Page 395 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 395

SULTAN SPOROX® TEST VIALS                                          1269B     Blue Label “Sterilized”, For 1256, 1256A, 1256B      CROSSTEX ADVANTAGE
                                                                   1269BL    Label Applicators, 1125/rl, 12 rl/cs                 SELF-SEAL STERILIZATION POUCHES
Now, a new and faster way to                                       1269G     Black Label “Sterilized”, For 1256, 1256A, 1256B
test your Sporox® Sterilizing and                                  1269R     Label Applicators, 1125/rl, 12 rl/cs                 Secure seal, medical grade paper.
Disinfecting Solution. Test vials                                            Green Label “Sterilized”, For 1256, 1256A, 1256B
provide a rapid, convenient                                                  Label Applicators, 1125/rl, 12 rl/cs                 SCM3      Class I, 5 1/4” x 10”, 200/bx, 10 bx/cs
qualitative means of indicating                                              Red Label “Sterilized”, For 1256, 1256A, 1256B       SCS3      Class I, 3 1/2” x 9”, 200/bx, 20 bx/cs
whether effective concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are                    Label Applicators, 1125/rl, 12 rl/cs                 SCX3      Class I, 2 3/4” x 9”, 200/bx, 20 bx/cs
present in your Sporox® II solution. Kit includes a test vial                                                                     SCXS3     Class I, 3 1/2” x 5 1/4”, 200/bx, 10 bx/cs
containing a reagent that when mixed with a drop of the
indicator solution and a sample of the Sporox® II solution                                                                        CROSSTEX DUO-CHECK®
being tested will change color after two minutes to determine                                                                     STERILIZATION
if the solution is still effective.                                                                                               POUCHES

75195   Intro Kit: (30) Test Vials, Bottle of Indicator Solution,                                                                 Three separate heat sealed
        Pipettor, (30) Disposable Pipette Tips, 1 kit/bx                                                                          rails secure edges from
                                                                                                                                  separation or tearing by
3M™ ATTEST™ LOG BOOKS                                                               1252 1254B                                    instruments. Seals are heated
& RECORD CHARTS                                                                                                                   and cooled three times for ultimate strength. ï Secure
                                                                   3M™ COMPLY™ RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM                              Seal - Extra wide chevron seal protects against instrument
A complete record keeping system                                                                                                  breaching. ï Medical Grade Paper - Wet strength treated,
that maintains your sterilization                                  A complete system for maintaining and storing sterilization    virgin medical grade paper that meets or exceeds medical
process information for steam and                                  process information for steam and EO sterilization. Includes   pouch standards. ï Blue Tinted Transparent Film - Facilitates
EO sterilization. The system includes                              load record cards, record forms and sheets, envelopes, and a   both easy instrument viewing and identification of punctures
record charts and preprinted log books                             record binder for storing results.                             or tears in film. ï Wide Self-Seal Adhesive Strip - Easily and
for each 3M Attest™ biological indicator product.                                                                                 securely seals pouch, providing reliable seal until pouch
                                                                   1252      Card For Steam, 3” x 5”, Turns From White to         is opened. ï Perforated Fold - Facilitates easy, accurate
1266    Log Book with 50 Record Charts For use with All            1253      Black, 240/bx, 4 bx/cs                               folding of adhesive strip to form airtight seal until pouch is     STERILIZATION
1266-A  Steam BI-CI Products                                       1254-A    Card For EO, 3” x 5”, Turns From Rust to Green,      opened. ï Complete Paper-Film Separation - Consistently
        Log Book with 50 Record Charts For Steam                   1254B     240/bx, 2 bx/cs                                      clean separation (peeling) of paper and film is due to high
1267-A  Sterilizers, Brown, For use with Attest BI # 1261          1254E-A   Sterilization Record System Binder with 50 ea        grade materials and adhesives. ï Thumb Notch - Assures easy
1268    or 1262                                                              1254E-A Envelopes & 1254S-A Sheets                   opening of pouch. ï Six Corner Tack Seals - Prevents corners
1280-A  Log Book with 50 Record Charts, Green, For use             1254E-F   Binder For 1254E Envelope, 10 3/4” x 11 3/4”         from curling after sterilization. Tacks resist collection of dust
1283    with Attest BI # 1294                                      1254E-LT  Sterilization Record Envelope, 9 1/2” x 11 1/2”      and contaminants near seal. ï Process Indicator Arrows -
1283-A  Log Book with 50 Record Charts For use with all            1254E-S   with 2 Load-Contents Columns, For Steam, Flash       Arrows change color with sterilization heat, are easily visible,
        Low Temperature BI & CI Products                           1254S-A   or Low Temp Systems, 100/pk, 5 pk/cs                 and are compatible with steam and EtO sterilization agents.
        Log Book with 50 Record Charts, Blue, For use                        Steam Flash Envelope For 1254B Binder, 9 1/2” x
        with Attest BI # 1291                                                11 1/2”, 100/pk, 5 pk/cs                             SCB1X     Pouch, 4 1/4” x 11”, 200/bx, 10 bx/cs
        Log Book with 50 Record Charts, For use with All                     Low Temperature Envelope For 1254B Binder, 9         SCL       Pouch, 7 1/2” x 13”, 200/bx, 5 bx/cs
        Glutaraldehyde Indicators                                            1/2” x 11 1/2”, 100/pk, 5 pk/cs                      SCL 1015  Pouch, 10” x 15”, 100/bx, 5 bx/cs
        Log Book with 50 Record Charts, Brown, For use                       Steam Sterilization Envelope For 1254B Binder, 9     SCL 1215  Pouch, 12” x 15”, 100/bx, 5 bx/cs
        with Attest BI # 1292                                                1/2” x 11 1/2”, 100/pk, 5 pk/cs                      SCL 1218  Pouch, 12” x 18”, 100/bx, 5 bx/cs
                                                                             Sterilization Record Sheet, 8 1/2” x 11 1/2” with 2  SCL322    Pouch, 3.5” x 22”, 100/bx, 5 bx/cs
3M™ COMPLY™ (ATI™) RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM                                     Load-Contents Columns, For Steam, Flash or Low       SCL515    Pouch, 5.25” x 15”, 200/bx, 10 bx/cs
                                                                             Temp Systems, 250/pk, 4 pk/cs                        SCL816    Pouch, 8” x 16”, 200/bx, 5 bx/cs
A complete record keeping system for steam and EO gas                                                                             SCM       Pouch, 5 1/4” x 10”, 200/bx, 10 bx/cs
sterilizers that help you maintain your sterilization process      3M™ STERI-LOK™                                                 SCMPP     Pouch, 5 1/4” x 10”, Pink With A Purpose,
information. The system is comprised of sterilizer record cards,   PEEL OPEN BREATHABLE PACKAGES                                            200/bx, 10 bx/cs
record labels, envelopes, and a record book for storing results.                                                                  SCQ       Pouch, 3 1/4” x 9”, 200/bx, 20 bx/cs
                                                                   Packaging for ethylene oxide sterilization that provides       SCS       Pouch, 3 1/2” x 9”, 200/bx, 20 bx/cs
67200   3” x 5” Card For Steam & EO, Consists of 2                 a breathable barrier which allows sterilant to permeate        SCS5      Pouch, 3 1/2” x 9”, 500/bx, 10 bx/cs
67201   Chemical Indicator Strips, One Changes From                during the sterilization process while prohibiting microbial   SCSPP     Pouch, 3 1/2” x 9”, Pink With A Purpose,
        Blue to Black When Exposed to Steam, The Other             penetration during handling and storage after sterilization.             200/bx, 20 bx/cs
        Changes From Gold to Rust/ Red When Exposed to                                                                            SCX       Pouch, 2 3/4” x 9”, 200/bx, 20 bx/cs
        EO, Packed in Hinged Plastic Box, 250/bx, 4 bx/cs          8502 3 7/8” x 9 3/4”, 250/bx, 4 bx/cs                          SCXS      Pouch, 3 1/2” x 5 1/4”, 200/bx, 10 bx/cs
        4” x 5 1/2” Card For Steam & EO, Consists of 2             8504 3 1/8” x 7 7/8”, 250/bx, 4 bx/cs                          SCXX      Pouch, 2 1/4” x 4”, 200/bx, 20 bx/cs
        Chemical Indicator Strips, One Changes From                8505 7” x 13”, 250/bx, 2 bx/cs                                 SCZ       Pouch, 2” x 8”, 200/bx, 20 bx/cs
        Blue to Black When Exposed to Steam, The Other             8506 11 3/4” x 14 7/8”, 250/bx, 2 bx/cs
        Changes From Gold to Rust/ Red When Exposed                8507 15 3/4” x 18”, 250/bx, 2 bx/cs
        to EO, Packed in Cardboard Box, 250/bx, 4 bx/cs

3M™ COMPLY™                                                        PM1016    PM2790       PM7513                                  CROSSTEX SELF-
LABEL GUN SYSTEM                                                   CERTOL PROVIEW® PLUS SELF SEAL                                 SEALING AUTOCLAVE
                                                                   STERILIZATION POUCHES                                          BAGS - PAPER
A system consisting of sterilization                               Self-sealing sterilization packaging. Compatible with
load labels and a printing                                         steam, chemical vapor and ETO processes. Medical grade         Unique hospital double-fold
applicator that applies the labels                                 components. Features allow aseptic presentation for surgical   seal and pull-off adhesive
to packages and record forms of                                    procedures.                                                    tab offer a true seal of integrity. Available in two convenient
envelopes. Load labels preprinted                                                                                                 lengths, 8.75” / 122cm and 10.5” / 127cm. Gusset feature
with expires and with sterilized.                                                                                                 provides 50% more inner space than a 3.5” x 9” / 9 x 23cm
                                                                                                                                  sterilization pouch. Color process indicators for use in steam,
1256B   Label Applicator For 1257 & 1269 Series Labels             PM1016    Pouch, 10” x 16”, 200/bx, 1 bx/cs                    chemical vapor and EtO. Made in USA.
1257B   Blue Label “Expires”, For 1256, 1256A, 1256B               PM1318    Cassette Pouch, 13” x 18”, 200/bx, 1 bx/cs
1257BL  Label Applicators, 1125/rl, 12 rl/cs                       PM2440    Bur Pouch, 2 1/4” x 4”, 200/bx, 12 bx/cs             OC Bag, 2 1/2” x 1 1/2” x 10 1/2”, 1000/ctn, 4 ctn/cs
1257G   Black Label “Expires”, For 1256, 1256A, 1256B              PM2790    Pouch, 2 3/4” x 9”, 200/bx, 6 bx/cs                  OCS Bag, 2 1/2” x 1 1/2” x 8 3/4”, 1000/ctn, 4 ctn/cs
1257R   Label Applicators, 1125/rl, 12 rl/cs                       PM3554    Cassette Pouch, 3 1/2” x 5 1/4”, 200/bx, 6 bx/cs
1257W   Green Label “Expires”, For 1256, 1256A, 1256B              PM3590    Cassette Pouch, 3 1/2” x 9”, 200/bx, 6 bx/cs
        Label Applicators, 1125/rl, 12 rl/cs                       PM5410    Cassette Pouch, 5 1/4” x 10”, 200/bx, 6 bx/cs
        Red Label “Expires”, For 1256, 1256A, 1256B                PM7513    Cassette Pouch, 7 1/2” x 13”, 200/bx, 6 bx/cs
        Label Applicators, 1125/rl, 12 rl/cs
        White Label “Expires”, For 1256, 1256A, 1256B
        Label Applicators, 1125/rl, 12 rl/cs

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