Page 377 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 377

3967    4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Sterile 5s in Soft Pouch,                  DERMA SCIENCES                                                  1313-10   3” x 3”, 12-Ply, 10/bx, 60 bx/cs
        100/bg, 16 bg/cs                                            STERILE GAUZE PADS                                              1313-25   3” x 3”, 12-Ply, 25/bx, 24 bx/cs
3968    4” x 4”, 8-Ply, Sterile 10s in Soft Pouch,                                                                                  1412      4” x 4”, 12-Ply, 100/bx, 12 bx/cs
        100/bg, 16 bg/cs                                            Ideal for cleansing wounds and                                  1412-18B  4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Sterile, 1/pk, 1800 pk/cs
397110  4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Sterile 10s in Soft Pouch,                 applying medication. They are                                   1414-10   4” x 4”, 12-Ply, 10/bx, 60 bx/cs
        100/bg, 16 bg/cs                                            highly absorbent and made form                                  1414-25   4” x 4”, 12-Ply, 25/bx, 24 bx/cs
397310  4” x 4”, 16-Ply, Sterile 10s in Soft Pouch,                 USP surgical gauze mesh.
        100/bg, 16 bg/cs
6318    4” x 4”, 8-Ply, Sterile 10s in Plastic Tray, 1280/cs        7060033   2” x 2”, Sterile, 12-Ply, 100/bx, 12 bx/cs            DUKAL SUPER SPONGES
6939    4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Sterile 10s in Plastic Tray, 1280/cs       7070033   3” x 3”, Sterile, 12-Ply, 100/bx, 12 bx/cs
7267    3” x 4”, 16-Ply, Non-Sterile, 200/bg, 10 bg/cs              7080033   4” x 4”, Sterile, 12-Ply, 100/bx, 12 bx/cs            This multi-layer 100% fluff cotton sponge
7605    4” x 4”, 16-Ply, Sterile 10s in Plastic Tray, 1280/cs                                                                       is highly absorbent and durable which
                                                                    DERMA SCIENCES                                                  allows it to be used in a number of
COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES                                           STERILE PADS                                                    applications. The thick, diagonally folded
KERLIX AMD SUPER SPONGES                                                                                                            construction adds loft, which enhances
                                                                    The non-woven pads are great for                                the overall performance.
6660 Sponges, 6” x 6 3/4”, Medium, Sterile 10s in                   cleansing wounds and applying
               Plastic Pouch Package, 480/cs                        medication. They are highly                                     2334 6” x 6 3/4” (Medium), Non-Sterile, 100/bg, 6 bg/cs
                                                                    absorbent and cushion the wound.                                2463 Sterile 2s, Medium, Soft Pouch, 2/pk, 20 pk/tray, 12 tray/cs
6662 Sponges, 6” x 6 3/4”, Medium, Sterile 2s in Soft                                                                               2487 Sterile 5s, Medium, Hard Tray, 5/tray, 120 tray/cs
               Pouch Package, 40/tray, 12 tray/cs                   7205327   Non-Woven, 2” x 2”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 10/bx, 36 bx/cs   2495 Sterile 10s, Medium, 10/pk, 48 pk/cs                          SKIN &
                                                                    7206327   Non-Woven, 2” x 2”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 25/bx, 24 bx/cs                                                                         WOUND CARE
6665 Sponges, 6” x 6 3/4”, Medium, Sterile 5s in Soft               7215327   Non-Woven, 3” x 3”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 25/bx, 24 bx/cs   J&J BAND-AID® MIRASORB® GAUZE SPONGES
               Pouch Package, 50/tray, 12 tray/cs                   7225327   Non-Woven, 4” x 4”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 25/bx, 24 bx/cs
                                                                    7226327   Non-Woven, 4” x 4”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 10/bx, 24 bx/cs   Ideal for cleaning wounds and applying medication. Low-
COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES                                           7260033   Non-Woven, 2” x 2”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 100/bx, 12 bx/cs  linting for cleaner wound sites.
KERLIX SUPER SPONGES                                                7270033   Non-Woven, 3” x 3”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 100/bx, 12 bx/cs
                                                                    7280033   Non-Woven, 4” x 4”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 100/bx, 12 bx/cs  116147 4” x 4”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 50/bx, 18 bx/cs
Prewashed, fluff-dried woven gauze, with                            7515327   Non-Woven, 3” x 3”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 10/bx, 36 bx/cs
crinkle-weave pattern and diamond-fold
construction offers superior loft, bulk                                                                                             NUTRAMAX GAUZE FLUFFS
and high absorbency. Superior primary
dressing designed to transfer exudate away from wound                                                                               Used when greater loft and absorbency
into secondary dressing. Absorbency, strength and virtual                                                                           is needed in surgical prepping, padding,
lint-free performance ideal for pre-op prepping and cleansing,                                                                      wound cleansing, dressing or to apply
debriding and packing. Measured diagonally, mediums are 6”                                                                          pressure. Widely used as postñoperative
x 6 3/4”; large are 7 3/4” x 8 3/4”; x-large are 9 3/4” x 10 3/4”.                                                                  dressing in mastectomy procedures.

3085 Sterile 5s in Soft Pouch Package, Medium,                      2102 7224 7334                                                  11124           Large, Non-Sterile, 30” x 18”, 500/cs
               50/tray, 12 tray/cs                                                                                                  11126           Super, Non-Sterile, 36” x 36”, 500/cs
                                                                                     7444 7454SP                                    11127           Super, Sterile, 36” x 36”, 1-Ply, 250/cs
4308 Large, 7 3/4” x 8 3/4”, 400/cs                                                                                                 11130           Super/Super, Sterile, 36”x 36”, 2-Ply,100/cs
6035 X-Large, 9 3/4” x 10 3/4”, Bulk, 200/cs                        DUKAL CLINISORB NON-WOVEN SPONGES                               AWCAGFGSSS10BI  Sterile, 100/cs
7310 Medium, 6” x 6 3/4”, Sterile 10s, 480/cs                                                                                       AWCAGPGNRQ10CJ  Large, Non-Sterile, 500/cs
                                                                    An economical alternative to using traditional woven gauze.     AWCAGPGNSS10CJ  Super, Non-Sterile, 500/cs
                                                                    These absorbent rayon/polyblend multi-purpose sponges are
DERMA SCIENCES DUCARE®                                              ideal for general cleaning and prepping. They also perform
WOVEN SPONGES                                                       well for applying ointments and are virtually non-linting.

These sponges are made from 100%                                    2102      2” x 2”, Non-Sterile, 4-Ply, 200/bg, 20 bg/cs         COVIDIEN/MEDICAL
cotton and are the gold standard                                    2103      3” x 3”, Non-Sterile, 4-Ply, 200/bg, 20 bg/cs         SUPPLIES VISTEC X-RAY
for general use or for debriding,                                   2104      4” x 4”, Non-Sterile, 4-Ply, 200/bg, 10 bg/cs         DETECTABLE SPONGES
covering and packing wounds.                                        7224      2” x 2”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 2/pk, 50 pk/bx, 30 bx/cs
Latex free.                                                         7334      3” x 3”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 2/pk, 40 pk/bx, 30 bx/cs     USP Type VII gauze. Unique
                                                                    7444      4” x 4”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 2/pk, 50 pk/bx, 12 bx/cs     dual-colored element combines
82208   Sponge, Gauze, Woven, 2” x 2”, 8-Ply, Sterile, 2s,          7454SP    4” x 4”, Sterile, 4-Ply, 5/pk, 20 pk/bx, 80 bx/cs     blue radiopaque strand with white
82312   50 pkg/bx, 30 bx/cs                                                                                                         strand which is visible when sponge is saturated with blood.
82408   Sponge, Gauze, Woven, 3” x 3”, 12-Ply, Sterile, 2s,         1212 1412-18B     1312            1412                          Element is latex free and runs through both sides of sponge
82412   25 pkg/bx, 48 bx/cs                                                                                                         to facilitate counting. Precise, double vacuum delinting
82910   Gauze Sponge, Woven, 4” x 4”, 8-Ply,Sterile, 2s,            DUKAL GAUZE PADS                                                process assures low lint. Sponges are paper banded in 10’s,
90212   25 pk/bx, 24 bx/cs (1200/cs)                                                                                                utilizing state of the art electronic counting eyes to help
90412   Sponge, Gauze, Woven, 4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Sterile, 2s,                                                                         ensure a count of 10 sponges time after time.
        25 pkg/bx, 24 bx/cs
        Gauze Sponge, Woven, 4” x 4”, 12-Ply, 600/cs                                                                                2979 8” x 4”, 2000/cs
        Sponge, Gauze, Woven, 2” x 2”, 12-Ply,                                                                                      7317 Sterile, Banded 10s - Trays, 4” x 4”, 16-Ply, 1280/cs
        Non-Sterile, 200/slv, 40 slv/cs                                                                                             7318 4” x 8”, 12-Ply, 800/cs
        Sponge, Gauze, Woven, 4” x 4”, 12-Ply,
        Non-Sterile, 200/slv, 10 slv/cs                             Made of 100% woven cotton, the pads are individually
                                                                    wrapped for your convenience when only one sponge is
                                                                    needed. This highly absorbent and versatile product will meet
                                                                    all market needs and applications.

DERMA SCIENCES                                                      1212      2” x 2”, 12-Ply, Sterile, 100/bx, 24 bx/cs            DERMA SCIENCES X-RAY SPONGES
SPONGE FLUFFS                                                       1212-10   2” x 2”, 12-Ply, 10/bx, 60 bx/cs
                                                                    1212-25   2” x 2”, 12-Ply, 25/bx, 24 bx/cs                      9464S     Sponge, X-Ray Detectable, 4” x 4”, 16-Ply, 1280/cs
9333 6-Ply, Medium, 600/cs                                          1212-36B  2” x 2”, 12-Ply, Sterile, 1/pk, 3600 pk/cs            9467S     Sponge, X-Ray Detectable, 8” x 4”, 12-Ply, 800/cs
9334 6-Ply, Large, 400/cs                                           1312      3” x 3”, 12-Ply, 100/bx, 24 bx/cs                     9470S     Sponge, X-Ray Detectable, 8” x 14”, 16-Ply, 800/cs
9340 4” x 4”, 6-Ply, Medium, Sterile, 480/cs                        1312-36B  3” x 3”, 12-Ply, Sterile, 1/pk, 3600 pk/cs
9345 6-Ply, Large, Sterile, 160/cs

                                                                              Gauze Pads                                                                                                  343
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