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11011112070601  11011112080601                                      BAUERFEIND MYOTRAIN®                                                BAUERFEIND LORDOLOC®
BAUERFEIND MALLEOTRAIN® S® ANKLE SUPPORT                            THIGH SUPPORT                                                       BACK SUPPORT
MalleoTrain S is an effective alternative to taping. It stabilizes
the ankle and reduces strain to maximize performance                MyoTrain is similar to a muscle                                     Lightweight stabilizing
during sports and everyday activities. The stretchy knit            taping bandage, but is faster, easier                               orthosis for the lumbar spine
material is breathable and moisture-wicking, which provides         and provides improved results.                                      and lumbosacral transition
effective compression and excellent wearing comfort. The            Directly after injury the additional                                with muscle-activating and
figure-8 strap provides ankle stabilization at the supination       acute pad can provide targeted                                      relieving properties. Four,
& pronation level, during rotation, and other activities.           compression to the injured area, to                                 9 1/4” lightweight, flexible,
MalleoTrain S is great for sports and fits comfortably into         limit the consequences of the injury                                aluminum stays integrated at
shoes. High quality support provides superior comfort and           and shorten healing time. MyoTrain                                  the back which can be adapted
long lasting effectiveness; Stretchy, breathable moisture-          controls muscle tone and helps                                      individually. Easy to put on
wicking, material will not retain heat, allows skin to              prevent repeated injury. It does not loosen with wear and           and take off, features Velcro®
breathe and equalizes temperature; Anatomical knit carries          pressure can be individually adjusted. MyoTrain does not            fastenings with hand straps. Additional elastic tension
controlled compression graduated at the edges to prevent            slip, is washable, and can be re-used repeatedly. MyoTrain          straps permit individually adjustable compression and thus
constriction of circulation; Promotes proprioception, thus          offers innovative support for everyday or athletic use in the       variable adjustment of the stabilizing effect. The elastic,
heightening sensory awareness in the ankle for increased            treatment of thigh injuries. It is a high-quality medical product   breathable product adapts itself to the anatomy and boasts a
joint stabilization; Reinforcing figure-8 strap provides extra      that can be easily put on and removed. The combination of           compact design for maximum comfort. Can be used to treat:
stabilization and a firm footing without restricting range of       anatomical, breathable knit, two adjustable compression             Low back pain, Lumbago, Facet Syndrome, Irritation of the
motion; Boosts self-confidence by increasing proprioception;        pads ñ acute and functional pads ñ and individually                 sacroiliac joint, Degenerative changes of the spine, Muscular
Great alternative to taping. Strap system can be adjusted           adjustable straps provide the highest level of treatment and        insufficiency, Osteoporosis. Size is determined in inches, by
individually, but stays in place once fastened; Compression         comfort. Immediately following injury both compression pads         loosely measuring the circumference just below the waist:
increases circulation, energizes/activates muscles, ligaments       are inserted into the support, to add targeted compression          Size 1 (27.5-31.5”), Size 2 (31.5-35.5”), Size 3 (35.5-39-.25”),
for quicker response & enhances jumping force & thrust;             and to relieve injured muscles. The strap system provides           Size 4 (39.25-43.25”), Size 5 (43.25-47.25”) and Size 6 (47.25-
Fits easily in any shoe for a comfortable fit and is machine        individualized compression. Can be used to treat: Muscle            51.25”)
washable. Can be used to treat: Ligament instability, Post-         injuries to the thigh (especially cramps, pulls, ruptures, tears),
operative rehabilitation, Mild ankle sprains, Ankle strains,        Prevention, especially against repetitive injuries, Bruising to     12185000080001 Back Support, Size 1
Supination prophylaxis, especially when playing sports,             thigh muscles, Additional support for follow-up treatment of        12185000080002 Back Support, Size 2
Ligamental weakness and slight ligamentous tears, Ankle             muscle injuries.                                                    12185000080003 Back Support, Size 3
pain. Right and Left version. Size is determined by measuring                                                                           12185000080004 Back Support, Size 4
the circumference of the ankle at the narrowest point in            11032500080001 Thigh Support, Size 1                                12185000080005 Back Support, Size 5
inches: Size 1 (6 3/4” - 7 1/2”), Size 2 (7 1/2” - 8 1/4”), Size 3  11032500080002 Thigh Support, Size 2                                12185000080006 Back Support, Size 6
(8 1/4” - 9”), Size 4 (9” - 9 7/8”), Size 5 (9 7/8” - 10 5/8”) and  11032500080003 Thigh Support, Size 3
Size 6 (10 5/8” - 11 3/8”)                                          11032500080004 Thigh Support, Size 4
                                                                    11032500080005 Thigh Support, Size 5
                                                                    11032500080006 Thigh Support, Size 6
                                                                    11032500080007 Thigh Support, Size 7

11011112070601 Ankle Support, Black, Right, Size 1                  CRAMER BASIC PATELLAR SUPPORT
11011112070602 Ankle Support, Black, Right, Size 2
11011112070603 Ankle Support, Black, Right, Size 3                  Helps relieve discomfort of tendinitis and other inflammatory
11011112070604 Ankle Support, Black, Right, Size 4                  injuries. Black. Reversible. Measure around knee joint at
11011112070605 Ankle Support, Black, Right, Size 5                  widest point.
11011112070606 Ankle Support, Black, Right, Size 6
11011112070701 Ankle Support, Black, Left, Size 1                   279310  Patellar Support, Small, 12”-13 1/2”, Black                 BAUERFEIND LUMBOTRAIN® BACK SUPPORT                               ORTHOPEDIC &
11011112070702 Ankle Support, Black, Left, Size 2                   279312  Patellar Support, Medium, 13 1/2”-15 1/2”, Black                                                                                 PHYSICAL THERAPY
11011112070703 Ankle Support, Black, Left, Size 3                   279314  Patellar Support, Large, 15 1/2”-17 1/2”, Black             LumboTrain effectively stabilizes and relaxes your back.
11011112070704 Ankle Support, Black, Left, Size 4                   279316  Patellar Support, X-Large, 17 1/2”-18 1/2”, Black           Knitted lumbar support incorporating an adjustable,
11011112070705 Ankle Support, Black, Left, Size 5                                                                                       anatomically contoured silicone insert stabilizes and relaxes
11011112070706 Ankle Support, Black, Left, Size 6                   CRAMER GROIN STRAIN SUPPORT                                         the lower back muscles. Silicone insert with raised nodules
11011112080601 Ankle Support, Titanium, Right, Size 1                                                                                   provides intermittent compression to the soft tissue, leading
11011112080602 Ankle Support, Titanium, Right, Size 2               Designed to wrap groin strains, hip abductors and flexor            to increased circulation, and allowing for unicompartmental
11011112080603 Ankle Support, Titanium, Right, Size 3               strains. Durable neoprene wrap is easy to apply. Has a solid        movement. Intermittent compression stimulates muscle
11011112080604 Ankle Support, Titanium, Right, Size 4               end for wrapping to provide heat and warmth to the injured          activity which most lower back supports do not achieve.
11011112080605 Ankle Support, Titanium, Right, Size 5               area and holes to allow comfort and breathability around the        Promotes proprioception, thus heightening sensory
11011112080606 Ankle Support, Titanium, Right, Size 6               waist area.                                                         awareness in the lower back for increased stabilization.
11011112080701 Ankle Support, Titanium, Left, Size 1                279900 Groin Strain Brace                                           Anatomical knit carries controlled compression graduated at
11011112080702 Ankle Support, Titanium, Left, Size 2                                                                                    the edges to prevent rolling of the support. Velcro fastenings
11011112080703 Ankle Support, Titanium, Left, Size 3                SWEDE-O THERMOSKIN                                                  and hand straps allow for easy application and adjustment,
11011112080704 Ankle Support, Titanium, Left, Size 4                PLANTAR FXT™ ANKLE                                                  even for people with arthritis. Lightweight, breathable knit
11011112080705 Ankle Support, Titanium, Left, Size 5                SUPPORT                                                             will not retain heat and is completely machine washable.
11011112080706 Ankle Support, Titanium, Left, Size 6                                                                                    Can be used to treat: Low back pain (Lumbago), Back Strain
                                                                    The adjustable tension strap                                        / Back Sprain, Sciatica, Lumbosacral Radiculitis, Degenerative
                                                                    pulls the toes upward and the                                       joint disease (arthritis, OA, RA), Lumbrisacral Muscular
                                                                    foot into a slight dorsiflexion                                     Instability, Chronic postural disorders, Bone formation
                                                                    position. This gently stretches                                     disorders, Minor instability of the lumbosacral spine,
                                                                    the plantar fascia so it may                                        Muscle strain, Post Trauma Care, Decompression Therapy.
                                                                    heal. The combination of the                                        Size is determined in inches, by loosely measuring the
                                                                    thermal properties that help reduce inflammation and the            circumference just below the waist: Size 1 (27.5-31.5”), Size 2
                                                                    stretching of the plantar fascia while sleeping aids in the         (31.5-35.5”), Size 3 (35.5-39-.25”), Size 4 (39.25-43.25”), Size
                                                                    treatment of Plantar Fasciitis. Non-slip Safety Sole rubber grip    5 (43.25-47.25”), Size 6 (47.25-51.25”) and Size 7 (51.25-57”)
                                                                    bottom helps prevent slipping.
                                                                                                                                        11084104080001 Back Support, Size 1
                                                                    82234   Ankle Support, X-Small, Beige                               11084104080002 Back Support, Size 2
                                                                    83234   Ankle Support, Small, Beige                                 11084104080003 Back Support, Size 3
                                                                    84234   Ankle Support, Medium, Beige                                11084104080004 Back Support, Size 4
                                                                    85234   Ankle Support, Large, Beige                                 11084104080005 Back Support, Size 5
                                                                    86234   Ankle Support, X-Large, Beige                               11084104080006 Back Support, Size 6
                                                                    87234   Ankle Support, XX-Large, Beige                              11084104080007 Back Support, Size 7

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