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ALERE TOXICOLOGY ICUP®                                          ALERE POC DETERMINE™ RAPID TESTS                               ALERE POC WAMPOLE RUBELLA PLUS® TEST
               A.D. (ALL INCLUSIVE CUP)
                                                                               Identify HIV just days after infection with screening and      Provides simple, accurate detection of rubella antibodies.
               Comes with temperature strip. Two-                              support in just 2 minutes.                                     Results available in just 15 minutes. No special training or
               part result form available. Security                                                                                           rotator needed. Detects antibodies at a level greater than or
               seal. Photocopy template. Room                                  7D2628   HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo Controls, 4 vial/pk               equal to 10 IU/mL. Can be used with either serum or plasma.
               temperature storage. Built-in validity                          7D2648   HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo, 25 tests/bx                      Early detection in women of child-bearing age may prevent
               test. Detects 3-12 drugs. 24-month                              7D2649   HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo, 100 tests/bx                     the transmission of the disease to unborn children.
               shelf life. Simple procedure. Fast                                                                                             84R2 Rubella-Plus Test Kit, Results in 15 Minutes,
               results.                                                        ALERE POC BINAXNOW® LEGIONELLA
                                                                                                                                                             30 test/kit
               I-DUA-147-012 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, SG, Ph), Tests For     Provides accurate, rapid identification of Legionella
                                 COC, THC, OPI & mAMP, 25/bx                   pneumophila serogroup 1 with an easy-to-use technology,        BECKMAN COULTER
                                                                               aiding physicians in providing rapid, focused therapy. 95%     GASTROCCULT® TEST
               I-DUA-157-013 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, SG, Ph), Tests For     sensitivity and specificity; treat with confidence. Easy to
                                 COC, THC, OPI, AMP & mAMP, 25/bx              manage and train; minimizes operator error. Results in 15      The only rapid test designed
                                                                               minutes or less. Room temperature storage.                     specifically for detecting gastric
               I-DUA-157-023 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, SG, Ph), Tests For                                                                    occult blood and determining
                                 COC, THC, OPI, AMP & PCP, 25/bx               852-000  Legionella Urinary Antigen Test Kit, Results in 15    gastric pH in one device. This
                                                                               852-010  Minutes, 22 test/kit                                  CLIA Waived test gives results
               I-DUA-157-034 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, SG, Ph), Tests For              Legionella Control Swab Pack, 1 Set Controls          in 30 seconds for pH, and 60 seconds for occult blood, and
                                 COC, THC, OPI, mAMP & PCP, 25/bx                                                                             includes a convenient pH comparison chart for the clinically
   LAB                                                                         ALERE POC BINAXNOW® MALARIA TEST                               relevant range. With an on-slide Performance Monitor®, it
POINT OF CARE  I-DUA-157-115 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, SG, Ph), Tests For                                                                    can detect low levels of blood in samples containing bile,
                                 COC, THC, MOP, AMP & mAMP, 25/bx              An in vitro immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative    eliminating subjective visual judgments.
                                                                               detection of Plasmodium antigens circulating in human          66040A Gastroccult® Tests & Instructions, 40 tst/bx
               I-DUA-167-012 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, SG, Ph), Tests For     venous and capillary EDTA whole blood of individuals with
                                 COC, THC, OPI, AMP, mAMP & PCP, 25/bx         signs and symptoms of malaria infection.

               I-DUA-167-022 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, SG, Ph), Tests For     665-000  Malaria Test Kit, Results in 15 Minutes, 12 tst/kt
                                 COC, THC, OPI, AMP, mAMP & BZO, 25/bx         665-010  Positive Control Malaria Kit, 10/kt
                                                                               665-025  Malaria Test Kit, Results in 15 Minutes, 25 tst/kt
               I-DUA-167-291 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, SG, Ph), Tests For
                                 COC, THC, OPI, AMP300, OXY & MDMA, 25/bx      ALERE POC BINAXNOW® STREP PNEUMONIAE

               I-DUD-1107-012 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, SG, PH, NI, GL, CR),  Provides accurate, rapid identification of Streptococcus
                                 Tests For COC, THC, OPI, AMP, mAMP, PCP,      pneumoniae with an easy-to-use technology, aiding
                                 BZO, BAR, MTD & TCA, 25/bx                    physicians in providing rapid, focused therapy. Easy to
                                                                               manage and train, minimizes operator error. Results in 15
               I-DUD-187-013 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, SG, PH, NI, CL, CR),   minutes or less. Room temperature storage.
                                 Tests For COC, THC, OPI, AMP, mAMP, PCP,
                                 BZO & BAR, 25/bx                              710-000  Strep Pneumonia Test Kit, Results in 15 Minutes,
                                                                               710-010  22 test/kit
               I-DUD-197-014 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, SG, PH, NI, GL, CR),            Strep Pneumonia Control Swab Pack, 1 Set of
                                 Tests For COC, THC, OPI, AMP, mAMP, PCP,               Controls
                                 BZO, BAR & MTD, 25/bx

               I-DUE-1107-141 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, CR, PH), Tests For
                                 COC, THC, OPI, AMP, mAMP, BZO, BAR, OXY,
                                 MTD & PPX, 25/bx

               I-DUE-1127-022 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, CR, PH), Tests For
                                 COC, THC, OPI, AMP, mAMP, PCP, BZO, BAR,
                                 MTD, TCA, OXY & PPX, 25/bx

               I-DUE-187-071 Drug Test, iCup® A.D. (OX, CR, PH), Tests For
                                 COC, THC, MOP, mAMP, BZO & OXY, 25/bx

               For Complete Alere Toxicology                                   ALERE POC CLEARVIEW® C. DIFF A
               DOA tests, Contact Your Dealer
                                                                               135051 C. Difficile Stool Filtration Device

               ALERE POC CLEARVIEW®                                            ALERE POC CLEARVIEW®
               COMPLETE HIV 1/2                                                SIMPLIFY D-DIMER™ TEST
               RAPID TEST
                                                                               Provides a highly sensitive and specific
               A single use, self-contained,                                   test for D-dimer. Two easy steps,
               closed system for the                                           results in 10 minutes. Easy to use test
               collection, processing and                                      requires no expensive instrumentation
               analysis of a whole blood, serum or plasma sample for the       and specialized training. Built-in control ensures accuracy.
               detection of HIV 1 and HIV 2 antibodies. CLIA waived for        Faster results while the patient waits. Aid in the diagnosis
               whole blood with results in 15 minutes. Built in control        of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE),
               confirms sample addition and proper test performance.           and disseminated intra-vascular coagulation (DIC). Utilizes
               Use multiple sample types, whole blood (fingerstick or          the patented 3B6/22 Monoclonal Antibody, specific only for
               venipuncture), serum or plasma. Shelf life: 24 months from      D-dimer, which minimizes the false positives that can be seen
               date of manufacture. 99.7% sensitivity, 99.7% specificity.      with competitive tests.
               Self-contained system, pouch includes lancet and bandage
               for fingerstick collection.                                     6100KCV  D-Dimer™ Test Kit, Cassette Format, Results in 10
                                                                               6101KCV  Minutes, 10 test/kit
                                                                                        D-Dimer™ Control Kit, 1 Positive, 1 Negative

               92111  CLIA Waived For Whole Blood, Non-Waived For              ALERE POC TECHLAB® C. DIFF
                      Serum & Plasma, 25 test/kit
                                                                               Rapid, accurate detection of C. difficile GDH antigen and
               ALERE POC CLEARVIEW® HIV TEST ACCESSORIES                       Toxins A&B.

               The Clearview® HIV Reactive/Nonreactive Controls are quality    30390    C. Diff Quik Chek Antigen, 25 test/kt
               control reagents for use with the Clearview HIV 1/2 STATPAK     30394    C. Diff Tox A/B Quik Chek, 25 test/kt
               Assay and/or the COMPLETE HIV 1/2 Assay only.                   30525C   C. Diff Quik Chek Complete, 25 test/kt
                                                                               30550C   C. Diff Quik Chek Complete, 50 test/kt
               92112  Controls - HIV

               204 Rapid Tests
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