Page 225 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 225

SIMPORT DISPOSABLE                                             SIMPORT MICREWTUBE®                                             SIMPORT SNAPTWIST®
CULTURE TUBES                                                  TUBES WITH LIP SEAL SCREW                                       SCINTILLATION VIALS
                                                               CAP & ATTACHMENT LOOP
Ideal for use in bacteriology,                                                                                                 Can be used for liquid scintillation
RIA, coagulation and other                                     The flexible sealing lip inside the cap                         counting, gamma counting,
routine laboratory procedures.                                 ensures a positive leakproof seal under                         chromatography, sample storage and
There are no mold release                                      even the most adverse conditions. This                          culturing. It will fit very nicely into the
agents that could cause errors                                 deep internal lip fits snugly against the                       LKB and Packard Varisette counters.
and interferences in RIA tests. Precision molding with virgin  interior wall of the tube preventing the contents from coming   The shoulderless vial features a full width opening of 12.5mm
thermoplastics ensures that our tubes are uniform in size and  in contact with the threads, thus reducing the chances of       and the overall dimensions are 16 x 57mm. The closures are
shape as well as being chemically clean and ready to use.      sample contamination. Caps are supplied with attachment         made of high-flow polypropylene and are a true time saver.
                                                               loops in order to prevent contamination and mix-up.             The vials can be securely sealed by simply snapping the caps
T400-10    Culture Tube, 17 x 95mm, Polystyrene, 14mL,         Cannot be autoclaved since closure is made of high density      on; removal of caps requires an easy 1/4 turn (twist). The       LAB EQUIPMENT
           Natural, 1000/cs                                    polyethylene. Can be centrifuged up to 17,000g.                 ease with which these caps can be manipulated eliminates            & ACCESSORIES
                                                                                                                               the danger of spillage associated with other push-on/pull-off
T400-10A Culture Tube, 17 x 95mm, Polypropylene, 14mL,         T336-2     0.5mL Tube, Self-Standing, Non-Printed, Non-         caps. A built-in positive lock prevents the cap from popping
              Natural, 1000/cs                                 T336-2S    Sterile, 1000/cs                                     off because of a small build-up of pressure in the vial.
                                                               T336-2SPR  0.5mL Tube, Self-Standing, Non-Printed, Sterile,
T400-3     Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polystyrene, 5mL,          T336-4     50/pk, 10 pk/cs                                      S207    Polyethylene Scintillation Vial, Polypropylene Cap,
           Natural, 250/pk, 4 pk/cs                            T336-4S    0.5mL Tube, Self-Standing, Printed, Sterile,         S207-5  1000/cs
                                                               T336-4SPR  50/pk, 10 pk/cs                                              Polypropylene Scintillation Vial, Polyethylene Cap,
T400-3A    Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polypropylene, 5mL,        T336-5     1.5mL Tube, Self-Standing, Non-Printed,                      1000/cs
           Natural, 250/pk, 4 pk/cs                            T336-5S    Non-Sterile, 1000/cs
                                                               T336-5SPR  1.5mL Tube, Self-Standing, Non-Printed, Sterile,
T400-3AB Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polypropylene, 5mL,          T336-6     50/pk, 10 pk/cs                                      COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES
              Blue, 250/pk, 4 pk/cs                            T336-6S    1.5mL Tube, Self-Standing, Printed, Sterile,         PRECISION DISPOSABLE
                                                               T336-6SPR  50/pk, 10 pk/cs                                      TISSUE GRINDER SYSTEM
T400-3ADS Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polypropylene, 5mL,         T336-7     1.5mL Tube, No Skirt, Non-Sterile, 1000/cs
              Dual Position Cap, 1000/cs                       T336-7S    1.5mL Tube, Conical Bottom, Non-Printed, Sterile,
                                                               T336-7SPR  50/pk, 10 pk/cs
T400-3AG Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polypropylene, 5mL,                     2.0mL Tube, Conical Bottom, Printed, Sterile,        Ready to use in a sterile peel pouch.   3500SA
              Green, 250/pk, 4 pk/cs                                      50/pk, 10 pk/cs                                      Completely disposable after grinding,   3505SA
                                                                          2.0mL Tube, Self-Standing, Non-Sterile, 1000/cs      no clean-up or sterilization required.
T400-3ALST Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Low Surface Tension,                  2.0mL Tube, Self-Standing, Non-Printed, Sterile,     Specimen can be cooled during
              Polypropylene, 5mL, Natural, 1000/cs                        50/pk, 10 pk/cs                                      grinding. Grinder tube doubles as
                                                                          2.0mL Tube, Self-Standing, Printed, Sterile,         a specimen container for transport
T400-3AO Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polypropylene, 5mL,                     50/pk, 10 pk/cs                                      and storage. Protective sleeve helps
              Orange, 250/pk, 4 pk/cs                                     2.0mL Tube, Conical Bottom, Non-Printed,             to contain any aerosolization created
                                                                          Non-Sterile, 1000/cs                                 during grinding. Tissue is ground
T400-3AY Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polypropylene, 5mL,                     2.0mL Tube, Conical Bottom, Non-Printed, Sterile,    quickly due to fresh grinding surface.
              Yellow, 250/pk, 4 pk/cs                                     50/pk, 10 pk/cs
                                                                          2.0mL Tube, Conical Bottom, Printed, Sterile,
T400-3B    Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polystyrene, 5mL, Blue,               50/pk, 10 pk/cs
           250/pk, 4 pk/cs
                                                                                                                               3500SA  Large Tissue Grinder, 50mL Tube, 10/cs
T400-3DS Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polystyrene, 5mL, Dual                                                                       3505SA  Small Tissue Grinder, 15mL Tube, 10/cs
              Position Cap, 250/pk, 4 pk/cs

T400-3G    Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polystyrene, 5mL,                                                                          AMD-RITMED PURFYBR
           Green, 250/pk, 4 pk/cs                                                                                              CYTOLOGY BRUSHES/SPATULAS

T400-3O Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polystyrene, 5mL,                                                                             Specimen collection brushes and
              Orange, 250/pk, 4 pk/cs                                                                                          spatulas have been shown to be
                                                                                                                               significantly more effective in collecting
T400-3Y    Culture Tube, 12 x 75mm, Polystyrene, 5mL,                                                                          endocervical specimens for Pap smears and Chlamydia
           Yellow, 250/pk, 4 pk/cs                                                                                             testing.

T400-4     Culture Tube, 13 x 100mm, Polystyrene, 8mL,
           Natural, 1000/cs
                                                                                                                               4652B   Cytology Brush, 8”, Non-Sterile, 100/bg, 10 bg/cs
T400-4A    Culture Tube, 13 x 100mm, Polypropylene, 8mL,       SIMPORT MICREWTUBE®                                             4653B   Cytology Brush, 7”, Non-Sterile, 100/bg, 10 bg/cs
           Natural, 1000/cs                                    TUBES WITH O-RING SEAL
                                                               SCREW CAP
T400-7     Culture Tube, 16 x 100mm, Polystyrene, 12mL,                                                                        AMD-RITMED SOLON CERVIX BRUSH
           Natural, 1000/cs                                    Made of polypropylene. The O-Ring
                                                               secured in the top of the cap ensures
                                                               a positive leakproof seal, time after                           57725   Cervix Brush, 8”, Non-Sterile, 25/bx, 20 bx/cs
                                                               time, keeping the integrity of small samples under even
SIMPORT                                                        the most adverse conditions. The caps do not have the           MEDEGEN STARPLEX® COLLECTION &
MICREWTUBE® TUBES                                              attachment loops for users who prefer to remove the caps        TRANSPORT SWAB SYSTEMS
                                                               completely from the tubes when filling or sampling. Perfect
Made of polypropylene. Can be                                  for cryogenic work. Non Skirted tube can be centrifuged. Can    Each system consists of a round bottom tube containing
used at extreme temperatures                                   be centrifuged up to 17,000g. Will withstand temperatures       transport media with a rayon tipped swab, plastic shaft or
from -196°C to +121°C.                                         from -196°C to +121°C.                                          wire shafted swab secured by a cap and is then packaged in
Maximum centrifugation RCF:                                                                                                    a pouch and sterilized. Modified Amies Gel without charcoal
17,000g. 20,000g conical bottom                                T334-2     0.5mL Tube, Self-Standing, Non-Sterile, Non-         provides excellent survival for a wide range of bacteria and is
only.                                                                     Printed, 1000/cs                                     recommended for use with gram stain. Shelf life is 24 months.
                                                                                                                               Modified Amies Charcoal Gel provides excellent survival for
T341-2T    0.5mL Tube, Self-Standing, 1000/cs                  SIMPORT                                                         a wide range of bacteria including fastidious organisms such
T341-2TPR  0.5mL Graduated Tube, Self-Standing, White          SCINTILLATION VIALS                                             as Neisseria gonorrhea. Shelf life is 24 months. Modified
           Marking Area For Sample ID, 1000/cs                                                                                 Liquid Stuart’s provides excellent recovery in routine
T341-4T    1.5mL Tube, Self-Standing, 1000/cs                  Made of polypropylene. This                                     bacteriology and is recommended for use with the gram
T341-4TPR  1.5mL Graduated Tube, Self-Standing, White          shoulderless vial features a full width                         stain and rapid screening methods. Shelf life is 18 months.
           Marking Area For Sample ID, 1000/cs                 opening of 23mm for ease of access,                             The Anaerobic Transport System is a self-container, sterile,
T341-5T    1.5mL Tube, Conical Bottom, 1000/cs                 a high degree of resistance to organic                          ready-to-use system which includes a glass tube containing a
T341-5TPR  1.5mL Graduated Tube, Conical Bottom, White         solvents, and sufficient translucence so that reagent levels    semi-solid, pre-reduced transport medium. It is intended for
           Marking Area For Sample ID, 1000/cs                 or the presence of filter paper can be easily detected. The     maintaining the viability of a wide variety of micro-organisms
T341-6T    2.0mL Tube, Self-Standing, 1000/cs                  unique thread design of the closure allows the vial to be       during transportation for up to 48 hours. The system has an
T341-6TPR  2.0mL Graduated Tube, Self-Standing, White          sealed, and opened with an easy 1/4 turn. The quality of the    indicator that will turn lavender if the anaerobic condition is
           Marking Area For Sample ID, 1000/cs                 sealing system is such that it is not necessary to tighten the  compromised. Shelf life is 18 months.
T341-7T    2.0mL Tube, Conical Bottom, 1000/cs                 closure with a lost of pressure to achieve a leakproof seal.
T341-7TPR  2.0mL Graduated Tube, Conical Bottom, White         Polyethylene closure.                                           P02-S120-D Anaerobic Tube, Starswab® Double Rayon Swab,
           Marking Area For Sample ID, 1000/cs                                                                                                Pierceable Screw-On Cap, Black, Glass Vial,
                                                               S220       20mL Scintillation Vial, Bulk, 500/cs                               Labeled, 10/bx, 10 bx/cs
                                                               S220-1     20mL Scintillation Vial, 100/tray, 5 tray/cs
                                                                                                                               P02-SP130D Modified Amies Clear Media Gel, Starswab®
                                                                                                                                              Double Rayon Swab in Round Bottom Tube& Cap,
                                                                                                                                              White, 50/bg, 10 bg/cs

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