Page 344 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 344

DUKAL DISPOSABLE LINENS                                           CRAMER BIOHAZARD KIT                                             MEDEGEN SOLIDIFIERS

             Dukal offers a full range of disposable                           Everything you need to help guard against infection and          Chlorinated absorbent beads solidify liquids into gel form for
             blankets specifically designed                                    comply with OSHA 1910.1030. Contents subject to change.Kit       simpler, less hazardous clean up with suction canisters.
             for the EMS market or anywhere                                    Contents: (4) Discide® Disinfectant Wipes 5” x 7” Foil Packets;
             multiple cot changes are needed.                                  (2) Packages of 3” x 3” Gauze Pad; (1) 24” x 24” Red Bag; (1)    2030       Red-Z, 8 oz Shaker Bottle, Up to 5 Gallon, 6/cs
             They are made of a durable spunbonded material and are an         Alcohol Wipe; (1) Twist Tie; (2) Absorbent Towel; (1) Latex      2031       Red-Z, Single-Dose Bottle, Up to 3000cc, 75/cs
             excellent alternative to the use of traditional linens. For your  Gloves; (1) Exposure Control Incident Card                       2031M      Red-Z Single Does Bottle, 75/cs
             convenience, linen packs are also available.                      022075 Biohazard Contamination Control Kit                       2032       Red-Z, Single Dose Bottle, Up to 1500cc, 75/cs
              7100 Pillow Case, 20” x 29”, Fluid Resistant, White,                                                                              2032M      Red-Z Single Does Bottle, 75/cs
   SAFETY &                                                                    MEDEGEN CHEMOTHERAPY SPILL KIT                                   2035       Red-Z Emergency Response Kit, Boxed, Up to 1.25
EMERGENCY                    25/bg, 4 bg/cs                                                                                                                Gallon, 36/cs
              7102 Flat Sheet, 85” X 41”, Fluid Resistant, Lt. Blue,           Contains everything needed to clean-up spills involving          2036       Red-Z Emergency Response Kit, Polybagged, Up
                                                                               cytotoxic drugs and bodily fluids while complying with OSHA                 to 1.25 Gallon, 72/cs
                             5/bg, 20 bg/cs                                    standards. Kit contains: GreenZ, gown, gloves, pick-up scoop,    2037       Red-Z Deluxe Emergency Response Kit,
              7103 Flat Sheet, 84” x 60”, Heavy Duty Fluid Resistant,          towel, barrier sheet and container for Sharps disposal.                     Polybagged, Up to 1.25 Gallon, 6/cs
                                                                                                                                                2038       Red-Z Emergency Response Kit, Polybagged, Up
                             Lt. Blue, 5/bg, 10 bg/cs                          9258 Chemotherapy Spill Kit, 6/cs                                           to .47 Gallon, 72/cs
              7105 Fitted Sheet, Extra Heavy Duty Fluid Resistant,             P00-48725 Chemotherapy Spill Kit, 12/cs                          2043       Red-Z, Multi-Dose Bottle, Up to 22,000cc, 15/cs
                                                                                                                                                2043M      Red-Z, 16 oz, 15/cs
                             74” x 30” x 22”, Lt. Blue, 5/bg, 20 bg/cs         MEDEGEN EZ CLEANS KITS                                           2062       Yellow-Z, Single Dose Bottle, 75/cs
              7106 Fitted Sheet, Heavy Duty Fluid Impervious,                                                                                   2063       Yellow-Z, 2 Multi-Dose Bottle, Up to 22,000cc,
                                                                               A responsible method for the clean-up of potentially                        15/cs
                             74” x 30” x 22”, Lt. Blue, 5/bg, 10 bg/cs         infectious fluids. The minimize cross-contamination and are      M2042      Green-Z, 22 oz Super Can Z, 12/cs
              7107 Fitted Sheet, Heavy Duty, Fluid Impervious,                 also safe, convenient, effective and inexpensive. Kit contains:  P00-41102  Red-Z, 11 oz Shaker Bottle, 12/cs
                                                                               antimicrobial hand wipe, gloves, pick-up scoop, towel,
                             5/bg, 10 bg/cs                                    biohazardous waste bag & instructions.
              7120 Linen Pack Includes: 1 ea: 7100, 7102 & 7106,
                                                                               P00-17120 EZ Cleans Kit, 24/cs
                             25 pk/cs                                          P00-17121 EZ Cleans Plus Kit, SaniZide Germicidal, 24/cs
              7122 Linen Pack Plus Includes 1 ea: 7100, 7102, 7106,
                                                                               MEDEGEN FORMALDEHYDE CLEAN-UP KITS
                             & 12424, 25 pk/cs
                                                                               Collection and containment solutions for formaldehyde spills.
             DUKAL BURN SHEET
                                                                               P00-48630  (2) Nitrile Gloves, (1) Safety Goggle, (2)
             Made of a laminated spun bounded                                             Respirators, 11 oz Bottle FSC-1™, (1) Impervious
             material and may be used to provide a                                        Gown, (4) Pickup Scoop with Scraper, (4) Disposal
             sterile environment to protect a patient                                     Bags & (4) Wiper Towels
             from infection. The durable construction
             resists tearing and can be used in many                           COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES CHEMOPLUS™                                                             50-5058 PG50-5053
             environments.                                                     ABSORBENT PAD
              7305 Burn Sheet, SMS Blue, 60” x 96”, 12/cs                                                                                       METREX CANISTER EXPRESS™
                                                                               Impregnated with Green Z™ solidifying agent to instantly turn
             COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES                                         liquid spills into a semi-gel.                                   Solidifies liquid medical waste in collection vessels, such
             BIOBLOC™ SPILL KITS                                               BS0013 Chemo Absorbent Pad, 12” x 12”, 100/cs                    as suction canisters. Protects healthcare workers and
                                                                                                                                                promotes workplace safety. Eliminates spilling, splashing and
             Designed to facilitate fast and safe                                                                                               aerosolizing of liquid medical waste.
             clean-up of blood and body fluid
             spills. It complies with OSHA’s rule for                          COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES                                        50-5058    Biohazard Treatment System, 16K, Flip Top Cap,
             Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens and can             SOLIDIFICATION PRODUCTS                                          PG50-5053  Solidifies Up To 16000cc, 20 btl/cs
             be used in numerous occupations. Components included:                                                                              PG50-5054  Biohazard Treatment System, 15K, PremiGuard
             (1) Maximum Protection Poly-coated XL Blue Gown, (1) pr           Use of our solidifiers insures compliance                        PG50-5055  Cap™, Solidifies Up To 1500cc, 64 btl/cs
             each Medium & X-large 8mil Latex Free Gloves, (1) Mask with       with DOT Regulation DOT-E 10821.                                 PG50-5056  Biohazard Treatment System, 12K, PremiGuard
             Eye Shield &ear loops, (1) each 10 gal. & 33 gal. BioHazard       OSHA recommends that all possible                                PG50-5057  Cap™, Solidifies Up To 1200cc, 64 btl/cs
             Waste Bag, (2) Antimicrobial Wipes, (2) Germicidal Disposable     precautions are to be taken to protect                                      Biohazard Treatment System, 2K, PremiGuard
             Cloths, (1) Packet Sanizide Plus, (1) Fluid Control Packets, (1)  healthcare workers from direct exposure                                     Cap™, Solidifies Up To 2000cc, 64 btl/cs
             set Scoop & Scraper, (2) “BioHazard: Handle with Caution”         to infectious liquids. Our solidifiers are designed to absorb               Biohazard Treatment System, 3K, PremiGuard
             Labels, (1) Incident Report Form.                                 and encapsulate blood, vomit, or any fluid with at least 6%                 Cap™, Solidifies Up To 3000cc, 64 btl/cs
              BB6016K Blood & Body Fluid Spill Kits, 6/cs                      water content. Premisorb, Premisorb 2 and KWIK-SORB                         Biohazard Treatment System, 5K, PremiGuard
                                                                               are solidifiers only. PremiCide solidifies and sanitizes liquid             Cap™, Solidifies Up To 500cc, 64 btl/cs
             COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES CHEMOPLUS™                              medical waste with Glutaraldehyde for disposal in the “white
             SPILL KITS                                                        bag” system as non-infectious solid waste. 10K multi-dose
                                                                               bottle has pointed top opening to fit easily into a suction
              DP5016K Chemotherapy Spill Kit, 6/cs                             canister’s port; bottle graduations are imprinted on side.
                                                                               Each graduation will solidify up to 1000cc’s of fluid.
             SUPPLIES CHEMOSAFETY™                                             31146130   Premisorb 5031, Multi-Dose, Solidifies 16,000cc                  SD1200      SD16000
             SPILL KITS                                                        31146148   of Fluid, 20 btl/cs                                   METREX SOLIDIFIER™ SUCTION CANISTER FLUID
                                                                               31146163   Premisorb 5033, Single Dose, Solidifies 2000cc of     SOLIDIFICATION SYSTEM
             Designed for safe and fast                                        31161006   Fluid, 75 btl/cs                                      Solidifies liquid medical waste in collection vessels, such
             clean-up of chemotherapy drug                                     31163473   Premisorb 5032, Single Dose, Solidifies 1500cc of     as suction canisters. Helps comply with DOT regulation
             spills. Packaged to facilitate                                    54901200   Fluid, 75 btl/cs                                      49CFR173.196(a)(4) for infectious substances. Protects
             compliance with OSHA and ASHP guidelines.Components               54901500   Premisorb 5034, Single Dose, Solidifies 1200cc of     healthcare workers and promotes workplace safety.
             Included:Maximum Protection 1 Poly-coated Large Blue              54902000   Fluid, 75 btl/cs                                      Eliminates spilling, splashing and aerosolizing. Low cost
             Gown, (1) pair 18mil Latex Large Gloves, (1) pair 18mil Latex     54903000   Premisorb 5031, Single Dose, Solidifies 3000cc of     effective solidification system.
             X-Large Gloves, (1) Dust/Mist Respirator Mask, (2) 20 gallon      54916000   Fluid, 75 btl/cs
             Waste Bags, (1) pair Eyeglasses w/side shields, (3) Spill                    Kwik-Sorb 5234, Single Dose, Solidifies 1200cc of     SD1200     12K, Solidifies Up to 1200cc, 64 btl/cs
             Towels, (1) pair Shoe Covers, (1) Caution - Chemotherapy sign,               Fluid, 75 btl/cs                                      SD1500     15K, Solidifies Up to 1500cc, 64 btl/cs
             (2) ChemoSorb™ Pads, (1) Scoop & Scraper, (2) Tie Wraps.                     Kwik-Sorb 5232, Single Dose, Solidifies 1500cc of     SD16000    16K, Solidifies Up to 16000cc, 20 btl/cs
              CT4004 Drug Spill Kit, 4/cs                                                 Fluid, 75 btl/cs                                      SD2000     2K, Solidifies Up to 2000cc, 64 btl/cs
                                                                                          Kwik-Sorb 5233, Single Dose, Solidifies 2000cc of     SD3000     3K, Solidifies Up to 3000cc, 64 btl/cs
             310                                                                          Fluid, 75 btl/cs                                      SD500      5K, Solidifies Up to 500cc, 64 btl/cs
                                                                                          Kwik-Sorb 5231, Single Dose, Solidifies 3000cc of
                                                                                          Fluid, 75 btl/cs
                                                                                          Kwik-Sorb 5243, Multi-Dose, Solidifies 16,000cc of
                                                                                          Fluid, 20 btl/cs

                                                                                          Linens – Spill Management
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