Strep A Test, 25 tests/kit
               730-025  Test Kit, Results in 5 Minutes, 25 test/kit                                                                                               Tests For External QC, 50 tests/kit

   LAB         ALERE POC CLEARVIEW®                                              QUIDEL QUICKVUE®                                                  ALERE POC
POINT OF CARE  STREP A EXACT II                                                  DIPSTICK STREP A TEST                                             BINAXNOW® RSV KITS

               Provides highly sensitive and                                     For the rapid detection of group A                                The BinaxNOW® RSV test kit is an
               specific tests for Group A Strep.                                 Streptococcal antigen directly from                               in vitro immunochromatographic
               Positive result in as soon as                                     patient throat swab specimens. The dipstick format allows         membrane assay used to detect
               1 minute. CLIA waived, easy-                                      for an easy-to-handle, off-line extraction process. Two-color     RSV fusion protein antigen in nasal
               to-use dipstick test. Built-in                                    results give clear readability. Offers high sensitivity at low    wash and NP swab specimens. It is
               control ensures accuracy. Results while patient waits.            levels of colony count and 95% overall agreement to culture.      intended to aid in the rapid diagnosis of RSV in neonatal and
               4581225020 Test Kit, Results in 1 Minute, 30 test/kit             The kit is stored at room temperature and includes positive       pediatric patients 5 and under..
                                                                                 and negative controls. CLIA waived.
                                                                                                                                                   430-000      RSV Moderately Complex Test Kit, Results in 15
                                                                                 20108  Dipstick Strep A Test, CLIA Waived, 50 test/kit                         Minutes, 42 test/kit

                                                                                                                                                   430-100      RSV Test Kit, CLIA Waived, Includes: 10 Test
                                                                                                                                                                Devices, 11 Transfer Pipettes, 11 Elution Solution
               ALERE POC STREPTOZYME® TEST KIT                                   QUIDEL QUICKVUE® IN-LINE®                                                      Vials, 10 NP Swabs, 1 Viral Negative Swab, 1
                                                                                 STREP A KIT                                                                    Positive Swab, 10 test/kit
               Hemagglutination slide test for the qualitative detection
               and quantitative determination of strepto antibodies to           For the rapid detection of group A                                430-122      RSV Test Kit, CLIA Waived, Includes: 22 Test
               streptococcal extreacellular antigens in serum, plasma, or        streptococcal antigen directly from                                            Devices, 25 Transfer Pipettes, 22 Elution Solution
               whole blood.                                                      patient throat swab specimens. A                                               Vials, 22 NP Swabs, 1 Viral Negative Swab, 1
                                                                                 truly one-step test via unique patented in-line extraction                     Positive Swab, 22 test/kit
                                                                                 method reduces hands-on time and provides quick results
                                                                                 in 5 minutes or less. Each kit contains positive and negative     Accessories
                                                                                 controls. Room temperature storage with up to 24-month
               46050    Streptozyme Colorcard Test Kit, 50 tst/kt                shelf life from date of manufacture. CLIA waived.The unique       400-065      Nasopharyngeal Swab Kit (22 NP Swabs, 22
                                                                                 in-line extraction and rapid procedure allow testing to take                   Elution Vials), 22/pk
                                                                                 place at the point of care. Two-color results give you clear
                                                                                 readability, and the proven accuracy of QuickVue provides         430-080      RSV Control Packs (each pack has 1 positive swab,
                                                                                 dependable results. The kit stores at room temperature and                     1 negative swab, 2 elution solution vials), 20/pk
                                                                                 includes positive and negative external controls. CLIA wiaved.
               BECKMAN COULTER ICON®                                                                                                               ALERE POC CLEARVIEW® RSV TEST
               DS STREP A TEST KIT                                               0343 Strep A Test, CLIA Waived, 25 test kit
                                                                                 0347 Strep A Swab Pack, 75 Individually Pouched                   Provides highly sensitive and specific test for Respiratory
               A qualitative assay for rapid                                                                                                       Syncytial Virus (RSV). Four easy steps, results in 15 minutes. CLIA
               detection of Strep A antigen from                                                Sterile Rayon Swabs, For Use with QuickVue         waived, easy-to-use test required no training. Built-in control
               throat swabs, using a convenient                                                 In-Line Strep A Test Only, 75 swabs/pk             ensures accuracy. Multiple sample types - nasopharyngeal swabs
               dipstick format. Boasts 96.2%                                                                                                       or aspirates. Designed to aid in the rapid diagnosis in children
               relative sensitivity and 98.7%                                                                                                      less than 6 years and adults over age 60.
               relative specificity, 98% overall agreement. This CLIA Waived
               test provides outstanding performance, even in low colony         QUIDEL QUICKVUE®                                                  135060       Cassette Format, CLIA Waived, Results in
               count samples. Leaves little chance for misdiagnosis, thereby     IN-LINE® STREP A LUQID                                                         15 Minutes, 20 test/kit
               minimizing the risk of rheumatic fever or over-prescription of    CONTROL SET
               antibiotics.                                                                                                                        QUIDEL QUICKVUE®
                                                                                 Positive and negative control                                     RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL
               395098A  Each Kit Contains: (25) Test Devices, (25)               swab set. Includes (6) positive                                   VIRUS (RSV)
                        Extraction Tubes, (25) Sterile Swabs, 1 Each             and (6) negative control
                        Extraction Reagent A & B, 1 Each Positive &              swabs. For use with QuickVue In-Line Strep A test only. Room      For the rapid qualitative detection
                        Negative Control, 1 Each Product Instructions            temperature storage.                                              of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) antigen (viral fusion protein),
                        & Procedure Card                                         0345 Strep A Liquid Controls                                      directly from nasopharyngeal swab, nasopharyngeal aspirate or
                                                                                                                                                   nasal/nasopharyngeal wash specimens. 3 steps, 1 reagent, 15
               BECKMAN COULTER ICON®                                             QUIDEL STREP A                                                    minutes to results, this test takes less than 30 seconds hands-on
               SC STREP A TEST                                                   LIQUID CONTROL SET                                                time. Kit includes external controls and sterile nasopharyngeal
                                                                                                                                                   swabs and is stored at room temperature.
               ICON® SC STREP A is a simple, easy                                Positive and negative liquid
               to use CLIA-waived test. No mixing,                               Strep A control set. For use                                      20193        QuickVue® RSV Test, CLIA Waived, 20 tests/kt
               no measuring and no fragile trays.                                with QuickVue Dipstick Strep A
               The easy to handle cassette format with clearly visible result    or QuickVue+ Strep A kits. Approximately 65 tests per bottle.     ALERE POC ACCEAVA®
               window makes test results simple to interpret, In as little as    Room temperature storage.                                         HCG TESTING
               five minutes, you will have accurate results so you can begin     0354 Strep A Liquid Controls
               your patient’s treatment immediately and confidently. ICON®                                                                         Provides qualitative determination
               SC Strep A - even better: 98% accuracy, results in five minutes,                                                                    of human chorionic gonadotropin
               on board extraction and fast easy and accurate.                                                                                     (hCG) in urine for early detection
                                                                                                                                                   of pregnancy. Simple procedures
               395161A  Each Kit Includes: 25 Test Devices, 25 Throat            SEKISUI OSOM®                                                     provide easy to read Urine or Serum
                        Swabs, 1 ea Extraction Reagent A & B, 1 ea               STREP A TEST                                                      results in 5 minutes or less, at detection levels from 10 to 25
                        Positive & Negative Controls, 1 ea Instructions &                                                                          mIU/mL. Highly accurate. Simple no-reagent procedures fit
                        Procedure Card, 4 kt/cs                                  Rapid Strep A test with                                           easily into workflow. CLIA Waived (urine) for easy regulatory
                                                                                 96% sensitivity and 97.8%                                         compliance. No refrigeration required. Reimbursable - keep
                                                                                 specificity. 17 month shelf life.                                 diagnositc revenues in-house. Long shelf life helps manage
                                                                                 141 Strep A CLIA Waived, Includes 2 Additional Tests              fluctuations in testing demands.

                                                                                                For External QC Testing, 50 tests/kit              92210        hCG Urine II Test Kit, Results in 3 Minutes, 30 test/kit
                                                                                                                                                   92211        Urine Dipstick, 50 test/kit

               198 Rapid Tests
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