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ZOLL POCKETCPR                                                                                                                      DESERT ASSEMBLY OPTI-
                                                                                                                                                 KLENS II LABORATORY FACE &
             Provides real-time CPR feedback and a step-by-step guide to                                                                         EYEWASH
             coach you through the entire CPR process. By using Real CPR                                                                         Chrome-plated, solid brass face
             Help® technology to provide both audible and visual feedback                                                                        & eyewash unit is designed to fit
             on rate and depth of compressions, this durable and easy-to-      329200  329201          329203                                    laboratory gooseneck faucets as a      429022
             use portable device helps anyone deliver good CPR.
             8900-1500-01PocketCPR                                                                                                               permanent face wash & eyewash
                                                                                                                                                 fountain with unlimited water supply
                                                                                                                                                 in an emergency. In operation,
                                                                                                                                                 unit mounts to the spout with two
                                                                                                                                                 spray nozzles curving upwards with
                                                                                                                                                 a 15 degree greater angle then
   SAFETY &                                                                                                                                      the standard OK-II model. In an        429622
                                                                                                                   329202                        emergency, it frees both hands to hold eyes open to the flow
                                                                                                                                                 of water. Delivering more than 3 gallons of water per minute,
                                                                               DESERT ASSEMBLY OPTI-KLENS I                                      it does so at a reasonable height. No plumbing required.
                                                                               EMERGENCY EYEWASH                                                 Two of the most common adapters are packed with the unit.
                                                                                                                                                 Other adapters are available from manufacturer. Meets ANSI
                                                                               Chrome-plated, solid brass eyewash unit easily installs on        Standard #Z358.1-1998 for an eyewash unit. The addition of
                                                                               any existing sink or basin faucet as a permanent eye wash         the Eliminator Valve allows water temperature to be pre-set
             ADC ADSAFE™ CPR POCKET RESUSCITATOR                               fountain with unlimited water supply in an emergency, unlike      at the faucet and remain on. You now have a dedicated face
                                                                               portable models. In operation, unit mounts behind the spout,      wash & eyewash station with only cold water available. For
             High efficiency, low resistance one-way valve and disposable      where it remains out of the way for every day use. In an          sink use, the water flow is activated by the use of the push
             filter minimize the possibility of cross-contamination. 15mm      emergency, it frees both hands to hold eyes open to the flow      through plunger on the Eliminator Valve. Push the plunger to
             O.D. connector can be attached to any standard ventilation        of water. Delivering more than twice the required water flow,     the opposite side for water flow.
             and oxygen equipment. For use on adults, and inverted for         it does so at a reasonable height. It will function properly
             infants. Ergonomically shaped mask with soft-air cushion for      with as little as 15 lbs. of water pressure. It is restricted to  429022  OK-II Lab Opti-Klens Face/ Eyewash Fountain
             leak-free performance, easy grasp and patient comfort. Elastic    reduce high water pressure to a velocity low enough not           429622  OK-IIE Lab Opti-Klens Face/ Eyewash,
             green strap to keep mask in-place. Pocket storage case and        to be injurious to the user. No plumbing required. Two of                 Eliminator Valve
             operating instructions included. Latex Free.                      the most common adapters are packed with the unit. Other
             4053 CPR Valve Mask Resuscitator In Case, Orange                  adapters are available from manufacturer. Meets ANSI
                                                                               Standard #Z358.1-1998 for an eyewash unit. The addition of
             CRAMER COACH’S TEAM FIRST AID KIT                                 the Eliminator Valve allows water temperature to be pre-set       DESERT ASSEMBLY
                                                                               at the faucet and remain on. You now have a dedicated             OPTI-KLENS
             Designed by athletic trainers as a complete solution for your     eyewash station with only tepid water available. For sink use,    ACCESSORIES
             team first aid demands. Contents: (2) Instant Cold Packs; (3)     the water flow is activated by the use of the push through
             Knuckle Bandages; (5) Butterfly Bandages; (3) After Bites; (6)    plunger on the Eliminator Valve. The faucet handles will no       729102  4K Female Adapter
             Tongue Depressors; (1) Tuf-Skin®; (1) Tape Underwrap; (12)        loinger be used after the water temperature is set. Push the      729112  6K Male Adapter
             Antiseptic Towelettes; (10) 3”x3” Gauze Pads; (3) Fingertip       plunger to the opposite side for water flow.                      729122  20K Female Adapter
             Bandages; (1) Scissors; (5) Antibiotic Cream; (1) Sports Injury                                                                     729132  2K Female Adapter
             Care Handbook; (1) Roll Athletic Tape; (1) Sam™ Finger Splint;    329200 OK-I Opti-Klens I Eyewash Fountain                         729142  14K Male Adapter
             (5) Acetaminophen; (10) 3/4”x3” Bandages; (5) 2”x4 1/2”           329201 OK-IE Opti-Klens I Eyewash, Eliminator Valve               729152  50K Universal Adapter
             Bandages; (6) Alcohol Prep Pads; (6) Latex Gloves; (1) 3”         329203 Green Caps For OK-I, 1 pr
             Elastic Wrap; (1) Skin Lube®; (1) Triangle Bandage.               329204 OK-I Diverter
                                                                               329202 OK-EV Eliminator Valve Only, For All Models

             761206  Coachs Team First Aid Kit, 14 1/2” x 10 1/4” x
                     14 1/4”

             CRAMER RETAIL FIRST AID KIT                                       269822          269422          269622                            DESERT ASSEMBLY
                                                                               DESERT ASSEMBLY OPTI-KLENS II EMERGENCY                           OPTI-KLENS WALL MOUNTED
             First aid kit supplied in a durable case with a built in handle.  FACE & EYEWASH                                                    EYEWASH                                469022
             Contents: (3) Tongue Depressors; (1) Jr. Instant Cold Pack;       Chrome-plated, solid brass face & eyewash unit is designed                                               469122
             (3) Fingertip Bandages; (3) 4”x4” Gauze Pads; (3) Knuckle         to fit most standard faucets as a permanent face wash             Wall-Mounted Emergency Eyewash
             Bandages; (25) 3/4”x3” Bandages; (1) Tweezers; (15)               & eyewash fountain with unlimited water supply in an              Fountain. This model meets the
             Alcohol Prep Pads; (9) Antiseptic Towelettes; (1) Vial & Cap;     emergency. In operation, unit mounts to the spout with            needs of facilities without close
             (3) After Bites; (2) Antibiotic Creams; (3) Patch Bandages;       two spray nozzles curving upwards. In an emergency, it            access to standard sinks where a face
             (1) Gauze Roll; (2) Latex Gloves; (10) 2”x2” Gauze Pad; (3)       frees both hands to hold eyes open to the flow of water.          & eyewash station is required. This
             Acetaminophen; (1) 1/2” x 2 1/2 Yds Tape; (10) Jr. Bandage        Delivering more than 3 gallons of water per minute, it does       face & eyewash fountain provides all
             Strips; (1) Scissors; (3) 2”x4 1/2” Bandage; (3) PVP Iodine Prep  so at a reasonable height. No plumbing required. Two of           of the safety features and regulatory
             Pads; (1) Sports Injury Care Handbook; (2) Blister Foam.          the most common adapters are packed with the unit. Other          requirements of all Opti-Klens face
             112000 First Aid Kit, 9 3/4” x 3” x 6 1/2”                        adapters are available from manufacturer. Meets ANSI              & eyewash fountains, but gives the
                                                                               Standard #Z358.1-1998 for an eyewash unit. The addition of        customer an alternative to sink-
                                                                               the Eliminator Valve allows water temperature to be pre-set       installed units.
                                                                               at the faucet and remain on. You now have a dedicated face
                                                                               wash & eyewash station with only cold water available. For        469022  OK-1M Opti-Klens Wall-Mounted Face/ Eyewash
                                                                               sink use, the water flow is activated by the use of the push              Fountain
                                                                               through plunger on the Eliminator Valve. Push the plunger to      469122  Red Caps, Chain For 1M, 1pr
                                                                               the opposite side for water flow.                                 469222  1M Push Paddle, Sticker
                                                                                                                                                 469322  1M Ball Valve, Pipe

                                                                               264514  Face/ Eyewash Fountain, OK-EU                             TECH-MED JAW SPREADER
                                                                               269222  OK-II Diverter
                                                                               269422  OK-II Opti-Klens II Face/ Eyewash Fountain                Provides breathing relief for
                                                                               269622  OK-IIE Opti-Klens II Face/ Eyewash, Eliminator            convulsive victims. Unbreakable and
                                                                                       Valve                                                     reusable. Cold sterilization.
                                                                               269822  Red Caps For OK-II, 1 pr                                  8190 Jaw Spreader, Individually Wrapped, 10/bx

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