Page 399 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 399

SULTAN SPOROX® II STERILIZNG                                   METREX METRITEST™                                                    4256     12 1/8” x 7 5/8” x 2 1/8”, Recessed Grip
& DISINFECTING SOLUTION                                        GLUTARALDEHYDE                                                       4257     17” x 4” x 2 1/8”, Strap Handle
                                                                                                                                    4258     8 7/8” x 5” x 2”, No Cover
A virucidal, sporicidal, tuberculocidal,                       A monitoring system for high-level disinfecting                      4259     12 1/8” x 7 5/8” x 2 1/8”, No Cover
bactericidal and fungicidal solution.                          and sterilizing solutions. Easy to use.                              4260     12” x 8” x 2.5”, Stainless Steel
Powerful hydrogen peroxide formula is                          Quickly determines if the minimum effective                          4261     Flat 13 5/8” x 9 3/4” x 5/8”
safer for your staff and more effective                        concentration (MEC) of 1.8% glutaraldehyde                           4262     Flat 15 1/8” x 10 1/2” x 5/8”
on your instruments than any noxious                           is present during life of ProCide-D, ProCide-D                       4263     Flat 17 1/8” x 11 5/8” x 5/8”
glutaraldehyde solution. Oxidizes away                         Plus or other active glutaraldehyde solutions.                       4264     Flat 19 1/8” x 12 1/2” x 5/8”
dental debris quickly and effectively at                                                                                            4265     12” x 3.2” x 2”, Stainless Steel, 12/cs
room temperature. Pleasant to use with                         10-303  1.5, For 14 Day Use Life, 60 strips/bottle, 2 btl/cs         4270     12.59” x 10.23” x 2.56”, Stainless Steel
no foul odor. Disinfects in 30 minutes at room temperature.    10-304  1.8, For 28 Day Use Life, 60 strips/bottle, 2 btl/cs         4270P    Perforated, 12.59” x 10.23” x 2.56”, Stainless Steel
Sterilizes in six hours at room temperature.                                                                                        4271     12.59” x 10.23” x 3.93”, Stainless Steel
                                                                                                                                    4271P    Perforated, 12.59” x 10.23” x 3.93”, Stainless Steel
75156    Sterilizing & Disinfecting Solution, Gallon, 4/cs                                                                          4272     Instrument Tray Cover For 4270 & 4271
                                                                                                                                    4273     12.59” x 6.85” x 3.93”, Stainless Steel
WEIMAN GLUTARALDEHYDE                                          COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                     4273P    Perforated, 12.59” x 6.85” x 3.93”, Stainless Steel
                                                               SUPPLIES TRAY HOLDERS                                                4274     Instrument Tray Cover For 4273
Weiman® HLD 14 Day and HLD PLUS 28                                                                                                  4275     10.23” x 6.29” x 2.56”, Stainless Steel
Day are 3% glutaraldehyde solutions with                       Provides stability by maintaining                                    4275P    Perforated, 10.23” x 6.29” x 2.56”, Stainless Steel
attached powder activator. Once activated,                     the sharps container upright                                         4276     10.23” x 6.29” x 3.93”, Stainless Steel
Weiman® HLD can be used for 14 days and                        throughout use. Ideal for sharps containers used on counter          4276P    Perforated, 10.23” x 6.29” x 3.93”, Stainless Steel
Weiman® HLD PLUS can be used for 28                            tops or medical carts. Adhesive tape is provided on the bottom       4277     Instrument Tray Cover For 4275 & 4276
days to provide high level disinfection or                     of each tray holder to prevent movement of container.
sterilization, providing the solution is above
the 1.8% minimum effective concentration                       1523SA  Holder For 2 Qt Phlebotomy Containers, 5/cs
and is used according to directions for use.                   8515    Holder For 2 & 5 Qt In-Room™ Containers, 5/cs
                                                               8529    Holder For 12 Qt Multi-Purpose SharpStar & In-
GLT14G   HLD 14 Day 3% Glutaraldehyde, Gallon, 4/cs                    Room Containers, 2 1/2”H x 6 1/2”D x 13”W, 5/cs
GLT28G   HLD PLUS 28 Day 3% Glutaraldehyde, Gallon, 4/cs       8539SA  Holder For 2 Gallon SharpStar™ & In-Room™
                                                                       Containers, 5/cs
J&J/ASP CIDEX® OPA CONCENTRATE SOLUTION                        8549SA  Holder For 3 & 4 Gallon SharpStar™ IV In-Room™                                                                              STERILIZATION
                                                                       Containers, 5/cs
High-level disinfectant (HLD) designed for use in the ASP      8910    Holder For 1 Qt Phlebotomy Containers, 10/cs
Evotech® Endoscope Cleaner and Reprocessor (ECR). A single     8974    Holder For 8 Qt Phlebotomy, Multi-Purpose
shot safely delivers fresh HLD to each scope.                          & Chemosafety Containers, 3 1/4”H x 7 3/4”D x
                                                                       11”W, 5/cs                                                   CERTOL GOOD VIBRATIONS MULTI-
20398    OPA Solution, 5 Liter, 2/cs                                                                                                PURPOSE ULTRASONIC CLEANER

                                                               J&J/ASP UNIVERSALLY                                                  Cleans both organic blood debris and
                                                               COMPATIBLE INSTRUMENT                                                inorganic dental materials, enhances
                                                               SOAK TRAYS                                                           ultrasonic cleaning action. Advanced anti-
                                                                                                                                    corrosive system protects carbon burs,
                                                               Compatible with CIDEX Activated                                      jointed pliers.
                                                               solution, CIDEX PLUS solution,
                                                               CIDEX OPA solution, ENZOL enzymatic detergent. Can be                GVUS128  Instrument Detergent, 1 Gal, 4/cs
                                                               sterilized/decontaminated using steam, ethylene oxide, and           GVUS24   Ultrasonic Cleaner, Super Concentrated, 1 oz Unit
                                                               STERRAD sterilization systems.                                                Dose Tubes, 24/bx, 6 bx/cs
         20390  20392
A fast and effective way to disinfect a wide range of          82010   13” x 7” x 5”, 1 Tray, Lid & Liner (Inside dimensions
instruments and endoscopes. A (0.55%) ortho-phthaladehyde      82016   are exactly 1” less than what is listed)                     CROSSTEX CROSSZYME®
solution, effective at room temperature and has excellent      82027   20” x 7” x 5”, 1 Tray, Lid & Liner (Inside dimensions        ENZYMATIC PRESOAK &
tuberculocidal and high level disinfection capabilities. High  82032   are exactly 1” less than what is listed)                     ULTRASONIC CLEANER/
level disinfection in 12 minutes. Low odor. Easily rinses      82076   29” x 8 1/2” x 5”, 1 Tray, Lid & Liner (Inside               DETERGENT
from equipment, especially lumened devices. Requires no                dimensions are exactly 1” less than what is listed)
activation or mixing. 14-day reuse life and two-year shelf             19”D x 8 1/2”, 1 Tray & lid (Inside dimensions               A biodegradable, phosphate
life. Can be discarded down hospital and office drains in              are exactly 1” less than what is listed)                     free, chloride free component to
accordance with local regulations.                                     Tray System 23” x 15” x 5 1/2”, 1 tray, Lid & Liner (Inside  enhance the removal of blood and
                                                                       dimensions are exactly 1” less than what is listed)          proteinaceous body fluids. Promotes
20390    OPA Solution, Gallon, 4/cs                                                                                                 effective cleaning and easy rinsing
20392    Test Strips OPA Solution, 60/btl, 2 btl/cs                                                                                 over a wide range of concentrations
                                                                                                                                    and temperatures.
METREX METRICIDE® OPA PLUS                                                                                                          JEZ Detergent, Citrus Scent, 20:1 Concentrate, Gal, 4/cs

An ortho-Phthalaldehyde based                                  SULTAN PROSOAK STERILIZING                                           CROSSTEX EFFERZYME®
convenient, ready-to-use, high-level                           & DISINFECTING TRAY                                                  EFFERVESCENT
disinfectant that provides a broad                                                                                                  CLEANING TABLETS
spectrum of kill including Tuberculosis,                       75159   PROSOAK Sterilizing & Disinfecting Tray
Hepatitis A (AER), Hepatitis B, HIV-1, and                                                                                          A biodegradable, non-chlorine
Polio Virus type 1. It can disinfect a wide                                                                                         formulation in a convenient
range of endoscopes and other heat                                                                                                  tablet form. Contains fast acting
sensitive semi-critical medical devices.                                                                                            protease enzymes. Enhances
When used as directed, it is exceptionally                                                                                          removal of blood and other
fast and can disinfect in 5 minutes at 25°C in a legally                                                                            soils which may be resistant to
marketed automated endoscope reprocessor (AER) and in 12                                                                            chemical detergents.
minutes at 20°C.                                                                                                                    JET Cleaning Tablets, Spearmint Scent, 2 Tablets per

10-6000  OPA Solution, One Gallon Container, 4/cs                4254 4261 4271                                                                    Gal, 52 tabs/bx, 6 bx/ctn, 4 ctn/cs
10-602   Test Strips OPA Solution, 100/btl, 2 btl/cs
                                                               TECH-MED INSTRUMENT TRAYS

                                                               Stainless steelware is constructed without seams to prevent
                                                               bacteria growth and to allow for easy cleaning.

                                                               4254 8 1/2” x 3” x 1 1/2”, Strap Handle
                                                               4255 8 7/8” x 5” x 2”, Strap Handle

                                                                       Sterilants – Ultrasonic Cleaning                                                                         365
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