Page 177 - Saginaw_Medical_Custom_Medical Catalog
P. 177

COVIDIEN/                                                          COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                  COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES
MEDICAL SUPPLIES                                                   SUPPLIES RCRA                                                     SHARPSAFETY™ FOOT PEDAL
PHARMASAFETY                                                       HAZARDOUS WASTE                                                   CARTS & FLOOR BRACKETS
SHARPS DISPOSAL                                                    CONTAINERS                                                        One-handed disposal. Lids lift or slide
CONTAINERS                                                                                                                           open easily with foot-operated pedal.
                                                                   Designed to segregate                                             Lids may remain closed when not in
Pharmasafety label meets                                           hazardous pharmaceutical                                          use to reduce exposure to contents
California law requirements for content restrictions,              waste under the Resource                                          and Type 1 violations. Ergonomic         8940FP
incineration, and disposal dating. White and blue color easily     Conservation and
distinguished from Sharps, Chemotherapy and other disposal         Recovery Act. Black with white lids, they are easily distinguish  handle is telescopic when transporting
containers. Leak-resistant gasket and absorbent pad help           from other disposal containers. Each has a leak resistant gas     and retractable when stationary.
contain liquid contents. Tamper evident label helps deter                                                                            Heavy containers can be removed
tampering during final disposal. Sturdy, rigid polypropylene                                                                         from the side with minimal lifting.
construction excellent impact and leak resistance (unlike          8601RC    Screw Cap, Black, 1 1/2 Qt, 20/cs                       OSHA 29 CFR 1910.130, “During use,
cardboard or fiber) to contain heavy vials, IV bags, liquids       8602RC    2 Gal, 20/cs                                            sharps disposal containers must be       8992H
and more. Two-gallon, three-gallon and eight-gallon capacity       8605RC    Counterbalance Lid, Black, 5 Qt, 14/cs
sizes are suitable for multiple locations - nursing units, med     8607RC    Hinge Top, 8 Gal, 10/cs                                 maintained upright throughout use”.
carts, anesthesia, pharmacies, etc. Secure, hinged lid with        8608RC    Slide Lid, Black, 8 Gal, 10/cs
temporary and final closure accepts larger, bulkier waste;         8611RC    Hinged Lid, Black, 12 Gal, 10/cs                        8938FP  Foot Pedal Cart For 18 Gal Slide-Top Lid Large
closes temporarily between uses; locks for final disposal.         8612RC    Slide Lid, Black, 12 Gal, 10/cs                         8940FP  Volume & Chemotherapy Containers, 1/cs
Nestable containers save valuable storage space. Locking           8617RC    Hinge Top, 18 Gal, 5/cs                                         Molded Foot Pedal Cart For 12 & 18 Gal Slide-Lid
wall-mounting brackets and floor carts available allow for         8618RC    Hazardous Waste Container , Slide Lid, Black,           8980FP  Large Volume & Chemotherapy Containers,
point-of-use placement and one-handed disposal; increases                    18 Gal, 5/cs                                            8981FP  31”H x 22 3/4”D x 15 1/4W, 1/cs
mobility, stability, and security.                                                                                                   8991FP  Foot Pedal Cart For 8 Gallon Large Volume
                                                                                                                                             Hinged Lid Container, 1/cs
8820    2 Gal, Lid & Absorbent Pad, 10”H x 7 1/4”D x                                                                                 8992H   Foot Pedal Cart For 8 Gal Slide-Top Lid Large
88361H  10 1/2” W , 20/cs                                                                                                                    Volume & Chemotherapy Containers, 1/cs
8836SA  3 Gal Wall Enclosure, 17 1/2”H x 6 1/2”D x                                                                                           Foot Pedal Cart For 12 & 18 Gal Hinged Lid Large
8850    14 1/2” W , 1/cs                                                                                                                     Volume & Chemotherapy Containers, 31”H x
8860    3 Gal , Tamper-Resistant Counter Balanced Lid,                                                                                       22 3/4”D x 15 1/4”W, 1/cs
8870    16 1/2”H x 6”D x 13 3/4” W , 10/cs                                                                                                   Floor Cart Wheels For 8, 12, & 18 Gal Large
        8 Gal, Lid & Absorbent Pad, 17 3/4”H x 11”D x                                                                                        Volume & Chemotherapy Containers, 22”H x
        15 1/2” W , 10/cs                                                                                                                    12 3/4”D x 22 1/25”W, 1/cs
        12 Gal, Lid & Absorbent Pad, 18 3/4”H x 12 3/4”D
        x 18 1/4” W, 10/cs                                         COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES SHARPS                                  COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES
        18 Gal, Lid & Absorbent Pad, 26”H x 12 3/4”D x             CONTAINERS                                                        SHARPSTAR IN-ROOM
        18 1/4” W , 5/cs                                                                                                             CONTAINERS
                                                                   Clear, locking lids with horizontal load openings. Large
COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES                                          horizontal openings accommodate larger syringes. Easy,            Minimizes the potential for overfilling
PHLEBOTOMY SHARPS                                                  simple assembly. Containers lock for final disposal. Nestable     by stopping in the FULL position
CONTAINERS                                                         containers save valuable storage space. Plastics and pigments     when it reaches maximum capacity.
                                                                   are safe to autoclave and incinerate.                             Unique lid design limits accidental
Adapts to present blood drawing trays and                                                                                            or intentional access to container
techniques, including the AutoDrop Blood                           31142222  Container, 2 Gal, Red, Clear Lid, 10.1”H x 7 1/4”D      contents for pediatric, geriatric or high-
Needle Holder System (1510SA). Available                           31143699  x 8 1/2”W, 20/cs                                        risk areas. Allows for visual monitoring. Economical forced
holders and brackets. Facilitates the disconnection of multi-      8979MW    Container, 1 Gal, Red, Clear Sliding Lid, 4.8”H x       horizontal drop maximized container volume.
sample needles from needle holders. A variety of container sizes             7 1/4”D x 8 1/2”W, 32/cs
and openings allow for disposal of other sharpslancets, butterfly            Renewables™ Multipurpose Sharps Container,              8556H   SharpStar Container (8507SA), Wall Enclosure &
tubing and small syringes. Containers lock for final disposal.               2 Gal, 20/cs                                                    Glove Dispenser, 1/cs

1522SA  Sharps Container, 2.2 Qt, Red, 60/cs                       COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES SHARPS-A-
1525SA  Sharps Container, 8 Qt, Red, 20/cs                         GATOR™ WALL CABINETS & ENCLOSURES,
8900SA  Sharps Container, 1 Qt, Red, 100/cs                        GLOVE BOXES & HOLDERS
8901SA  Sharps Container, 1/2 Qt, Autodrop, Red, 100/cs
                                                                   Designed to secure the sharps containers and maintain it
COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES                                          upright throughtout use.                                          8506SA  8507SA                           8536SA
CONTAINERS                                                         31139762  Single Glove Box Holder, 20/cs                          COVIDIEN/MEDICAL SUPPLIES SHARPSTAR
Clear, locking lids with horizontal load                           31140349  Cart Frame For 19 Gallon Sharps-A-Gator                 IN-ROOM SYSTEM WITH SHARPSTAR LIDS
openings. Large, horizontal openings                               31307005  Wall Cabinet, Safety In Room Container,
accommodate larger syringes. Easy,                                           2 & 3 Gallon                                            Minimizes the potential for overfilling by stopping in the
simple assembly. Nestable containers      31139747                 31320032  Glove Box For Safety In Room Cabinet, 10/cs             full position when it reaches maximum capacity. Unique lid
                                                                   31353553  Wall Cabinet, For Safety In Room Container, 5 Qt        design limits accidental or intentional access to container
save valuable storage space. Full                                                                                                    contents for pediatric, geriatric or high-risk areas. Allows
range of brackets available. Plastics                                                                                                for visual monitoring. Economical forced horizontal drop
and pigments are safe to autoclave                                                                                                   maximizes container volume.
or incinerate. Reduces risk of                                                                                                                                                                     INFECTION
needlesticks when disposing of sharps.                                                                                                                                                                CONTROL
Puncture resistant, durable, and safe.                                                                                               8506SA  Container, 5 Qt Clear Sharpstar, Counter Balanced
Easy to see fill levels.                                                                                                             8507SA  Lid, 20/cs
                                          31140109                                                                                           IN-ROOM Sharps Container, 5 Qt, Transparent
                                                                                                                                     8533SA  Red, SHARPSTAR Lid & Counter-Balanced Door,
Accessories                                                                                                                          8534SA  12 1/2”H x 5 1/2”D x 10 3/4”W, 20/cs
31139747 Extra Keys for Hidden Bracket Set, 10/cs                                                                                    8536SA  Container, 2 Gal, Clear Sharpstar, Counter
31140109 Cart for 7 & 10 Gal Sharps Container, 4 Casters, 1/cs                                                                               Balanced Lid, 10/cs
31158549 Cabinet for 5 Qt Sharps Container, Clear Front, Almond                                                                      8537SA  Container, 2 Gal, Transparent Red Sharpstar,
                                                                                                                                             Counter Balanced Lid, 10/cs
            Back, 10/cs                                                                                                                      IN-ROOM Sharps Container, 12 Qt, Clear,
31158960 Hidden Bracket & Key, 20/cs                                                                                                         SHARPSTAR Lid & Counter-Balanced Door,
31217949 Cart for 7, 10 & 12 Gal Sharps-A-Gator Container, 1/cs                                                                              16”H x 6”D x 13 3/4”W, 10/cs
31307054 Wire Bracket , Lock For 5 Qt, 2 & 3 Gal Sharps                                                                                      Container, 3 Gal, Red Sharpstar, Counter Balanced
                                                                                                                                             Lid, 10/cs
            Container, 10/cs
31307062 Wire Bracket For 5 Qt, 2 & 3 Gal GATORGUARD, 10/cs

                                                                             Sharps/Waste Containers                                                                                  143
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