Page 381 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 381

COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES                                         DUKAL STING RELIEF PAD                                                  A7059  A7081
SKIN BARRIER WIPES                                                                                                                 AMD-RITMED ABDOMINAL PADS
                                                                  Temporary relief of pain and
Forms protective barrier between                                  itching associated with minor
skin and adhesive products. Helps                                 burns, scrapes, and insect bites.
protect skin from feces, urine, chemical                          2-ply non-woven pad.
irritants and gastrointestinal fluids.
6560 2-Ply, Large, Non-Sterile, 50/bx, 20 bx/cs                   856 Medium, 2-Ply, 200/bx, 20 bx/cs
                                                                  856-1000 Medium, 2-Ply, Non-Sterile, Bulk, 1500/bx, 2 bx/cs

DUKAL BZK SWAB/                                                   PDI ADHESIVE TAPE                                                A7059  5” x 9”, Sterile 1s, Sealed Ends, 20/pk, 20 pk/cs
TOWELETTE                                                         REMOVER PAD                                                      A7081  8” x 10”, Sterile 1s, Sealed Ends, 24/pk, 15 pk/cs
                                                                                                                                   A7087  8” x 7 1/2”, Sterile 1s, Sealed Ends, 12/pk, 20 pk/cs
BZK Swab is a 2 ply, non-                                         Removes adhesive tape                                            A7159  5” x 9”, Non-Sterile, Sealed Ends, 576/cs
woven pad ideal for minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. The BZK       from skin, Reduces patient                                       A7181  8” x 10”, Non-Sterile, Sealed Ends, 432/cs
Towelette is used as an antiseptic cleanser for the face, hands,  discomfort. Contains C11-12 Isoparaffin, Isopropyl Alcohol,      A7187  8” x 7 1/2”, Non-Sterile, Sealed Ends, 576/cs
and body without soap and water.                                  Petroleum Naphtha, Isopropyl Palmitate, Isopropyl Myristate,
                                                                  Isopropyl Stearate.
854       BZK Swab, Medium, 2-Ply, 200/bx, 20 bx/cs               B16400 1.25” x 2.625”, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                          COVIDIEN/MEDICAL
854-1000  BZK Swab, Medium, 2-Ply, Bulk, 1/pch, 1000/bx,                                                                           SUPPLIES CURITY™
          4 bx/cs (Not For Sale in Canada)                        PDI ELECTRODE PREP PADS                                          ABDOMINAL PADS                                                    SKIN &
855       BZK Towelette, 5” x 9”, 100/bx, 20 bx/cs                                                                                                                                                      WOUND CARE
855-1000  BZK Towelette, 5” x 9”, Bulk, 1/pch, 1000/cs            Disposable pads cleanse the skin                                 Consists of three key layers: soft
          (Not For Sale in Canada)                                area in preparation for electrode                                outer nonwoven layer, fluff filler to absorb and disperse fluid.
                                                                  placement. Pumice enhances                                       Absorbs more fluid than ordinary ABD pads for fewer dressing
                                                                  ECG electrode to skin contact                                    changes. All four edges sealed to prevent lint residue and
                                                                  by removing excess skin oil-assuring longer interface and        leaking.
                                                                  free contact. Saturated with non-irritating, non-corrosive
PDI HYGEA® BENZALKONIUM                                           electrolyte solution which will not damage electrodes or soil    30066  12” x 16”, Non-Sterile, Bulk, 144/cs
CHLORIDE ANTISEPTIC                                               clothing. Pads measure 1 1/4” x 2 5/8”.                          68659  24” x 8”, Non-Sterile, Bulk, 144/cs
TOWELETTES                                                        B59800 1/pk, 100 pk/bx, 10 bx/cs                                 69043  12” x 10”, Non-Sterile, Bulk, 288/cs
                                                                                                                                   8190A  Non-Sterile, Bulk, 5” x 9”, 880/cs
Use wherever antiseptic cleansing/                                PDI HYGEA® STERILE                                               8192A  Non-Sterile, Bulk, 7 1/2” x 8”, 648/cs
refreshing is needed. Contains 0.13%                              SALINE WIPE                                                      8194A  Non-Sterile, Bulk, 8” x 10”, 432/cs
Benzalkonium Chloride, Alcohol free.                                                                                               9190A  5” x 9”, Sterile, 1s, 36/tray, 12 tray/cs
                                                                  Help reduce the risk of cross                                    9192A  7 1/2” x 8”, Sterile, 1s, 18/tray, 12 tray/cs
D35185    0.40% BZK, Alcohol Free, 3s, 7” x 5 1/2”,               contamination and waste of                                       9194A  8” x 10”, Sterile, 1s, 18/tray, 12 tray/cs
          100/bx 20 bx/cs                                         bottled saline solution. Deliver
                                                                  a consistent dose of sterile saline with every application.
PDI PVP IODINE PREP PAD                                           Convenient, cost-effective alternative to bottled saline and     COVIDIEN/MEDICAL
                                                                  gauze pads. Non-irritating - Mild and gentle cleansing for even  SUPPLIES DERMACEA™
Non-irritating and non-stinging for                               the most fragile skin and sensitive skin. One step easy-to-use   ABDOMINAL PADS
better patient comfort. Perfect                                   application. Saturated with 3mLs of sterile saline.
for venipuncture, I.V. starts,                                    C22370 Sterile Saline Wipe, 6” x 4”, 24 pk/bx, 24 bx/cs          All four edges sealed to prevent lint
renal dialysis, pre-op prep, and                                                                                                   residue and leaking, Soft nonwoven
other minor invasive procedures. Saturated with a 10% USP                                                                          layer for patient comfort and fluff filler for absorbency.
Povidone-Iodine prep solution provide proven antisepsis.
                                                                  PDI IO-GONE® IODINE                                              6196D  5” x 9”, Non-Sterile, Bulk, 880/cs
B40600    Medium, 1.1875” x 2.625”, 100 pk/bx, 10 bx/cs           REMOVER PAD                                                      6197D  7 1/2” x 8”, Non-Sterile, Bulk, 648/cs
C12400    Large, 1.75” x 3.5”, 100 pk/bx, 10 bx/cs                                                                                 6198D  8” x 10”, Non-Sterile, Bulk, 432/cs
                                                                  Removes extraneous iodine                                        7196D  5” x 9”, Sterile, 1s, 36/tray, 12 tray/cs
DUKAL CLEANSING                                                   stains from skin and clothing.                                   7197D  7 1/2” x 8”, Sterile, 1s, 18/tray, 12 tray/cs
TOWELETTE                                                         Quickly dissolves residual iodine color.                         7198D  8” x 10”, Sterile, 1s, 18/tray, 12 tray/cs
                                                                  B47000 1/pk, 100 pk/bx, 10 bx/cs
For cleansing of face, hands, and
body without soap and water.                                      SMITH & NEPHEW REMOVE®                                           DERMA SCIENCES DUPAD®
                                                                  ADHESIVE REMOVER                                                 ABDOMINAL PADS
858 Cleansing Towelette, 5” x 9, 100/bx, 20 bx/cs
863 Cleansing Towelette, 5” x 8”, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs                Gently and painlessly cleans all types                           Filled with cellulose fibers, making them
                                                                  of adhesive residue from the skin,                               super-absorbent. The fibers quickly
                                                                  including hydrocolloids, acrylics and                            absorb and disperse fluids laterally, to
                                                                  rubber-based adhesives. The wipes do not contain CFCs            prevent pooling and maceration. The backing is constructed
                                                                  (chlorinated fluoro carbons).                                    of a hydrophobic material, preventing strike-through. All
                                                                                                                                   edges are sealed to prevent linting. Latex free.
DUKAL REFLECTIONS™                                                403100  Adhesive Remover Wipes, 50/pkg, 20 pkg/cs
ESTHETIC WIPES                                                    403300  Adhesive Remover, 8 fl oz Bottle, 12/cs                  87059  Abdominal Pad, 5” x 9”, Sterile, 25/bx, 8 bx/cs
                                                                                                                                   87088  Abdominal Pad, 8” x 7 1/2”, Sterile, 25/bx, 8 bx/cs
100% non-woven cotton. Gentle                                     SMITH & NEPHEW UNI-                                              87810  Abdominal Pad, 8” x 10”, Sterile, 25/bx, 8 bx/cs
and highly absorbent; ideal for                                   SOLVE® ADHESIVE REMOVER                                          87824  Abdominal Pad, OE, 8” x 24”, Sterile, 120/cs
removing product from skin.                                                                                                        97110  Abdominal Pad, ABD, 8” x 10”, 432/cs
Great for cleansing, exfoliating,                                 Formulated to reduce adhesive                                    97112  Abdominal Pad, ABD, 10” x 12”, 288/cs
and nail polish removal.                                          trauma to the skin by thoroughly                                 97124  Abdominal Pad, ABD, 10” x 24”, 120/cs
                                                                  dissolving dressing, tape and                                    97159  Abdominal Pad, ABD, 5” x 9”, 576/cs
900300    Cotton Sponge, Non-Woven, 2” x 2”, 4-Ply,               appliance adhesives. Ideal for                                   97188  Abdominal Pad, ABD, 8” x 8”, 576/cs
900305    200/bg, 40 bg/cs                                        removing ostomy faceplate adhesive                               97812  Abdominal Pad, ABD, 8” x 12”, 288/cs
900310    Cotton Sponge, Non-Woven, 3” x 3”, 4-Ply,               bandages as well as acrylic and hydrocolloid based adhesives.    97820  Abdominal Pad, ABD, 8” x 2 yds, 6/cs
          200/bg, 20 bg/cs                                        Does not contain CFCs (chlorinated fluoro carbons).              97824  Abdominal Pad, ABD, 8” x 24”, 144/cs
          Cotton Sponge, Non-Woven, 4” x 4”, 4-Ply,
          200/bg, 10 bg/cs                                        402300 Adhesive Remover Wipes, 50/pkg, 20 pkg/cs
                                                                  59402500 Adhesive Remover, 8 oz Bottle, 12/cs

                                                                  Prep Pads/Towelettes – Specialty Pads/Sponges                                                                                347
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