Page 315 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 315

700672  Naproxen Sodium, 220mg, 100s, Compare to         100308    Aspirin, Enteric-Coated, 5gr, 100s, Boxed,                         7210149  7270457
700691  Aleve®, NDC# 00536-1023-01                       100309    Compare to Ecotrin®, NDC# 00904-2011-59
873601  Mapap, 500mg, 100s, Unboxed, Compare to          100310    Aspirin, Enteric-Coated, 5gr, 100s, Compare to
        Tylenol®, NDC# 00904-1987-60                     100311    Ecotrin®, NDC# 00904-2013-60
        Mapap, 500mg, Rapid Release Gelcaps, 100s,       700317    Aspirin, Enteric-Coated, 5gr, 300s, Compare to            SAJ SELECT BRAND ANALGESIC-CAPLETS
        Boxed, Compare to Tylenol® Extra Strength Gels,  700437    Ecotrin®, NDC# 00904-2013-72
        NDC# 00904-5816-60                               700594    Aspirin, Enteric-Coated, 5gr, 1000s, Compare to
                                                         700674    Ecotrin®, NDC# 00904-2013-80
MAJOR ANALGESIC ELIXIR                                   700731    Aspirin, 81mg, 36s, Chewable Tablets, Compare             1302546  Non-Aspirin Night Time Caplets, 100 ct,
                                                         700789    to St. Joseph®, NDC# 00904-4040-73                                 Compare to Active Ingredient in Tylenol®
001556  Acetaminophen Elizir, 480mL, Compare to                    Aspirin, Film Coated, 35mg, 100s, Compare to              7210149  PM Xtra Strength, 24/cs
700798  Tylenol®, NDC# 00904-1985-16                               Bayer®, NDC# 00904-2019-59                                7210545  Analgesic Non-Aspirin Regular Strength Caplets,
        Formula EM Liquid, 120mL, Compare to Emetrol®,             Aspirin, Tri-Buffered, 325mg, 100s, Compare to            7210628  325mg, 100s, 24/cs
        NDC# 00904-0049-20                                         Bufferin®, NDC# 00904-2015-59                             7210784  Analgesic Non-Aspirin Extra Strength Caplets,
                                                                   Aspir-Low, Enteric Coated, 81mg, 1000s, Compare           7270457  500mg, 50s, 24/bx/cs
                                                                   to Bayer® Low Dose, NDC# 00904-7704-80                    7855018  Analgesic Non-Aspirin Extra Strength Caplets,
                                                                   Aspir-Low, Enteric-Coated, 81mg, 120s, Compare            8580169  500mg, 100s, 24/cs
                                                                   to Bayer® Low Dose, NDC# 00904-7704-18                    8580227  Analgesic Non-Aspirin Extra Strength Caplets,
                                                                   Aspirin, 325mg, 100s, Compare to Bayer®, NDC#                      500mg, 24s, 24/cs
                                                                   00536-1053-01                                                      Analgesic Non-Aspirin Extra Strength Caplets,
                                                                                                                                      500mg, 500s, 12/cs
MAJOR ANALGESIC LIQUID                                                                                                                Analgesic Non-Aspirin Regular Strength Caplets,
                                                                                                                                      325mg, 24s, 24/cs
042128  Analgesic Liquid, Mapap, 500mg, Adult, Cherry                                                                                 Analgesic Non-Aspirin Night Time Caplet,
        Flavor, Compare to Tylenol®, NDC# 0904-5847-09                                                                                24s, 24/cs
                                                                                                                                      Analgesic Non-Aspirin Night Time Caplet,
                                                         NEW WORLD IMPORTS                                                            50s, 24/cs
                                                         CAREALL® ANALGESIC CAPLETS
        700131          700628                                                                                               SAJ SELECT BRAND ANALGESIC-RAPID RELEASE
MAJOR ANALGESIC TABLETS                                  50024ACC Acetaminophen, 500mg, 100/btl, 24 btl/cs,
                                                                        Compare to Tylenol® Extra Strength                   7270150  Analgesic Non-Aspirin Extra Strength Rapid
100440  Mapap, 325mg, 1000s, Compare to Tylenol®,                                                                            7270168  Release Gel Caps, 500mg, 24s, 24/cs
100441  NDC# 00904-1982-80                               NAPC220100 Naproxen Sodium Caplets, 220mg, Compared to                       Analgesic Non-Aspirin Extra Strength Rapid
100442  Mapap, 325mg, Unboxed, 100s, Compare to                         the Active Ingredient of Aleve®, 100/btl, 24 btl/cs           Release Gel Caps, 500mg, 50s, 24/cs
236118  Tylenol®, NDC# 00904-1982-60
252700  Mapap, 500mg, 1000s, Compare to Tylenol®,        PMC50024 Acetaminophen PM, 500mg, 50/btl, 24 btl/cs,
252830  NDC# 00904-1988-80                                              Compare to Tylenol PM®
253617  Ibuprofen, 200mg, 100s, Compare to Motrin®,
700131  NDC# 00904-7914-61                                         ACT32524  ACT50024                                                                                                  PHARMACEUTICALS/
700389  Mapap, 500mg, Boxed, 100s, Compare to            NEW WORLD IMPORTS                                                                                                                OTC
700391  Tylenol®, NDC# 00904-19898-59                    CAREALL® ANALGESIC TABLETS                                          SAJ SELECT BRAND ANALGESIC-TABLETS
700393  Pain Reliever Plus, 100s, Compare to Excedrin®
700628  Plus, NDC# 00904-5135-59                         ACT32524  Acetaminophen, 325mg, 100/btl, 24 btl/cs,                 7210156  Analgesic Non-Aspirin Extra Strength Tablet,
700762  Mapap, 500mg, Unboxed, 100s, Compare to          ACT50024  Compare to Tylenol®                                       7210164  500mg, 60s, 24/cs
        Tylenol®, NDC# 00904-1988-60                               Acetaminophen, 500mg, 100/btl, 24 btl/cs,                 7210198  Analgesic Non-Aspirin Extra Strength Tablet,
        Ibuprofen, 200mg, 24s, Compare to Advil®, NDC#             Compare to Tylenol® Extra Strength                        7210792  500mg, 100s, 24/cs
        00904-7915-24                                                                                                        7211295  Analgesic Non-Aspirin, Childrens Chewable Fruit
        Ibuprofen, 200mg, 250s, Compare to Advil®,                                                                                    Flavor, 80mg, 30s, 24/cs
        NDC# 00904-7915-70                                                                                                            Analgesic Non-Aspirin Extra Strength Tablet,
        Ibuprofen, 200mg, 100s, Compare to Advil®,                                                                                    500mg, 30s, 24/cs
        NDC# 00904-7915-59                                                                                                            Analgesic Non-Aspirin Children Chewable Tablet,
        Ibuprofen, 200mg, 50s, Compare to Advil®, NDC#                                                                                Grape Flavor, 80mg, 30s, 24/cs
        Ibuprofen, 200mg, 500s, Compare to Advil®,       NEW WORLD IMPORTS CAREALL® ASPIRIN
        NDC# 00904-7915-40
        Naproxen Sodium, 220mg, 50s, Compare to          ASP81120  Aspirin, Adult, Low Dose 81mg, Enteric Coated             SAJ SELECT BRAND ASPIRIN-TABLETS
        Aleve®, NDC# 00536-1023-06                       CCA36     Tablets, 120/btl, 24 btl/cs, Compare to the Active
                                                                   Ingredient in Bayer® Low Dose
                                                                   Aspirin, Chewable Tablets, 81mg, 36/btl, 24 btl/
                                                                   cs, Compare to St. Joseph® Aspirin

MAJOR ASPIRIN TABLETS                                    NEW WORLD IMPORTS CAREALL® IBUPROFEN                                1274950  Aspirin Tablet, Adult, 81mg, 36 ct, 36/cs
                                                                                                                             7210107  Aspirin Tablet, 325mg, 100s, 24/cs
001700  Aspir-Low, Enteric-Coated, 81mg, 250s, Compare                                                                       7212145  Aspirin Tablet 325mg, 250s, 12/cs
006131  to Bayer® Low Dose, NDC# 00904-7704-70                                                                               7855000  Aspirin Tablet, 325mg, 100 ct, Compare to
        Aspirin, 325mg, 500s, Compare to Bayer®, NDC#                                                                                 Active Ingredient of Bayer® Aspirin, 24/cs
        00536-1053-05                                                                                                        7855026  Aspirin Tablet 325mg, 500s, 12/cs
                                                                                                                             8580201  Aspirin, Childrens Chewable, Tablet, 81mg,
                                                                                                                                      36s, 24/cs

                                                         IBUT100   Tablets, 200mg, Compared to the Active
                                                                   Ingredients in Advil® Tablets, 100/btl, 24 btl/cs

                                                                             OTC                                                                                                  281
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