Page 369 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 369

66000451                             66000700                    SMITH & NEPHEW                                                     SMITH & NEPHEW
SMITH & NEPHEW ALLEVYN™ ADHESIVE SACRUM                          ALLEVYN™ GB                                                        ALLEVYN™ GENTLE
                                                                 LITE DRESSING                                                      GEL DRESSING
66000451 Adhesive Sacrum, 9” x 9”, 10/bx, 8 bx/cs
66000700 Adhesive Sacrum, 6” x 5 3/4”, 10/bx, 8 bx/cs            A silicone gel adhesive                                            Suitable for use on fragile
                                                                 hydrocellular foam dressing                                        skin. Advanced triple-layered
                                                                 incorporating the unique                                           construction. Absorbent
                                                                 triple-action Allevyn                                              hydrocellular pad. Perforated
                                                                 technology for use on low to                                       soft gel adhesive wound contact layer. Highly permeable
                                                                 moderately exuding wounds. Suitable for use on fragile skin        waterproof outer film.
                                                                 as the silicone gel adhesive allows the dressing to be changed
                                                                 with minimal pain to the patient and trauma to the wound.          66800255  Dressing, 2” x 2”, Gel Adhesive Hydrocellular
                                                                                                                                    66800256  Foam, 10/bx, 6 bx/cs
SMITH & NEPHEW                                                   66800833  Adhesive, Hydrocellular, 2” x 2”, 10bx, 6 bx/cs          66800257  Dressing, 4” x 4”, Gel Adhesive Hydrocellular
ALLEVYN™ AG                                                      66800834  Adhesive, Hydrocellular, 3” x 3”, 10bx, 6 bx/cs          66800258  Foam, 10/bx, 7 bx/cs
ADHESIVE DRESSINGS                                               66800835  Adhesive, Hydrocellular, 4” x 4”, 10bx, 6 bx/cs                    Dressing, 6” x 6”, Gel Adhesive Hydrocellular
                                                                 66800836  Adhesive, Hydrocellular, 2 1/8” x 4 3/4”, 10bx, 6 bx/cs            Foam, 10/bx, 3 bx/cs
Provides the advantages of                                       66800840  Adhesive, Hydrocellular, 6” x 6”, 10bx, 6 bx/cs                    Dressing, 8” x 8”, Gel Adhesive Hydrocellular
Allevyn™ hydrocellular dressings in                                                                                                           Foam, 10/bx, 2 bx/cs
an adhesive format for simple and
effective fixation.                                              SMITH & NEPHEW ALLEVYN™
                                                                 GENTLE ADHESIVE DRESSING
66020970  Hydrocellular, 3” x 3”, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs                                                                                                                                                      SKIN &
66020973  Hydrocellular, 5” x 5”, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs                 66800959 Border, Multisite, 6 3/4” x 7 1/16”, 10/bx, 6 bx/cs                                                                            WOUND CARE
66020976  Hydrocellular, 7” x 7”, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs

SMITH & NEPHEW                                                   SMITH & NEPHEW ALLEVYN™                                            66007630  66800506
ALLEVYN™ AG GENTLE                                               GENTLE BORDER DRESSING                                             SMITH & NEPHEW ALLEVYN™ HEEL DRESSING
                                                                 Has an advanced triple-layered construction which combines
66800455  Adhesive, 2” x 2”, 10/bx, 6 bx/cs                      an absorbent hydrocellular pad sandwiched between a                Designed to fit snugly around the back of the foot ensuring
66800456  Adhesive, 4” x 4”, 10/bx, 7 bx/cs                      perforated silicone gel adhesive wound contact layer and a         a better anatomical fit. Can be held in place with a light
66800458  Adhesive, 6” x 6”, 10/bx, 3 bx/cs                      highly permeable waterproof outer film.                            conforming bandage.
66800459  Adhesive, 8” x 8”, 10/bx, 2 bx/cs
                                                                 66020402 3” x 3”, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs                                   66007630 5/pkg, 6 pkg/cs
                                                                 66800270 4” x 4”, 10/bx, 10 bx/cs                                  66800506 Gentle Border, 9” x 9 1/8”, 5/pkg, 7pkg/cs

SMITH & NEPHEW ALLEVYN™ AG GENTLE                                SMITH & NEPHEW                                                     66927637  66027643
BORDER ADHESIVE DRESSINGS                                        ALLEVYN™ GENTLE                                                    SMITH & NEPHEW ALLEVYN™
                                                                 BORDER GEL DRESSING                                                HYDROCELLULAR FOAM DRESSINGS

                                                                 Suitable for use on fragile
                                                                 skin. Advanced triple-layered
                                                                 construction. Absorbent
                                                                 hydrocellular pad. Perforated
                                                                 silicone gel adhesive wound
                                                                 contact layer. Adhesive border for gentle but effective
                                                                 fixation. Highly permeable waterproof outer film.

66800452  Adhesive, 3” x 3”, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs                      66800276  Dressing, 3” x 3”, Gel Adhesive Hydrocellular            A trilaminate structure comprised of a non-adherent wound
66800453  Adhesive, 5” x 5”, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs                      66800279  Foam with Border, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs                         contact layer, a highly absorbent central layer and an outer
66800454  Adhesive, 7” x 7”, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs                      66800280  Dressing, 5” x 5”, Gel Adhesive Hydrocellular            layer that is waterproof and aids in the prevention of bacterial
                                                                 66801031  Foam with Border, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs                         contamination. This structure produces a moist wound
SMITH & NEPHEW ALLEVYN™                                                    Dressing, 7” x 7”, Gel Adhesive Hydrocellular            environment for those wounds that have traditionally proved
CAVITY WOUND DRESSINGS                                                     Foam with Border, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs                         difficult to treat because the exudate is hard to manage. Very
                                                                           Adhesive Dressing, Sacrum, 8 1/2” x 9”,                  absorbent and can usually be left in place for up to three to
Comprised of highly absorbent                                              10/bx, 6 bx/cs                                           four days.
hydrocellular foam chips covered
with a non-adherent wound contact                                SMITH & NEPHEW                                                     66020093  Foam Dressing, 6” x 6”, 10/pkg, 3 pkg/cs
layer. Designed to be pressed loosely                            ALLEVYN™ GENTLE                                                    66027643  Foam Dressing, 2” x 2”, 10/pkg, 6 pkg/cs
into the wound cavity. Exudate is absorbed, yet no fibers or     BORDER SACRUM                                                      66927637  Foam Dressing, 4” x 4”, 10/pkg, 7 pkg/cs
residue remain in the wound. A moist wound environment           DRESSING                                                           66927638  Foam Dressing, 8” x 8”, 10/pkg, 2 pkg/cs
is maintained and the dressing is very comfortable in the
wound.                                                           Indicated for the management
                                                                 of exuding, granulating wounds
66027328 3 1/2” x 1” Tubular (3g), 10/pkg, 6 pkg/cs              on the sacrum by secondary
66027329 4 3/4” x 1 1/2” Tubular (7g), 5/pkg, 4 pkg/cs           intent. Prepare and clean the
                                                                 skin surrounding the wound by removing excess moisture.
SMITH & NEPHEW                                                   Start to remove the protector material and anchor the              SMITH & NEPHEW ALLEVYN™ HYDROCELLULAR
ALLEVYN™ FOAM                                                    adhesive side of the dressing to the skin. When positioning        FOAM TRACHEOSTOMY DRESSING
DRESSING                                                         the dressing, place the narrow end of the dressing a
                                                                 minimum of 3/4” above the anal sphincter, then remove any          Absorbs large amounts of secretions, which may help prevent
Absorbent dressing for                                           remaining protector material and smooth the dressing over          maceration and maintain the condition of the skin in the
compromised skin with                                            the sacrum. The dressing should not be used with oxidizing         peristomal area. High absorbency requires fewer dressing
moderate exudate.                                                agents such as hypochlorite solutions or hydrogen peroxide,        changes.
                                                                 as these can break down the absorbent polyurethane                 66027640 3 1/2” x 3 1/2”, 10/pkg, 8 pkg/cs
66000856  Adhesive, Sacrum, 6 3/4” x 6 3/4” (17 x 17cm), 10/bx   component of the dressings.
66000857  Adhesive, Sacrum, 9” x 9” (22 x 22cm), 10/bx, 5 bx/cs  66800898 Sacrum Dressing, Adhesive, Hydrocellular, 6 5/8”
66047581  Foam, 2” x 2 3/8”, 10/bx, 10 bx/cs
66047583  Foam, 4” x 4”, 5/bx, 20 bx/cs                                         x 6 3/4”, 10/bx, 6 bx/cs
66047584  Foam, 6” x 8”, 3/bx, 16 bx/cs

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