Page 263 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 263
HYGENIC/THERA-BAND HYGENIC/THERA-BAND 20930 Resistance Band Dispenser Package, Red/
EXERCISE MATS PROFESSIONAL 20940 Medium, 15 Ct Starter Dispenser Pk of 5 ft Bands
RESISTANCE BANDS 20950 with Individually Packaged Bands and Basic
Made of high-density 20960 Exercise Guide & Safety Instructions (8 ea/cs)
polyethylene, a lightweight Help users rehabilitate injuries, Resistance Band Dispenser Package, Green/ Heavy,
non-PVC material. Easy to clean improve functional living and Bands with Individually Packaged Bands & Basic
surface. Mats are waterproof, enhance athletic performance. Color-coded progressive Exercise Guide & Safety Instructions (8 ea/cs)
wear resistant, and designed for resistance gives at-a-glance indication of progress from one Resistance Band Dispenser Package, Blue
maximum support. They feature level to the next. Latex Resistance bands come in a variety /X-Heavy, 15 Ct Starter Dispenser Pk of 5 ft
pre-drilled hanging holes and of packaging and sizes, including economical bulk rolls (6 Bands with Individually Packaged Bands & Basic
two elastic straps for easy storage. yd and 50 yd) that facilitate cutting band length to patient Exercise Guide & Safety Instructions (8 ea/cs)
requirement. Resistance Band Dispenser Package, Black/
25053 Blue, 24” x 75” x .6”, Retail Packaged, Individually Special Heavy, 15 Ct Starter Dispenser Pk of 5 ft
25054 Packed in Clear Zipper Bag (4 ea/cs) 11726 Yellow/ Thin, 50 Yd, Latex Free (LF) (4 ea/cs) Bands with Individually Packaged Bands & Basic
25063 Green, 24” x 75” x .6”, Retail Packaged, 11727 Red/ Medium, 50 Yd, Latex Free (LF) (4 ea/cs) Exercise Guide & Safety Instructions (8 ea/cs)
25064 Individually Packed in Clear Zipper Bag (4 ea/cs) 11728 Green/ Heavy, 50 Yd, Latex Free (LF) (4 ea/cs)
25073 Blue, 24” x 75” x 1”, Retail Packaged, Individually 11729 Blue/ X-Heavy, 50 Yd, Latex Free (LF) (4 ea/cs) 21110 21303
25074 Packed in Clear Zipper Bag (4 ea/cs) 11730 Black/ Special Heavy, 50 Yd, Latex Free (LF) (4 ea/cs)
Green, 24” x 75” x 1”, Retail Packaged, 20010 Tan/ X-Thin, 6 Yd (24 ea/cs)
Individually Packed in Clear Zipper Bag (4 ea/cs) 20020 Yellow/ Thin, 6 Yd (24 ea/cs)
Blue, 40” x 75” x .6”, Retail Packaged, Individually 20030 Red/ Medium, 6 Yd (24 ea/cs)
Packed in Clear Zipper Bag (4 ea/cs) 20040 Green/ Heavy, 6 Yd (24 ea/cs)
Green, 40” x 75” x .6”, Retail Packaged, 20050 Blue/ X-Heavy, 6 Yd (24 ea/cs)
Individually Packed in Clear Zipper Bag (4 ea/cs) 20060 Black/ Special Heavy, 6 Yd (12 ea/cs)
20070 Silver/ Super Heavy, 6 Yd (12 ea/cs)
20080 Gold/ Max, , 6 Yd (12 ea/cs) 21431 21731
20110 Tan/ X-Thin, 50 Yd (4 ea/cs) HYGENIC/THERA-BAND
20120 Yellow/ Thin, 50 Yd (4 ea/cs) PROFESSIONAL RESISTANCE TUBING
20130 Red/ Medium, 50 Yd (4 ea/cs) Made of natural rubber and are ideal for upper-body
HYGENIC/THERA-BAND PROFESSIONAL 20140 Green/ Heavy, 50 Yd (4 ea/cs) exercise, rehabilitation and conditioning. Available in seven
RESISTANCE BAND LOOPS 20150 Blue/ X-Heavy, 50 Yd (4 ea/cs) color-coded levels of resistance. Resistance tubing comes in a
20160 Black/ Special Heavy, 50 Yd (4 ea/cs) variety of packaging and sizes, including bulk rolls (25 ft. and
Ideal for lower extremity, shoulder, neck, core and back 20170 Silver/ Super Heavy, 50 Yd (4 ea/cs) 100 ft) that you can easily cut with scissors and customize to
exercises. The loops are available in four resistance levels 20180 Gold/ Max, 50 Yd (2 ea/cs) the desired length. Contain latex.
(Yellow, Red, Green and Blue) and three lay flat lengths (8”, 20324 Yellow/ Thin, 25 Yd, Latex Free (LF) (12 ea/cs)
12” and 18”) to support a broad range of exercises. Contain 20334 Red/ Medium, 25 Yd, Latex Free (LF) (12 ea/cs) 21010 Tan/ X-Thin, 25 ft Dispenser Box (12 ea/cs)
latex. 20344 Green/ Heavy, 25 Yd, Latex Free (LF) (12 ea/cs) 21020 Yellow/ Thin, 25 ft Dispenser Box (6 ea/cs)
20354 Blue/ X-Heavy, 25 Yd, Latex Free (LF) (12 ea/cs) 21030 Red/ Medium, 25 ft Dispenser Box (6 ea/cs)
20810 Yellow/ Thin, 8” Lay Flat Length, 10 Pk Band 20364 Black/ Special Heavy, 25 Yd, Latex Free (LF) (12 ea/cs) 21040 Green/, Heavy, 25 ft Dispenser Box (6 ea/cs) ORTHOPEDIC &
20811 Loops Each Individually Sealed in Polybag with 20380 Active Recovery Kit: Beginner (Yellow, Red & 21050 Blue/, X-Heavy, 25 ft Dispenser Box (4 ea/cs) PHYSICAL THERAPY
20812 Safety Instructions (6 pk/cs) Green) 5 ft Cut Lengths in Retail Packaging, Latex 21060 Black/ Special Heavy, 25 ft Dispenser Box (4 ea/cs)
20820 Yellow/ Thin, 12” Lay Flat Length, 10 Pk Band 20381 Free (LF) (12 ea/cs) 21070 Silver/ Super Heavy, 25 ft Dispenser Box (4 ea/cs)
20821 Loops Each Individually Sealed in Polybag with Active Recovery Kit: Advanced (Blue & Black) 5 ft 21110 Tan/ X-Thin, 100 ft Dispenser Box (6 ea/cs)
20822 Safety Instructions (6 pk/cs) 20403 Cut Lengths in Retail Packaging, Latex Free (LF) 21120 Yellow/ X-Thin, 100 ft Dispenser Box (6 ea/cs)
20830 Yellow/ Thin, 18” Lay Flat Length, 10 Pk Band (12 ea/cs) 21130 Red/ Medium, 100 ft Dispenser Box (6 ea/cs)
20831 Loops Each Individually Sealed in Polybag with 20413 Light (Yellow, Red & Green), Multi-Band Retail Pk 21140 Green/ Heavy, 100 ft Dispenser Box (6 ea/cs)
20832 Safety Instructions (6 pk/cs) (5 ft Cut Lengths in Retail Clam-Shell Packaging 21150 Blue/ X-Heavy, 100 ft Dispenser Box (4 ea/cs)
20840 Red/ Medium, 8” Lay Flat Length, 10 Pk Band 20520 (12 ea/cs) 21160 Black/ Special Heavy, 100 ft Dispenser Box (4 ea/cs)
20841 Loops Each Individually Sealed in Polybag with Heavy (Blue & Black), Multi-Band Retail Pk (5 ft Cut 21170 Silver/ Super Heavy, 100 ft Dispenser Box (4 ea/cs)
20842 Safety Instructions (6 pk/cs) 20530 Lengths in Retail Clam-Shell Packaging (12 ea/cs) 21303 Light (Yellow, Red & Green), 5 ft Cut Lengths in
Red/ Medium, 12” Lay Flat Length, 10 Pk Band Resistance Band Dispenser Package, Yellow/ Thin, Retail Clam-Shell Packaging (12 ea/cs)
Loops Each Individually Sealed in Polybag with 20540 30 Pk of 5 ft Bands with Individually Packaged 21313 Heavy (Blue & Black), 5 ft Cut Lengths in Retail
Safety Instructions (6 pk/cs) Bands with Safety Instructions (4 ea/cs) Clam-Shell Packaging (12 ea/cs)
Red/ Medium, 18” Lay Flat Length, 10 Pk Band 20550 Resistance Band Dispenser Package, Red/ 21431 Resistance Tubing Loop with Padded Cuffs, Red,
Loops Each Individually Sealed in Polybag with Medium, 30 Pk of 5 ft Bands with Individually Beginner/ Intermediate, Retail Packaging (12 ea/cs)
Safety Instructions (6 pk/cs) 20560 Packaged Bands with Safety Instructions (4 ea/cs) 21432 Resistance Tubing Loop with Padded Cuffs, Green,
Green/ Heavy, 8” Lay Flat Length, 10 Pk Band Resistance Band Dispenser Package, Green/ Beginner/ Intermediate, Retail Packaging (12 ea/cs)
Loops Each Individually Sealed in Polybag with 20920 Heavy, 30 Pk of 5 ft Bands with Individually 21433 Resistance Tubing Loop with Padded Cuffs, Blue,
Safety Instructions (6 pk/cs) Packaged Bands with Safety Instructions (4 ea/cs) Intermediate/ Advanced, Retail Packaging (12 ea/cs)
Green/ Heavy, 12” Lay Flat Length, 10 Pk Band Resistance Band Dispenser Package, Blue/ 21434 Resistance Tubing Loop with Padded Cuffs, Black,
Loops Each Individually Sealed in Polybag with X-Heavy, 30 Pk of 5 ft Bands with Individually Advanced, Retail Packaging (12 ea/cs)
Safety Instructions (6 pk/cs) Packaged Bands with Safety Instructions (4 ea/cs) 21622 Exercise Station & Wall Station, Professional
Green/ Heavy, 18” Lay Flat Length, 10 Pk Band Resistance Band Dispenser Package, Black/ Thera-Band Yellow, 24”L with Connectors,
Loops Each Individually Sealed in Polybag with Special Heavy, 30 Pk of 5 ft Bands with 21701 Set of 2 (12 set/cs)
Safety Instructions (6 pk/cs) Individually Packaged Bands with Safety With Handles, Yellow/ Thin, 48”, 3 Polybags of 10
Instructions (4 ea/cs) 21702 Tubing Sets with Hard PVC Handles, Instructions
Blue/ X-Heavy, 8” Lay Flat Length, 10 Pk Band Resistance Band Dispenser Package, Yellow/ Thin, Included (30 ea/cs)
Loops Each Individually Sealed in Polybag with 15 Ct Starter Dispenser Pk of 5 ft Bands with 21703 With Handles, Red/ Medium, 48”, 3 Polybags
Safety Instructions (6 pk/cs) Individually Packaged Bands & Basic Exercise of 10 Tubing Sets with Hard PVC Handles,
Blue/ X-Heavy, 12” Lay Flat Length, 10 Pk Band Guide & Safety Instructions (8 ea/cs) Instructions Included (30 ea/cs)
Loops Each Individually Sealed in Polybag with With Handles, Green/ Heavy, 48”, 3 Polybags
Safety Instructions (6 pk/cs) of 10 Tubing Sets with Hard PVC Handles,
Blue, X-Heavy, 18” Lay Flat Length, 10 Pk Band Instructions Included (30 ea/cs)
Loops Each Individually Sealed in Polybag with
Safety Instructions (6 pk/cs)
Physical Therapy 229