Page 231 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
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ROCHE CHEMSTRIP® URINALYSIS PRODUCTS                              2183 Combistix® Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 100/btl               QUIDEL QUICKVUE®
                                                                                 (10337932) (For Sales in US Only)                   INFLUENZA A+B TESTS
03260763160 Chemstrip 10 MD Urine Test Strips, CLIA Waived,
               100/vial                                           2184 Uristix® Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 100/btl                 Immunoassay for the rapid
                                                                                 (10339520) (For Sales in US Only)                   differential detection of
11008552160 Chemstrip 7 (Leukocytes, pH, Protein, Glucose,                                                                           acute influenza type A and
               Nitrite, Ketone, Blood), CLIA Waived, 100/vial     2190 Hemastix® Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 50/btl, 12             type B. This easy-to-use test
                                                                                 btl/cs (10312568) (For Sales in US Only)            has 1 step (nasal wash/aspirate), 3 steps (nasal swab), and
11379194160 Chemstrip Calibration Strips, 50/vial                                                                                    uses 1 reagent. Results are seen in 10 minutes or less with
11544039160 Chemstrip Micral®, CLIA Waived, 30/vial               2309 MULTISTIX® 5, Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 100/               less than 30 seconds hands-on time. Color coded procedure
11893467160 Chemstrip 5 OB (Leukocytes, Protein, Glucose,                        btl (10337415) (For Sales in US Only)               card helps demonstrate each step of the test. Kit contains
                                                                                                                                     positive and negative controls. Room temperature storage
               Blood, Nitrite), CLIA Waived, 100/vial             2591 Ictotest® Reagent Tablets, CLIA Waived, 100/btl, 6            with up to 24-month shelf life from date of manufacture. CLIA
11895362160 Chemstrip 10SG (Specific Gravity, pH, Leukocytes,                    btl/cs (10311477) (For Sales in US Only)            waived.

               Nitrite, Protein, Glucose, Ketone, Urobilinogen,   SIEMENS URIN-TEK® SYSTEM                                           20183  QuickVue® Influenza A+B Test, Dipstick Format,
               Bilirubin, Blood), CLIA Waived, 100/vial                                                                                     Identifies Type A, Type B, or Both, Two-Color
11895397160 Chemstrip 2 GP (Protein, Glucose), CLIA Waived,       4202 Urin-Tek® System, 100/pk, 5 pk/cs (10310944)                         Endpoint, CLIA Waived, 25 test/kit
               100/vial                                                          (For Sales in US Only)
11895427160 Chemstrip 9 (Leukoctytes, Nitrite, pH, Protein,
               Glucose, Ketone, Urobilinogen, Bilirubin, Blood),  4204 Urin-Tek Urine Tubes, 500/pk (10323513) (For
               CLIA Waived, 100/vial                                             Sales in US Only)
11895460160 Chemstrip 2 LN (Leukocytes, Nitrite), CLIA
               Waived, 100/vial                                   4205 Urin-Tek Caps, 500/pk, 6 pk/cs (10315501) (For
                                                                                 Sales in US Only)
                                                                  ALERE POC BINAXNOW®                                                QUIDEL QUICKVUE® INFLUENZA SWABS                                 LAB
Multistix PRO® Reagent Strips provide doctors with an             INFLUENZA A & B KITS                                                                                                                   POINT OF CARE
accurate and cost-effective diagnostic tool. Purchase requires                                                                       20103  QuickVue Influenza Swab Pack, 25 Individually
prior approval; See Vendor Details.                               The BinaxNOW® Influenza                                            20171  Pouched Sterile Foam Swabs, For Use with
                                                                  A & B test kit is an in vitro                                             QuickVue Influenza & QuickVue Influenza A+B
1554 10LS Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 100/btl, 24 btl/cs         immunochromatographic                                                     Tests Only, 25/pk
1566 10LS Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 25/btl, 24 btl/cs          assay for the qualitative                                                 QuickVue Influenza Transport Tubes, 25 Sterile
                                                                  detection of influenza A and B                                            Foam Swabs Inside Plastic Transport Tubes,
                                                                  nucleoprotein antigens in NP swabs, nasal swabs, and nasal                For Use with QuickVue Influenza & QuickVue
                                                                  wash/aspirate specimens. It is intended to aid in the rapid               Influenza A+B Tests Only, 25 swabs/pk
                                                                  differential diagnosis of influenza A and B viral infections.

                                                                  416-000      Influenza A & B Moderately Complex Test Kit,
                                                                               Results in 15 Minutes, 22 test/kit

                                                                  416-000P Influenza A & B Moderately Complex Test Kit,
                                                                                Results in 15 Minutes, 22 test/kit, 6 kt/cs

                                                                  416-022      Influenza A & B Test Kit, CLIA Waived, Includes: 22   QUIDEL QUICKVUE®
                                                                               Test Devices, 22 Elution Solution Vials, 25 Transfer  INFLUENZA TEST
                                                                               Pipettes, 22 NP Swabs, 1 A/B Positive Control
                                                                               Swab, 1 Viral Negative Control Swab, 22 test/kit      For the detection of
                                                                                                                                     influenza type A and B. 3
SIEMENS REAGENT & CONTROL STRIPS                                  416-110      Influenza A & B Test Kit, CLIA Waived, Includes: 10   steps nasal swab/1 step
                                                                               Test Devices, 11 Elution Solution Vials, 11 Transfer  nasal wash/aspirate, 1 reagent, 10 minutes to results, this
10313436  Hema-Check with Controls (Slide Test For Fecal                       Pipettes, 10 NP Swabs, 1 A/B Positive Control         test takes less than 30 seconds hands-on time. Color coded
10313614  Occult Blood), 100/pk (2592) (For Sales in US Only)                  Swab, 1 Viral Negative Control Swab, 10 test/kit      procedure card helps demonstrate each step of the test. Kit
10324060  Hema-Chek Developer, 25mL, 10/bx (2596) (For                                                                               contains patient swabs, positive and negative controls, and is
          Sales in US Only)                                       Accessories                                                        stored at room temperature. CLIA-waived.
10333485  Azostix® Reagent Strips (60 Second Test For Blood                                                                          0317 Influenza A/B Test, Identifies Positive or Negative,
          Urea Nitrogen), 25/btl, 12 btl/cs (2830) (For Sales     416-080      Influenza A & B Control Swabs, 20 (each pack has
1360      in US Only)                                                          1 A/B positive swab, 1 negative swab, 2 elution                      CLIA Waived, 25 test/kit
1364      Albustix® Reagent Strips (Dip-and-Read Test For                      solution vials) 20/pk
2083      Protein in Urine), 100/btl (2191) (For Sales in
2161      US Only)                                                ALERE POC INFLUENZA A & B KITS                                     SEKISUI OSOM®
2162      Chek-Stix® Urinalysis Control Strips, All Positive,                                                                        INFLUENZA A & B TEST
2163      25/btl (10310482) (For Sales in US Only)                412-000 Influenza A & B Dipstick Flu Test Kit, 25 test/kit
2164      Chek-Stix® Combo Pak, Positive & Negative, 25/                                                                             A rapid diagnostic test for the
2165      btl, 2 btl/pk (10310483) (For Sales in US Only)         BD VERITOR™ SYSTEM                                                 detection of influenza A and
2166      Clinitek® Microalbumin Reagent Test Strips, CLIA                                                                           Influenza B from nasal swab
2179      Waived, 25/btl (10317439) (For Sales in US Only)        The system has an unique adaptive read                             specimens. Differentiates
2181      Multistix® 10 SG Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived,           technology - helps reduce false-positive                           between Influenza A & B
2182      100/btl (10336425) (For Sales in US Only)               results by examining the sample and
          Multistix® 9 Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 100/btl,      compensating for many of the effects                               190 Influenza Test Kit Includes: Swabs & Controls, Plus
          24 btl/cs (10329874) (For Sales in US Only)             of non-specific binding to help deliver a                                         2 Additional Sticks For QC Control, 25 tests/bx
          Multistix® 9 SG Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 100/       more accurate read. Eliminates the need for visual-read and                       (Not CLIA Waived)
          btl, 24 btl/cs (10337216) (For Sales in US Only)        subjective interpretation by providing objective results on an
          Multistix® 8 SG Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 100/       easy-to-read digital display. Delivers results in minutes.         191 Control Kit, Includes: 5 Positive A & 5 Positive B
          btl, 24 btl/cs (10337913) (For Sales in US Only)                                                                                          Control Swabs (Not CLIA Waived)
          Multistix® 7 Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 100/btl
          (10326145) (For Sales in US Only)                       256038   RSV Test Kit, CLIA Waived, 30 test/kit                    ALERE POC ACCEAVA® STREP A
          Uristix® 4 Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 100/btl         256040   Strep A Test Kit, CLIA Waived, 30 test/kit
          (10312569) (For Sales in US Only)                       256041   Influenza A+B Clinical Kit, Mod Complex, 30 test/kt       Highly sensitive rapid Strep A test. Decrease unnecessary
          Multistix® Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 100/btl,        256042   RSV Clinical Kit, Mod Complex, 30 test/kt                 use of antibiotics. Shorten patient wait time in office. Simple
          24 btl/cs (10339953) (For Sales in US Only)             256045   Influenza A+B POC Kit, CLIA Waived, 30 test/kt            to perform and flexible extraction tubes make this test even
          Labstix® Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived, 100/btl           256051   Flu A+B Swab Control, CLIA Waived, 10 test/kt             easier to use. Positive results in as little as one minute.
          (10337069) (For Sales in US Only)                       256055   System Reader For Influenza A+B & RSV Kits,               One minute hands-on-time. Walk-away flexibility. Room
          Hema-Combistix® Reagent Strips, CLIA Waived,                     CLIA Waived                                               termperature storage. Environmentally friendly packaging.
          100/btl (10338451) (For Sales in US Only)                                                                                  Affordably priced for any practice setting.
                                                                                                                                     050000-KAA100A Strep A Rapid Test Swabs, 100/kt

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