Page 264 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 264
21704 With Handles, Blue/ X-Heavy, 48”, 3 Polybags 54TP5620R Tubing with Handles, Medium Resistance,
21705 of 10 Tubing Sets with Hard PVC Handles, Orange, 54” x 5.1”, 1/pk
21706 Instructions Included (30 ea/cs)
21721 With Handles, Black/ Special Heavy, 50”, 3 54TP5637G Tubing with Handles, Heavy Resistance, Green,
21722 Polybags of 10 Tubing Sets with Hard PVC Handles, 54” x 5.1”, 1/pk
21723 Instructions Included (30 ea/cs)
21724 With Handles, Silver/ Super Heavy, 50”, 3 Polybags 54TP5644B Tubing with Handles, X-Heavy Resistance, Blue,
21725 of 10 Tubing Sets with Hard PVC Handles, 54” x 5.1”, 1/pk
21726 Instructions Included (30 ea/cs)
21731 With Soft Grip Handles, Yellow/ Thin, 48”, 3 54TP5651P Tubing with Handles, Special Heavy Resistance,
21732 Polybags of 10 Tubing Sets with Soft Handles, Purple, 54” x 5.1”, 1/pk
21733 Instructions Included (30 ea/cs)
21734 With Soft Grip Handles, Red/ Medium, 48”, 3 STONEHAVEN UNIBAND™ 54TP5668S Tubing with Handles, Super Heavy Resistance,
21735 Polybags of 10 Tubing Sets with Soft Handles, EXERCISE BANDS & TUBING Silver, 54” x 5.1”, 1/pk
21736 Instructions Included (30 ea/cs)
With Soft Grip Handles, Green/ Heavy, 48”, 3 Made of a specially formulated co-polymer material. They BT5941 Tubing with Handles, Light Resistance, White, 100
Polybags of 10 Tubing Sets with Soft Handles, feature performance characteristics that can not be achieved ft, Bulk, 1/bx
Instructions Included (30 ea/cs) with natural rubber (latex) and other compounds. Made with
With Soft Grip Handles, Blue/ X-Heavy, 48”, 3 an elastomeric compound, they are 100% latex free while BT5958 Tubing with Handles, Medium Resistance,
Polybags of 10 Tubing Sets with Soft Handles, retaining the dynamic stretch properties of latex preferred by Orange, 100 ft, Bulk, 1/bx
Instructions Included (30 ea/cs) most therapists and patients. Each band and tube has been
With Soft Grip Handles, Black/ Special Heavy, 50”, clinically proven to provide consistent tension and evenly BT5965 Tubing with Handles, Heavy Resistance, Green,
3 Polybags of 10 Tubing Sets with Soft Handles, spaced resistance levels between each band level. Power 100 ft, Bulk, 1/bx
Instructions Included (30 ea/cs) and odor-free material is cleaner and safer to use. Non-slip
With Soft Grip Handles, Silver/ Super Heavy, 50”, surface for better grip. Buoyant and resistant to swimming BT5972 Tubing with Handles, X-Heavy Resistance, Blue,
3 Polybags of 10 Tubing Sets with Soft Handles, pool chemicals. UV, sunlight and most infection control 100 ft, Bulk, 1/bx
Instructions Included (30 ea/cs) products resistant. Convenient dispenser system.
With Soft Grip Handles, Yellow/ Thin, 48”, in Retail BT5989 Tubing with Handles, Special Heavy Resistance,
Clam-Shell Packaging (12 ea/cs) Purple, 100 ft, Bulk, 1/bx
With Soft Grip Handles, Red/ Medium, 48”, in
Retail Clam-Shell Packaging (12 ea/cs) UNI-1 Exercise Band, Level 1, Peach, 50 yds BT5996 Tubing with Handles, Super Heavy Resistance,
With Soft Grip Handles, Green/ Heavy, 48”, in UNI-2 Exercise Band, Level 2, Orange, 50 yds Silver, 100 ft, Bulk, 1/bx
Retail Clam-Shell Packaging (12 ea/cs) UNI-3 Exercise Band, Level 3, Green, 50 yds
With Soft Grip Handles, Blue/ X-Heavy, 48”, in UNI-4 Exercise Band, Level 4, Blue, 50 yds DUKAL DAWNMIST PULLEY SYSTEM
Retail Clam-Shell Packaging (12 ea/cs) UNI-5 Exercise Band, Level 5, Plum, 50 yds
With Soft Grip Handles, Black/ Special Heavy, 50”, UTUB-1 Exercise Tubing, Level 1, Peach, 100 ft Assists in regaining shoulder strength and maintaining range
in Retail Clam-Shell Packaging (12 ea/cs)g UTUB-2 Exercise Tubing, Level 2, Orange, 100 ft of motion.
With Soft Grip Handles, Silver/ Super Heavy, 50”, UTUB-3 Exercise Tubing, Level 3, Green, 100 ft SP5347 Shoulder Pulley System
in Retail Clam-Shell Packaging (12 ea/cs) UTUB-4 Exercise Tubing, Level 4, Blue, 100 ft
UTUB-5 Exercise Tubing, Level 5, Plum, 100 ft
The elastic design enables a highly effective contract-relax Latex, continuous loop elastic bands. Used for developing This patented web is versatile and easy-to-use device for the
stretch, while the productís slight “give” supports a more upper and lower body strength and endurance, increasing performance of upper extremity exercise. Varying degrees
comfortable static stretch. This functional dual purpose strength and balance and toning/strengthening hips, legs, of resistance and elasticity makes it ideal for hand, wrist and
negates the need for static-only stretching straps. The Stretch thighs, back and arms. forearm programs. Standard resistance sequence allows
Strapís numbered, multi-loop design helps users comfortably convenient and easy progression of exercise programs. Comes
stretch their major muscle groups as well as their extremities LB1 Light Resistance, Yellow, Latex, 10/pk with an illustrated exercise manual.
and specific connective tissues such as the plantar fascia. LB2 Medium Resistance, Red, Latex, 10/pk
LB3 Heavy Resistance, Green, Latex, 10/pk
22300 Stretch Strap, Bulk, Box of 12 Stretch Straps in LB4 X-Heavy Resistance, Blue, Latex, 10/pk
Individual Poly-Bags, Accompanied by Use &
Safety Instructions (12 ea/cs) WW14BK Super Heavy Resistance, Black, 14”, Latex Free, 1/bx
WW14R Medium Resistance, Red, 14”, Latex Free, 1/bx
WW14T X-Light Resistance, Tan, 14”, Latex Free, 1/bx
WW14Y Light Resistance, Yellow, 14”, Latex Free, 1/bx
WW7G Heavy Resistance, Green, 7”, Latex Free, 1/bx
WW7R Medium Resistance, Red, 7”, Latex Free, 1/bx
WW7Y Light Resistance, Yellow, 7”, Latex Free, 1/bx
37001 Includes: 27” Ergo Plus Reacher, Sock Aid with For use in resistive exercise to improve strength and range of
Foam Handles, (2) Pair Each Elastic Shoe Laces motion. 6 color-coded levels of resistance.
Black & White, 27” Dressing Stick, 24” Stainless 54TP5613W Tubing with Handles, Light Resistance, White,
Steel Shoehorn & Long Handle Bath Sponge
54” x 5.1”, 1/pk
230 Physical Therapy