Page 308 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 308
Suction swab has an angled tip design that
Contains cavity fighting fluoride. provides easy access to buccal surfaces to help
Pleasant mint taste leaves mouth remove oral debris and secretions. The soft
feeling fresh and clean. Gentle for sponge tip stimulates, cleans and freshens oral
sensitive users. Clear gel and tube for mucosa. No-leak, easy-peel procedure packs serve
easy visibility. as workstation. Clear mouth moisturer containing
aloe vera gel. Alcohol free mouthwash to minimize
GTP4654 Toothpaste, Clear Gel, Fluoride, .6 oz Tube, 144/ xerostomia, which may contribute to dev. Of 30620 Mouthwash, Listerine Total Care, 250mL, 12/cs
bx, 5 bx/cs mucositis and orpharyngeal colonization with gram neg. bact. 30635 Mouthwash, Listerine Total Care, 1 Liter, 6/cs
GTP4661 Toothpaste, Clear Gel, Fluoride, .85 oz Tube, 144/ Non-sterile. Latex free. 30695 Listerine® Total Care Mouthwash, 3.2 oz (95ml), 24/cs
bx, 5 bx/cs 42256 Mouthwash, Listerine Ultraclean™, Fresh Citrus,
GTP4678 Toothpaste, Clear Gel, Fluoride, 1.5 oz Tube, 99786 Suction Valve Handle, 25/cs 1.5L Bottle, 6/cs
144/cs 99787 Suction Swab Pack, Alcohol Free Mouthwash, 42259 Mouthwash, Listerine Ultraclean™, Arctic Mint,
GTP4685 Toothpaste, Clear Gel, Fluoride, 2.75 oz Tube, 40/cs 1.5L Bottle, 6/cs
144/cs 42264 Mouthwash, Listerine Ultraclean™, Arctic Mint, 3.2 oz
RTP06 Toothpaste, Fluoride, .6 oz Tube, 144/bx, 5 bx/cs HALYARD KIMVENT (95mL), 24/cs
RTP085 Toothpaste, Fluoride, .85 oz Tube, 144/bx, 5 bx/cs ORAL CARE KIT 42266 Mouthwash, Listerine Ultraclean™, Cool Mint,
RTP15 Toothpaste, Fluoride, 1.5 oz Laminated Tube, 1.5L Bottle, 6/cs
144/cs Introducing an oral care solution 42750 Cool Mint Listerine, Gallon &2 Pumps, 2/cs
RTP15B Toothpaste, Fluoride, 1.5 oz Laminated Tube, designed by nurses, for nurses, to help 42755 Cool Mint Listerine, 1.5 Liter, 6/cs
Boxed, 144/cs make oral care compliance one less 42795 Mouthwash, Listerine® Cool Mint, 95mL (3.2 oz), 24/cs
RTP27 Toothpaste, Fluoride, 2.75 oz Tube, 144/cs worry. Flexible, easy-to-use system 42824 Freshburst Listerine, 3 oz, 24/cs
RTP27B Toothpaste, Fluoride, 2.75 oz Tube, 1/bx, 144/cs designed with input from direct caregivers to promote 42830 Listerine® Zero™ Mouthwash, Clean Mint, 95mL
RTP47B Toothpaste, 4.75 oz Tube, 60/cs routine oral care. Innovative, patent-pending self-cleaning (3.2 oz), 24/cs
TP1295 Toothpaste, White Gel, Fluoride, .6 oz Tube, 144/ covered Yankauer makes oral care easier and cleaner. Flexible 42831 Listerine® Zero™ Mouthwash, Clean Mint, 250mL, 12/cs
bx, 10 bx/cs suction toothbrush has soft, gentle bristles. Procedure packs 42834 Listerine® Zero™ Mouthwash, Clean Mint,
serve as a sturdy workstation. Portable, no-mess, easy-to-use 1.5 Liter, 6/cs
solution cups serve as a work station. Non-sterile. Latex free. 42855 Freshburst Listerine, 1.5 Liter, 6/cs
43310 Pocketpak Cool Mint, 24cnt, 6/bx, 12bx/cs
GC AMERICA DRY MOUTH GEL 121 Oral Care Kit, Suctdion Valve, Connection Tubing, 52155 Mouthwash, Listerine Soft Mint, 1.5 Liter Bottles, 6/cs
97014 Clamp, “Y” Connector, Oral Suction Probes, 50/cs 70153 Listerine, 1.5 Liter, 6/cs
Designed to ease the symptoms of Q4 Kit Includes: Self-Cleaning Covered Yankauer 70809 Listerine®, 1 1/2 Liter Pump, Individually Wrapped,
dry mouth for patients who may be 97020 with Y Connector, (2) 15mL Unit Dose Cups of 144/cs
suffering from impaired production of .12% CHG Oral Rinse, (2) Suction Toothbrush 70895 Mouthrinse, Listerine Original, 3.2 oz, 24/cs
saliva due to medications, radiation 99789 Procedure Packs, (4) Suction Swab, 16/cs
treatment or diseases that can damage 99790 Q2 Kit Includes: (1) Prep Pack, (2) Toothbrush, (4)
the salivary glands. It has a neutral pH Suction Swab, H2O2 Solution, (6) Suction Swabs,
and a pleasant taste. Sugar-free and Alcohol-Free Mouthwash, (2) Suction Catheters,
alcohol-free and comes in five flavors. 7/cs
Oral Care Prep Pack Includes: Covered Yankauer,
002526 Dry Mouth Gel Assorted Flavors Contains: 5 Tubes Suction Handle, “Y” Connector, 40/cs J&J LISTERINE® NATURALS™ ANTISEPTIC
(40g ea) of Fruit Salad, Lemon, Mint, Orange & Oral Care Suction Swab Pack Includes: Suction
Raspberry, 10/pk Swab, Applicator Swab, Mouth Moisturizer .07
oz, .50 oz Hydrogen Peroxide (H2Os) Rinse, 40/cs
30693 Antiseptic, Herbal Mint, 1L, 6/cs
30694 Antiseptic with Fluoride, Herbal Mint, 1L, 6/cs
The only product for Tints food particles and bacteria, leaving proof in the sink of a
PATIENT CARE/ professional use. It is a 97021 Oral Care Q4 Kit Includes: (1) Prep Pack, (2) cleaner mouth. Contains fluoride to help provide extra cavity
EXAM ROOM SUPPLIES water-based, sugar-free crËme Toothbrush, (4) Suction Swab Packs, H202 protection. Cleans by removing food particles and killing bad
that is applied directly to the Solution, (6) Suction Swab Packs, Alcohol-Free breath germs, for fresh breath and a clean mouth feeling. Serves
tooth surface or oral cavity. Mouthwash, (2) Suction Catheters, 16/cs as a post-brush rinse. Convenient ravel and/or patient size.
It restores the oral mineral
imbalances that cause demineralization by replacing minerals 11329 Oral Rinse, Avengers Assemble™ MintShield®
while improving saliva flow and fluoride uptake as well as Flavor, 500mL, 6/cs
soothing sensitive surfaces - making it an ideal treatment for: HALYARD READY CARE
providing a topical treatment crËme for patients suffering DENTASWAB COMPONENTS J&J LISTERINE® TOTAL
from erosion, caries and conditions arising from xerostomia; CARE ZERO
relieving dry mouth caused by certain medications; Designed to assist the practitioner in
reducing high oral acid levels - sometimes a consequence of refreshing oral care and to provide
pregnancy; buffering acids produced by bacteria and plaque; multiple configurations for varying
regular conditioning during orthodontics, during and after patient needs.
bands or brackets have been removed, to prevent and reverse
white spot lesions; reversing tooth sensitivity and restoring 12262 Mouth Moisturizer, .35 oz, 144/cs 30668 Listerine® Total Care Zero™ Mouthwash, Alcohol
enamel gloss after whitening procedures. 12263 Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse, 1 1/2 oz, Mint- 30671 Free, Fresh Mint, 95mL (3.2 oz), 24/cs
Flavored, 100 btl/cs Listerine® Total Care Zero™ Mouthwash, Alcohol
002265 MI Paste Assorted Pack Contains: 2 Tubes (40g Free, Fresh Mint, 1L, 6/cs
ea) of Melon, Mint, Strawberry, Tutti Frutti &
004505 MI Paste, Mint, 40g, 10/pk COMPREHENSIVE ORAL CARE KITS
MI Paste, Strawberry, 40g, 10/pk, 30 pk/cs
Designed to assist the practitioner in providing proper oral
care and to provide multiple configurations for varying MAJOR DENTURE TABLETS
patient needs.
12260 Oral Care Kit, Includes: 20-Poly Plus Dentaswabs, 479931 Denture Tablets, 40s, Compare to Efferdent®,
Mint Flavor Dentrifrice, 1.5 oz Mint Flavor NDC# 00904-7744-39
Hydrogen Peroxide, & 0.35 oz Mouth Moisturizer,
50 kits/cs
274 Personal Care Items