Page 353 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 353

71410  Premium, Orthopedic, 4” x 10 yds (Stretched) with         621 3” x 5 yds, CONTAINS LATEX, Shrink Wrapped,                    COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES
71450  Elastic Stretch Clips, Beige, Latex Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                10/pk, 5 pk/cs                                       UNI-PATCH™ ELASTIC WRAP
71610  Premium, Orthopedic, 4” x 5 yds (Stretched) with
71650  Elastic Stretch Clips, Beige, Latex Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs  622 4” x 5 yds, CONTAINS LATEX, Shrink Wrapped,                    Sewn-in hook and loop closure makes application and
       Premium, Orthopedic, 6” x 10 yds (Stretched) with                       10/pk, 5 pk/cs                                       removal quick and easy. Durable latex-free fabric features
       Elastic Stretch Clips, Beige, Latex Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                                                                     excellent memory, is reusable and economical.
       Premium, Orthopedic, 6” x 5 yds (Stretched) with          623 6” x 5 yds, CONTAINS LATEX, Shrink Wrapped,                    MV75100 Elastic Wrap with Velcro™ Closure, 3” x 48”
       Double Velcro Closure, Beige, Latex Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                10/pk, 5 pk/cs

AMBRA LE ROY SUPRA-GRIP                                          A632 With Velcro, 2” x 5 yds,                                      CRAMER DELUXE ELASTIC WRAPS
ELASTIC BANDAGE                                                                Latex Free (LF), 50/bx, 10 bx/cs
                                                                                                                                    Not all elastic wraps are created equal. Unlike the typical
A premium quality, non-sterile                                   A633 With Velcro, 3” x 5 yds,                                      elastic bandage, this wrap is made of heavy gauge rubber that
knitted compression bandage. The                                               Latex Free (LF), 50/bx, 10 bx/cs                     retains its shape and elasticity through repeated washings.
controlled stretch provides support                                                                                                 The breathable cotton body helps minimize heat build-up
that is consistent and firm. No clips                            A634 With Velcro, 4” x 5 yds,                                      without sacrificing support. Heat resistant heavy gauge
are necessary to fasten this latex-                                            Latex Free (LF), 50/bx, 10 bx/cs                     rubber for improved durability and longer life. Cotton body
free elastic bandage, which is secured with a 1” Velcro brand                                                                       promotes air circulation and helps control heat build up.
start strip and 2” Velcro closure strip. Use this bandage where  A636 6” x 5 yds, Latex Free (LF), 10/pk, 5 pk/cs                   Washable.
the convenience and efficiency of Velcro closure is required
along with the benefit of adjustable compression levels.         BSN MEDICAL ARTIFLEX®                                              235212   Deluxe Elastic Wrap, 2” x 5 yds, Beige, 12/bx         SKIN &
                                                                 NON-WOVEN PADDING                                                  235312   Deluxe Elastic Wrap, 3” x 5 yds, Beige, 12/bx            WOUND CARE
90250  Premium, 2” x 5 yds (Stretched), with Double              BANDAGES                                                           235412   Deluxe Elastic Wrap, 4” x 5 yds, Beige, 12/bx
90350  Velcro Closure, Tan/ White Honeycomb, Latex                                                                                  235612   Deluxe Elastic Wrap, 6” x 5 yds, Beige, 12/bx
90411  Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                                      Can be used underneath Compilan                                    235712   Deluxe Elastic Wrap, 4” x 10 yds, Beige, 6/bx
90455  Premium, 3” x 5 yds (Stretched), with Double              to help protect sensitive skin or to                               235812   Deluxe Elastic Wrap, 6” x 10 yds, Beige, 6/bx
90611  Velcro Closure, Tan/ White Honeycomb, Latex               provide padding around bony or
90655  Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                                      irregular shapes. Provides comfort
       Premium, 4” x 11 yds (Stretched), with Double             and protection. Helps ensure
       Velcro Closure, Tan/ White Honeycomb, Latex               even distribution of pressure. Air
       Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                                      permeable, non-absorbent.
       Premium, 4” x 5 yds (Stretched), with Double
       Velcro Closure, Tan/ White Honeycomb, Latex               0904600   10cm x 3m (3.9” x 3.3 yds), 30/cs (BR09046, 020640)      DERMA SCIENCES BANDNET
       Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                                      0904700   15cm x 3m (5.9” x 3.3 yds), 20/cs (BR09047, 020641)      STRETCH BANDAGE
       Premium, 6” x 11 yds (Stretched), with Double
       Velcro Closure, Tan/ White Honeycomb, Latex               BSN MEDICAL COMPRILAN®                                             Ideal for securing burn or post-op
       Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                                      COMPRESSION BANDAGES                                               dressing, decubitus ulcer dressings,
       Premium, 6” x 5 yds (Stretched), with Double                                                                                 IV tubes and incontinence pads. It
       Velcro Closure, Tan/ White Honeycomb, Latex               Made of 100% cotton. Provides high                                 can accommodate a wide variety
       Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                                      working pressure and lower resting                                 of medical needs involving virtually
                                                                 pressure. Ideal in home healthcare                                 every part of the body.
                                                                 situations. Washable and reusable.
AMBRA LE ROY VALUELASTIC                                                                                                            BA2500   Stretch Bandage, #0, 25 yds
ELASTIC BANDAGE                                                  01026000 6cm x 5m (2.4” x 5.5 yds), 1 rl/bx (BR01026000, 020324)   BA25005  Stretch Bandage, #0.5, 25 yds
                                                                 01027000 8cm x 5m (3.1” x 5.5 yds), 1 rl/bx (BR01027000, 020325)   BA2502   Stretch Bandage, #2, 25 yds
A good, general-use non-sterile                                  01028000 10cm x 5m (3.9” x 5.5 yds), 1 rl/bx (BR01028000, 020362)  BA25055  Stretch Bandage, #5.5, 25 yds
woven compression bandage.                                       01029000 12cm x 5m (4.7” x 5.5 yds), 1 rl/bx (BR01029000, 020363)  BA2512   Stretch Bandage, #12, 25 yds
Manufactured with cotton,                                                                                                           BA2514   Stretch Bandage, #14, 25 yds
polyester and latex-free elastic                                 BSN MEDICAL ELASTOMULL®                                            BA2522   Stretch Bandage, #25, 25 yds
yarns, the elastic bandage is lightweight and economical         COMPRESSION BANDAGES                                               BA5000   Stretch Bandage, #0, 50 yds
because it can be laundered and sterilized. It secures with                                                                         BA50005  Stretch Bandage, #0.5, 50 yds
aluminum clips and is durable and comfortable, with good         Offers a precision fit, even in areas                              BA5001   Stretch Bandage, #1, 50 yds
stretch, compression and balance.                                where there is constant movement                                   BA5002   Stretch Bandage, #2, 50 yds
                                                                 such as the elbow or knee. Superior                                BA5003   Stretch Bandage, #3, 50 yds
73250  Economy, 2” x 5 yds (Stretched), with Standard            performance and stretchability in controlling bleeding or          BA5004   Stretch Bandage, #4, 50 yds
73350  Clips, Tan, Latex Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                    edema. It consists of rayon and polyester that is virtually        BA5005   Stretch Bandage, #5, 50 yds
73410  Economy, 3” x 5 yds (Stretched), with Standard            lint-free, reducing risk of particle contamination. Provide light  BA50055  Stretch Bandage, #5.5, 50 yds
73450  Clips, Tan, Latex Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                    compression. Ideal for fingers and foes.                           BA5006   Stretch Bandage, #6, 50 yds
73610  Economy, 4” x 10 yds (Stretched), with Standard                                                                              BA5007   Stretch Bandage, #7, 50 yds
73650  Clips, Tan, Latex Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                    02088000  1” x 4 yds, Non-Sterile, 24/bx (BR02088000, 020327)      BA5008   Stretch Bandage, #8, 50 yds
       Economy, 4” x 5 yds (Stretched), with Standard            02089000  2” x 4 yds, Non-Sterile, 12/bx (BR02089000, 020328)      BA5009   Stretch Bandage, #9, 50 yds
       Clips, Tan, Latex Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                    02101000  3” x 4 yds, Non-Sterile, 12/bx (BR02101000, 020329)      BA5010   Stretch Bandage, #10, 50 yds
       Economy, 6” x 10 yds (Stretched), with Standard           02102000  4” x 4 yds, Non-Sterile, 12/bx (BR02102000, 020330)      BA5011   Stretch Bandage, #11, 50 yds
       Clips, Tan, Latex Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs
       Economy, 6” x 5 yds (Stretched), with Standard            COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                   DERMA SCIENCES COMPRESSION BANDAGE
       Clips, Tan, Latex Free, 10/bx, 5 bx/cs                    SUPPLIES ELASTIC BANDAGES
                                                                 WITH REMOVABLE CLIPS
                                                                                                                                    71201    Compression Bandage, 1 1/2” x 5.4 yds, 12/cs
                                                                 Nonsterile, individually wrapped.
AMD-RITMED                                                       Ideal for pressure dressings,                                      DERMA SCIENCES DUFORE®
ELASTIC BANDAGES                                                 vascular and muscular support.                                     BANDAGING SYSTEM
                                                                 Unique crocheted construction allows extra air circulation
Used to provide flexible support                                 and superior breathability. Provides firm compression and          72414    Four-Layer Bandageing System, Latex Free (LF), 8/cs
and compression during activity.                                 comfortable uniform support. Detachable clip provides
Ideal for strains and sprains. Can be                            convenient, exact positioning.
washed and reused. Non-sterile.
620 2” x 5 yds, CONTAINS LATEX, Shrink Wrapped,                  4202 Removable Clips, 2” x 4.1 yds, 12/bg, 12 bg/cs
                                                                 4203 Removable Clips, 3” x 4.1 yds, 12/bg, 12 bg/cs
               10/pk, 5 pk/cs                                    4204 Removable Clips, 4” x 4 1/2 yds, 12/bg, 12 bg/cs
                                                                 4206 Removable Clips, 6” x 4 1/2 yds, 12/bg, 6 bg/cs

                                                                 Compression Bandages/Dressing Retainers                                                                                    319
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